Last update: 24.11.2024 07:17 (GMT+2)
Unaudited (EEK million)
30.09.99 31.08.99 31.12.98 30.09.98
Cash 342.2 393.3 317.8 316.0
Due from central bank 1,177.8 1,336.2 1,296.9 871.1
Due from other banks 1,436.5 1,351.9 207.5 651.2
Total cash and due from banks 2,956.5 3,081.4 1,822.2 1,838.3
Loans to curstomers 7,904.1 7,656.9 7,709.5 7,852.1
Less: provisions -223.6 -226.5 -353.3 -219.2
Loans to customers net 7,680.5 7,430.4 7,356.2 7,632.9
Fixed income securities 1,112.0 1,204.7 2,211.7 2,420.3
Securities held pursuant
to repurchase arrangements 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.1
Investments in subsidaries 604.6 604.6 442.3 381.2
Other long term investments 534.2 527.0 109.4 126.8
Other shares and participations 56.1 47.0 47.1 53.8
Goodwill 508.6 513.4 551.8 342.8
Fixed assets 622.5 632.1 676.8 653.6
Accruals and prepaid expenses 158.7 180.1 196.5 228.6
Other assets 202.8 159.8 106.3 209.3
Total assets 14,436.5 14,380.5 13,520.3 13,919.7
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Customers demand deposits 4,440.3 4,519.4 3,437.4 3,963.5
Customers time deposits 3,938.7 3,965.0 3,782.5 3,755.4
Total customers deposits 8,379.0 8,484.4 7,219.9 7,718.9
Due to credit institutions 1,031.5 1,045.1 1,410.4 1,328.8
Bonds 1,843.2 1,845.2 1,934.2 2,129.1
Subordinated loans 515.5 515.5 515.5 515.5
Total interest bearing
liabilities 11,769.2 11,890.2 11,080.0 11,692.3
incl.demand 4,456.0 4,545.1 3,449.8 3,977.2
time 7,313.2 7,345.1 7,630.2 7,715.2
Accrued expenses
and deferred income 169.8 201.3 185.1 198.7
Other liabilities 496.5 298.8 346.5 321.2
Total liabilities 12,435.5 12,390.3 11,611.6 12,212.2
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 665.6 665.6 661.5 511.5
Paid in surplus 1,346.7 1,346.6 1,340.6 891.9
Reserves 297.0 297.0 290.0 298.5
profit/loss of previous year -383.4 -383.4 -383.4 -
profit/loss 75.1 64.4 - 5.6
Total shareholders' equity 2,001.0 1,990.2 1,908.7 1,707.5
Total liabilities
and shareholders' equity 14,436.5 14,380.5 13,520.3 13,919.7