Pēd. atjaunots: 02.07.2024 18:02 (GMT+3)

Kalev: Management proposals for the annual general meeting

15.06.1999, Luterma, TLN


In reference to agenda point 1, approval of the annual report for
1998, propose that the loss for the year be distributed according to
the following:

Cover 1998 loss - 73,417,158.90 EEK as follows:
· share premium account the sum of 29,591,459.00 EEK;
· reserve capital account the sum of 6,828,239.00 EEK;
· retained earnings from prior years the sum of 15,718,692.60 EEK;

The remaining loss -21,278,768.30 EEK would be carried as an
undistributed loss from a prior period.

In reference to agenda point 2, amendments to the articles of
association, propose the following changes and additions of the AS
Kalev Articles of Association:



2.1 Company's scope of activity is:

a) Every type of confectionery, along with semi-finished products;
b) For wholesale and retail sale, export and import;
c) Purchase, sale, exchange of goods, for export and import, along
with performance of services;
d) Currency exchange

§ 2 Expand point c) to include the following: and transparent customs


6.2 Management will give notice to shareholders at least three weeks
in advance of an upcoming general meeting. Notice will be sent via
mail to each shareholder's given address. In the event that the
company has over 500 shareholders, notice of an upcoming general
meeting will be announced in a newspaper. When notice has been
announced in a newspaper, no notice will be sent to shareholders.

§6.2 change- Management will give notice to shareholders at least
three weeks in advance of an upcoming general meeting. Notice will
be sent via mail to each shareholder's given address. In the event
that the company has over 100 shareholders, notice of an upcoming
general meeting will not be mailed. In this circumstance, notice
will be given in a nationally circulated, daily newspaper.
(ÄS § 294)

§ 6.2.2. Add - Management will determine the agenda. If the general
meeting has been called by shareholders or the auditor, they will
determine the agenda.

6.4. The general meeting agenda is as follows:
a) Changes in the articles of association;
b) Growth and contraction of share capital;
c) Preparation of bonds;
d) Selection and affirmation of Board of Director members;
e) Selection of the auditor;
f) Establishment of specialized controls;
g) Acceptance the prior year's financial statements and distribution
of the profit/loss;
h) Decisions on the company future;
i)Management or a member of the Board of Directors or a shareholder
can petition against decisions and establish an opposing position for
the company;
j) Changes in rules for a general meeting agenda can be established
through the presentation of questions.

§ 6.4. Expand point h) to read as follows - Presentations on
decisions for the company future, merging the company and
reorganizing the company. (ÄS §298)

6.5. The general meeting can accept decisions if at least half of the
shareholder votes are present for a quorum. If at least half of the
shareholder votes are not present for a quorum, the management will
call a new general meeting in three weeks time with the same agenda.
The new general meeting is competent to accept decisions independent
of the number of shareholder votes present.

§ 6.5 Change - The general meeting can accept decisions if over half
of the shareholder votes are present for a quorum or if the changes
to rules or the articles of association are not expected to need a
majority of votes. If over half of the shareholder votes are not
present, the management will call a new general meeting with the same
agenda in three weeks time but not within seven days of the prior
general meeting. The new general meeting is competent to accept
decisions independent of the number of shareholders

6.6. The general meeting's decisions are accepted when at least half
of the present shareholder votes favor the decision or if the changes
to rules or the articles of association are not expected to need a
majority of votes.

§ 6.6 Change - The general meeting's decisions are accepted when at
over half of the present shareholder votes favor the decision or if
the changes to rules or the articles of association are not expected
to need a majority of votes. (ÄS § 299)


7.2. Company management has 2-8 members who are selected by the Board
of Directors for three-year terms.

§ 7.2 Change - Company management has 1-7 members who are selected by
the Board of Directors for three-year terms. (ÄS § 308)


8.1 Any member of management can represent the company in legal

§ 8.1- change "legal matters" to "legally binding matters" (ÄS


9.2. It is necessary for management to call a Board of Directors
meeting on technical matters that are outside of the normal frame of
daily operations, including all technical matters pertaining to:

a) Confirmation of the yearly budget;
b) Acquisition of stakes and the ending of other legal relationships;
c) Acquisition, dispossession or discontinuation of the activities of
an undertaking;
d) Acquisition, dispossession and encumbrance of real estate;
e) Acquisition, dispossession and encumbrance of buildings,
trademarks and patents;
f) Establishment and closure of foreign branches;
g) Investments, which exceed the amount of expenditures projected for
the current financial year;
h) Taking of loans and obligations, which exceed the amounts intended
in the annual budget and the terms of which differ from the ones
coordinated with the Board of Directors;
i) Granting of loans, since this is outside of the scope of everyday
j) Guaranteeing of debt liabilities of third persons;
k) Amortization of irredeemable accounts receivable;
l) Using of profit earned during the current year;
m) Undersigning of any agreements with employees, which grant the
employees pension and/or compensation after termination of work

§ 9.2 change- Consent of the Board of Directors is necessary to
conclude on behalf of undertaking the transactions, which are outside
of the scope of everyday operations, especially transactions
pertaining to:
- Acquisition of stakes and the ending of other legal relationships,
- Acquisition, dispossession or discontinuation of the activities of
an undertaking, or
- Dispossession or encumbrance of real estate or registered non-fixed
assets, or
- Establishment and closure of foreign branches, or
- Investments, which exceed the amount of expenditures projected for
the current financial year, or
- Taking of loans and obligations, which exceed the amounts projected
for the current financial year, or
- Granting of loans and guaranteeing of obligations, which are
outside of the scope of everyday operations, or
- Undersigning of agreements with employees, which allow payment of
allowances and compensations other than statutory after termination
of work relations.

9.4. Every Board of Director has one vote. Decisions by the Board of
Directors are accepted when over half of the present Board of
Directors members vote for the decision, except on the following
issues for which an unanimous vote by all Board of Director members
is necessary;

a) Purchase, dispossession or encumbrance of real estate and
b) Acquisition and dispossession of shareholding in other legal
persons, except short-term investments
c) Guaranteeing of debt liabilities of third persons
d) Undersigning of any contracts with employees, which grant the
employees pension and/or compensation after termination of work

§ 9.4. change (harmonize with §9.2) the list

- Acquisition of stakes and the ending of other legal relationships,
- Acquisition, dispossession or discontinuation of the activities of
an undertaking, or
- Dispossession or encumbrance of real estate or registered non-fixed
assets, or
- Establishment and closure of foreign branches, or
- Making of investments, which exceed the expenditures intended for
the current financial year, or taking of loans and obligations, which
exceed the expenditures intended for the current financial year, or
granting of loans and guaranteeing of obligations, which are outside
of the scope of everyday operations
- Undersigning of any contracts with employees, which allow payment
of allowances and compensations other than statutory after
termination of work relations.



§ 11 The company can be terminated upon the decision of the general
meeting, due to judicial decision or other laws, or through measures
address in the articles of association. (ÄS §364)

§ 12 Both monetary as well as non-monetary payments can be made upon
liquidation of the company (former §11)

Tiina Altmets
Director of Information
Tel. +372 628 3711


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