Pēd. atjaunots: 06.07.2024 02:15 (GMT+3)

KLV: AS Kalev disputes Tax and Customs Board decision

29.06.2005, Luterma, TLN
Kalev                            ANNOUNCEMENT                           29.06.2005


AS Kalev is disputing the decision of the Tax and Customs Board's (TCB) Põhja tax
centre of 17 June 2005 on determining the carry-over stock and surplus quantities
of sugar for AS Kalev.

AS Kalev continues to hold the position that it declared its sugar quantities
correctly and in conformance with the provisions of the Surplus Quantities Fees
Act (SQFA) and the company is not the owner or possessor of the 15,600-ton sugar
surplus quantity declared excessive by the MTA as of 1 May 2004.

The SQFA, published 27 April 2004, entered into force on 1 May 2004. AS Kalev
sold the 15,400 tons of sugar it possessed before the SQFA entered into force. AS
Kalev gave the rights to the ownership of the sugar to a buyer upon conclusion of
a contract. Since the conclusion of the contract, AS Kalev has not been the owner
of the sugar.

The obligations of the buyer and seller arising from the sugar sale contract have
been fulfilled and the sales contract has real legal and factual economic
consequences that conform to its content. The tax authority's position that this
sales transaction was a mere technicality is unjustified. AS Kalev does not agree
with the position of the tax authority solely due to the fact that it is proven
in documentary form that the rights to the sugar were transferred in exchange for
actual payment.

AS Kalev finds that the allegations and conclusions in the decision of the TCB's
Põhja tax centre are erroneous and groundless and that standards on tangible
rights and principles of law have been violated.

The TCB Põhja tax centre requires, with its decision of 17 June 2005, that AS
Kalev remove from the market by a decision of 30 November 2005 at the latest the
excessive sugar stock of 15,600 tons that were in the company's possession as of
1 May 2004. AS Kalev is disputing this decision by submitting a challenge to TCB
or issuing a complaint to the Tallinn Administrative Court.

AS Kalev legal department director Allan Viirma:

"The determining of an excessive sugar stock for AS Kalev by TCB decision is
groundless and illegal. AS Kalev was relieved of this sugar before the SQFA
entered into force, which is why it is not understandable how AS Kalev can
remove, a second time, sugar it has already sold.

The Overstock Act was published on 27 April of last year and took effect four
days later on 1 May. This law established retroactive punitive fines for sugar
stock deemed excessive, even where the purchases of sugar were legal at the time
that they were made.

Companies were not obliged to follow the process of the draft law or the European
negotiations. Companies could operate with legal certainty that they had no need
to fear sanctions as long as they had not violated the law published and in
force. Pursuant to the Estonian constitution, only published laws are subject to
enforcement. The fact that TCB calls a real sale "a technicality", does not
provide a basis to encumber companies with unreasonable duties. There were no
reasonable grounds for publishing this retroactive unfavourable law just a couple
days before it entered into force. An audit carried out by the State Audit Office
with regard to sugar overstock that confirms the aforementioned arguments also
points to omissions by the state."

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858


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