Pēd. atjaunots: 29.11.2024 10:19 (GMT+2)
Merko Ehitus NEWS RELEASE 30.09.2004
Commentary on article published in Äripäev
In order to specify the article published in Äripäev on September 30, 2004
titled "Merko Ehitus builds the first stage of Kunda cellulose factory and
designs the whole factory; the contract price is confidential" we consider
it necessary to point out the following.
In the subsection 6.1 of Chapter 6 Changes in Issuer’s Business of the
Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules it is stated that an Issuer is required to
immediately disclose any circumstances and events which have, or may have,
a substantial effect on the business operations or financial situation of
the Issuer. Such circumstances may include amongst other things the
conclusion of a contract important for the Issuer. For the purposes of
these Requirements, the sum which is equal to or exceeds 10% of the
Issuer’s equity according to the latest audited consolidated balance sheet
is understood as important.
Hereby we state that the price of the design project and construction
contract concluded between AS Merko Ehitus and RWE Industrie-Lösungen GmbH
remains below the aforementioned 10% of the Issuer's equity and thus Merko
did not consider it necessary to publish a stock exchange release.
Marko Pern
+372 6 805 130