Operating results of Tallinn Stock Exchange and Estonian Central Register of Securities in 2005

20.03.2006 TLN

Tallinn Stock Exchange and Estonian CSD press release

The business revenue of OMX Tallinn, combining the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the Estonian Central Register of Securities, increased in 2005 by 18% or to 51 million kroons (43 million kroons in 2004), of which the business revenue of the Tallinn Stock Exchange was 17.6 million kroons (12 million kroons in 2004). The Group’s equity capital at the end of the period was 48.6 million kroons (43 million kroons in 2004) and the consolidated net profit in 2005 was 17.6 million kroons (11 million kroons in 2004). The results are consolidated and audited.

In 2005, the income per employee was 1.49 million kroons (1.157 million kroons in 2004), the profit per employee was 519 thousand kroons (298 thousand kroons in 2004). The net profit margin in 2005 was 34.8% (25.7% in 2004). The net profit per share in 2005 was 5 809 kroons.

The consolidated operating results of OMX Tallinn were influenced the most by the intensified trading on the Tallinn Stock Exchange, which was certainly fuelled by the entry of three new companies (Tallinna Vesi, Starman, Tallink Group) to the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the departure of Hansapank, which generated a large amount of disposable funds in the market. In 2005, 25 003 securities accounts were opened (compared to 13 679, 2 393 and 4 516 accounts opened in 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively). As of the end of 2005, there were 87 807 valid securities accounts, of which 77 800 were held by private persons.

In 2005, 430 new companies were registered in the Estonian Central Register of Securities, of which private limited companies comprised the majority (327). Of all the registered private limited companies, 65.7% were those with a share capital of 40,000 kroons and 23.2% those with a share capital of 40 001 – 750 000 kroons. Of the public limited companies entered in the register, 45.4% had a share capital of 750 001 – 50 000 000 kroons and 31.8% had a share capital of 400 000 kroons. As of the end of 2005, the register included 5 236 public limited companies and 743 private limited companies. The majority of the public limited companies struck off the register will terminate their activities either due to bankruptcy or merger.

“The year 2005 was very successful to us and it demonstrated that the demand for the products of the securities market is increasing. This year, we wish to complete the Fund Centre as the first of the new developments — a central information environment comprising information on the investment funds available in the Baltic States. We want the investor to be able to choose the most suitable investing option from among the funds and to provide the management company with the possibility to be visible and comparable to others. Another important development we are engaged in is the activation of a free market,” said Kaidi Oone, member of the management board of the Tallinn Stock Exchange.

The operating results of OMX, the parent company of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the Estonian Central Register of Securities, are available at the Internet site www.omxgroup.com

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