Last update: 03.07.2024 18:09 (GMT+3)

Optiva Pank: Commentary to the financial results 09/99

15.10.1999, Sampo Pank, TLN


The volume of net profit earned by Optiva Pank in September was 597
thousand EEK; the bank's nine-months net profit is 10.3 million EEK.

As of end-September, the balance sheet size of Optiva Pank stood at
3.46 billion EEK, providing 121.7 million EEK increase from the beginning
of the year. The balance sheet volume declined in September by 63.7
million EEK, or 1.9%.

Total income earned by the bank in nine months amounted to 147.9 million
EEK. The income structure in September was as follows: net interest income
after provisions accounted for 40.0% of total revenue, commissions and
service fees received 26.6%, income from currency exchange operations
17.2%, income from investments in shares 14.9% and other income 1.3%.

The bank's nine-months non-interest expenses totaled 109.9 million EEK,
of which the personnel expenses accounted for 42.2%, the administration
expenses 44.3%, commissions and service fees paid 9.4% and other non-interest
expenses 4.1%.

The total volume of clients' deposits increased in nine months by 210.6
million EEK or 24.0%, increasing in September by 42.2 million EEK or 3.7%.
Demand deposits increased in 9 months by 135.8 million EEK or 24.7% (-21.0
million EEK or -3.0% in September), and term deposits by 74.8 million EEK
or 22.9% (-21.2 million EEK or -5.0% in September).
As of the end of September, the share of demand deposits among total
deposits stood at 63.1% and term deposits at 36.9%. As of the end of
September, the share of clients' deposits among the bank's external
finances was 36.9 (30.9% at the end of December).

Borrowings from other banks decreased in September by 13.3 million EEK
or 2.1%.

Monthly increase of net loan portfolio amounted to 37.7 million EEK or
2.1%, totaling 1.85 billion EEK at the end of September. As of the end
of September, the allowances for potential loan losses totaled 9.2% of
gross loan portfolio. Compared to the beginning of the year, the volume
of net loan portfolio declined by 204.8 million EEK or 9.9%, bringing
the share of net loan portfolio among total assets down to 56.3% (61.7%
in December 1998).

Deposits with other banks decreased in September by 66.4 million EEK
or 14.9%.

Compared with the beginning of the year, the bank's long-term investments
in shares have dropped by 40.7 million EEK or 29.5% and short-term
investments in shares by 4.8 million EEK or 184.8%. The share of investments
in shares among total assets was 3.2% at the end of September.

As of the end of September, the bank's owners' equity stood at 348.3
million EEK and capital adequacy was 11.61%.

The following table presents the key indicators of the bank:

Q1 99 Q2 99 Q3 99
Return on equity 1.8% 6.8% 3.0%
Return on assets 0.2% 0.7% 0.3%
Average asset utilization 10.6% 11.4% 10.6%
Average yield 7.3% 7.7% 7.0%
Net non-interest margin 3.2% 3.7% 3.6%
Profit margin 1.8% 6.2% 3.0%
Net interest margin after
loan provisions 2.3% 2.8% 1.9%

Piret Villman
Head of Budget and Planning Department
+372 63 02 103

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