Pēd. atjaunots: 09.07.2024 00:08 (GMT+3)


04.04.2005, Merko Ehitus, TLN
AS Merko Ehitus                      Announcement                      04.04.2005


The Board of AS Merko Ehitus announces that the regular general meeting of
shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus, located at 9G Järvevana road, Tallinn 11314,
takes place on the 27th of April 2005 at 15:00 PM in the "Stuudio I" conference
room of the hotel Central at 7c Narva St, Tallinn.

Agenda of the meeting:

1. Approval of the 2004 annual report;
A proposal will be made to the shareholders to approve the annual
report of AS Merko Ehitus for 2004.

2. Deciding the profit distribution;
A proposal will be made to the shareholders to approve the following
profit distribution proposal:
(i) to approve the net profit of the financial year of 2004 in the
amount of 294 599 896 Estonian kroons (EUR 18 828 365);

(ii) to pay dividends to shareholders from the net profit of 2004 in the
total amount of 57 525 000 Estonian kroons (EUR 3 676 518), which
makes 6 kroons and 50 sents (EUR 0,4154) per share;

all shareholders entered in the share ledger of AS Merko Ehitus as of
11 May 2005 at 8:00 hours a.m. are entitled to dividends;

dividends shall be paid to shareholders on 18 May 2005 by remitting
the respective amount to the current account tied to the shareholder’s
securities account;

(iii) to maintain the rest of the net profit undivided.

3. Appointment of auditor for financial year of 2005.
The name of the auditing company will be presented at the annual
general meeting of shareholders.

4. Amendment of Articles of Association
A proposal will be made to the shareholders to approve the new Articles
of Association of AS Merko Ehitus such as set forth in the notice
forwarded to the Tallinn Stock Exchange on 30 March 2005.

5. Increase of share capital
(i) Pursuant to § 350 of Estonia's commercial law and based on the approved
annual report 2004 of the public limited company, increase the share
capital by EEK 88,500,000 (eighty-eight million five hundred thousand)
by means of a bonus issue on account of the premium paid in the course
of previous share issues (EEK 2,950,000) and the retained earnings of
the previous financial years (EEK 85,550,000) and issue 8,850,000
(eight million eight hundred and fifty thousand) new common shares with
a nominal value of EEK 10 (ten), whereas:

- as a result of the bonus issue the share capital of the public limited
company will increase from EEK 88,500,000 (eighty-eight million five
hundred thousand) to EEK 177,000,000 (one hundred and seventy-seven

- the increase of share capital will be performed on account of the
premium payments made in the course of previous share issues and the
retained earnings of previous periods, whereas the shareholders will not
subscribe for shares nor make contributions for shares;

- in the course of the bonus issue the shareholding of a shareholder in
the share capital will increase in proportion to the nominal value of the
shares the shareholder holds;

- as a result of increasing the share capital all shareholders who have
been entered in the share register as of 11 May 2005 at 8.00 a.m. will
acquire 1 (one) new share for each existing share;

- the shares to be issued shall grant the shareholder the right to receive
dividends payable after 01.01.2006;

- the new shares will be registered in the share register not later than
within one (1) month after an entry regarding the increase of share
capital is made in the commercial register.

The suffrage of the shareholder at the general meeting will be determined on the
basis of the minutes book as of 27.04.2005 at 8:00 AM.
The registration of the participants of the meeting will start on the 27th of
April 2005 at 14:30 PM.

Upon registration the legitimate representatives of the corporate shareholders
are asked to submit the documents, which would approve their right to
representation. For the board members of a corporate body it is a copy of the
registration card of the company, for the authorized representatives it is the
authorization from the board or its substitute and a copy of the registration
card of the company. The document for personal identification will be required.
The individual shareholders will be asked to submit the document for personal
identification, a representative will be asked to submit also the authorization.
A passport or other identity document containing the photograph, name, and
personal identification code of the person and the name of the state agency
having issued the document is acceptable as an identity document.

The annual report 2004 will be available for viewing from the 11th of April 2004
at Internet homepages of Tallinn Stock Exchange (www.ee.omxgroup.com) and Merko
Ehitus (www.merkoehitus.ee), and on every workday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the
office of AS Merko Ehitus, 9G Järvevana road, Tallinn.

For any further questions concerning the general meeting, please contact us by
telephone +372 6 805 105.

Alar Lagus
Management Board member
+372 6 805 109


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