Vilnius Stock Exchange to list SAMPO Bankas AB corporate discount bond issue

05.06.2006 VLN

A 366-day issue of 50,011 corporate registered discount bonds at LTL 100 (EUR 28.90) face value of SAMPO Bankas AB is admitted to the Bond List of the VSE. The total nominal value of the issue amounts to LTL 5,001,100 (EUR 1,445,404). The corporate discount bond issue prospectus was approved for listing in the VSE Bond List by the decision of the Lithuanian Securities Commission (statement on approval of securities registration document No. 4R-13 as of November 25, 2005, statement on approval of securities note No. 4R-14 as of March 23, 2006, statement on approval of securities note No. 4R-15 as of March 23). The bonds will be redeemed on May 24, 2007. The bonds give a right to annual interest of 3.20 %.

On March 31, 2006, the authorized capital of SAMPO Bankas AB amounted to LTL 184,908 thousand (EUR 53,442 thousand), and the bank’s shareholders’ equity stood at LTL 202,125 thousand (EUR 58, 418 thousand). Unaudited net profit of the bank during the first quarter of 2006 reached net profit of LTL 3,339 thousand (EUR 965 thousand). In 2005 and 2004, the net profit of the bank made LTL 8,233 thousand (EUR 2,380 thousand) and LTL 1,370 thousand (EUR 396 thousand) accordingly. 

As of March 28, 2006, 100% of the bank’s shares belonged to SAMPO Bank plc. (Finland). 

For more information, please contact:
Gintare Blazyte, Marketing and Communications Specialist
Vilnius Stock Exchange         +370 5 272 13 71

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