Last update: 27.10.2024 16:21 (GMT+2)

Amber Grid

Vilnius market | Baltic Secondary List

AMG1L  |  ISIN LT0000128696


Amber Grid

Amber Grid

Name: AB Amber Grid
Core business: Transmission of natural gas (transportation of natural gas through high pressure pipelines)
Date of registration: 25 June 2013
Auditor: UAB Deloitte Lietuva
Date of equity listing (Secondary List): 1 August 2013
Market: Nasdaq Vilnius

Management Board
Paulius Butkus (chairman), Karolis Švaikauskas, Darius Kašauskas, Peter Loof Helth, Alexander Paul Gudmund Feindt

Background Information
AB Amber Grid is the operator of Lithuania’s natural gas transmission system and is in charge of transmission of natural gas (transportation of natural gas through high pressure pipelines) to system users, and operation, maintenance and development of natural gas transmission system. AB Amber Grid started its operations on 1 August 2013, when the fixed-term natural gas transmission licence (issued to AB Amber Grid by the National Control Commission for Prices and Energy) came into effect.

The gas transmission system operated by AB Amber Grid is comprised of gas transmission pipelines, gas compressor stations, gas metering and distribution stations, cathodic protection installations (protecting gas transmission pipelines from corrosion), as well as data transmission and telecommunications systems. Customers of AB Amber Grid are large companies (power plants, district heating plants and industrial companies) as well as medium sized companies operating in Lithuania and gas supply companies, to which AB Amber Grid renders natural gas transmission services. Employees of AB Amber Grid have long-term experience in the field of gas system operation and maintenance and the necessary management skills and qualifications.

AB Amber Grid was established on 11 June 2013 pursuant to a resolution adopted by a General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Lietuvos Dujos in implementation of requirements of legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania providing for the unbundling of the natural gas transmission activity from other activities. By the aforesaid resolution the General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Lietuvos Dujos approved the Terms and Conditions of the Spin-off providing for a spin-off from AB Lietuvos Dujos (continuing its activities) of a Transmission System Operator company on the basis of assets, rights and obligations attributed to the gas transmission activity.

Contact Details
Address: Laisvės ave. 10, 04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Telephone: +370 5 236 0855
Internet webpage:
Contact persons: Laura Šebekienė, communication manager, +370 699 61246,

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