Vilnius Stock Exchange to list Agrovaldymo grupe AB corporate bond issue

02.07.2007 VLN

From July 11, 2007, a corporate registered bond issue of the Agrovaldymo grupe AB will be admitted to the Vilnius Stock Exchange (VSE) Bond List. Such a decision was made at the VSE Management Board meeting on July 2, 2007.

A 367-day issue of 140,000 corporate registered discount bonds at LTL 100 (EUR 28.96) face value of Agrovaldymo grupe AB will be admitted to the VSE Bond List. The total nominal value of the issue amounts to LTL 14,000,000 (EUR 4,054,680).
The bonds will be redeemed on June 24, 2007. The bonds give a right to annual interest of 8.0 %.
The investment company Agrovaldymo grupe AB currently owns 14 agricultural entities, and has recently completed the acquisition of the 100 percent of the Žemės vystymo fondas group. The group cultivates around 24 thousand hectares of land and produces about 2 percent of the primary agricultural production of Lithuania.
On March 31, 2007, the authorized capital of Agrovaldymo grupė AB amounted to LTL 200 thousand (EUR 58 thousand), and the consolidated shareholders’ equity stood at LTL 65,522 thousand (EUR 18,976 thousand). As of June 22, 2007, the largest shareholders (holding more than 5% of the company’s authorized capital) are the following: ZIA valda UAB – 31%, Kelmes pienine AB – 23,84%, Invalda AB – 21,25 %.

For more information, please contact:
Gintare Blazyte, Communication Manager
Vilnius Stock Exchange +370 5 272 34 58

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