Andmed seisuga: 04.07.2024 22:01 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Unconsolidated balance sheet 1999

29.02.2000, Sampo Pank, TLN


Bank balance sheet (ths.EEK) 12/31/99 12/31/98
1 Cash 80 471 59 678
2 Claims on central bank 337 941 198 390
2.1 Demand deposits 308 032 198 390
2.2 Other deposits 0 0
2.3 Debt securities guaranted and issued by central bank 29 909 0
3 Claims on credit institutions 409 815 147 114
3.1 Demand deposits 206 799 147 083
3.2 Time deposits 200 359 0
3.3 Overdrafts 72 31
3.4 Other claims 2 585 0
4 Claims on customers 1 997 458 2 302 988
4 Ao/w overdrafts 502 362 498 813
4 Bloans collateralised by mortgage 681 338 673 373
4.1 Loans to general government 14 0
4.1Loans to central government 14 0
4.1Loans to non-budgetary funds 0 0
4.1Loans to local governments 0 0
4.2 Claims on financial institutions 253 539 277 894
4.2Deposits in financial institutions 160 0
4.2Loans to insurance companies and pension funds 9 034 6 000
4.2Loans to other financial institutions 244 345 271 894
4.3 Loans to commercial undertakings of state and local governments 0 0
4.4 Loans to other commercial undertakings 1 521 856 1 839 775
4.5 Loans to non-profit associations 1 943 294
4.6 Loans to private persons 220 106 185 025
5 Allowance for uncollectible loans - 235 275 - 228 445
5.1 Uncollectible claims on credit institutions 0 0
5.2 Uncollectible claims on customers - 235 275 - 228 445
5.3 Other uncollectible claims 0 0
6 Securities 769 644 406 277
6 Ao/w reverse repurchase agreements 17 113 25 229
6.1 Debt securities and fixed income securities 665 267 265 936
6.2 Shares 104 377 140 341
6.2Shares in affiliated undertakings 52 332 63 252
6.2Shares in associated undertakings 13 937 1 716
6.2Other shares 38 108 75 373
7 Intangible assets 111 988 139 397
8 Tangible assets 32 668 13 880
9 Other assets 148 104 12 517
9 Ao/w items in transit 116 147 10 112
10 Accrued revenue and prepaid expenses 82 809 121 991
o/w interest claims 27 079 37 922
11 Total assets 3 735 623 3 173 787

1 Liabilities to central bank 4 788 6 189
2 Liabilities to credit institutions 753 275 692 461
2.1 Demand deposits 43 806 9 876
2.2 Time deposits 24 002 0
2.3 Overdrafts 0 961
2.4 Other liabilities 685 467 681 624
3 Liabilities to customers 1 487 115 867 127
3.1 Liabilities to government 15 930 80 900
3.1Central government 163 45 883
3.1Demand deposits 163 3
3.1Time and saving deposits 0 45 880
3.1Other liabilities 0 0
3.1Non-budgetary funds 15 767 35 017
3.1Demand deposits 0 0
3.1Time and saving deposits 15 767 35 017
3.1Other liabilities 0 0
3.1Local governments 0 0
3.1Demand deposits 0 0
3.1Time and saving deposits 0 0
3.1Other liabilities 0 0
3.2 Liabilities to financial institutions 46 908 66 629
3.2Insurance companies and pension funds 6 223 5 849
3.2Demand deposits 621 443
3.2Time deposits 3 260 5 406
3.2Saving deposits 2 342 0
3.2Other liabilities 0 0
3.2Other financial institutions 40 685 60 780
3.2Demand deposits 15 085 19 030
3.2Time deposits 25 600 41 750
3.2Saving deposits 0 0
3.2Other liabilities 0 0
3.3 Liabilities to commercial undertakings of state and local governments 10 708 3 305
3.3Demand deposits 708 1 085
3.3Time deposits 10 000 2 220
3.3Saving deposits 0 0
3.3Other liabilities 0 0
3.4 Liabilities to other commercial undertakings 1 129 008 518 181
3.4Demand deposits 883 976 451 359
3.4Time deposits 235 550 55 622
3.4Saving deposits 456 0
3.4Other liabilities 9 026 11 200
3.5 Liabilities to non-profit associations 10 922 10 380
3.5Demand deposits 1 269 509
3.5Time deposits 9 653 9 871
3.5Saving deposits 0 0
3.5Other liabilities 0 0
3.6 Liabilities to private persons 273 639 187 732
3.6Demand deposits 110 161 68 534
3.6Time deposits 150 476 119 198
3.6Saving deposits 3 335 0
3.6Other liabilities 9 667 0
4 Government lending funds and counterpart funds 95 958 115 493
5 Issued debt securities 735 071 816 509
6 Other liabilities 89 362 94 909
6 Ao/w items in transit 89 362 94 909
7 Accrued expenses and deferred income 56 303 48 632
7 Ao/w interest owed 25 251 25 311
8 Provisions 0 0
8.1 Short term provisions 0 0
8.2 Long term provisions 0 0
9 Subordinated liabilities 194 500 194 500
10 Share capital 412 559 412 559
11 Share premium account 60 602 60 602
12 General banking reserve 44 812 44 812
13 Revaluation reserve 0 0
14 Other reserves 4 665 4 665
15 Profit or loss retained - 184 670 80 303
16 Profit or loss for the financial year - 18 717 - 264 974
17 Own shares 0 0
18 Total liabilities and equity 3 735 623 3 173 787

Ruth Laidvee
Director of Market Communications
+372 63 02 181

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