Last update: 03.07.2024 06:28 (GMT+3)

Reval HG: Commentary to the financial results 06/99

09.08.1999, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN



The H1 1999 consolidated turnover of Reval Hotel Group totaled 93.2 million EEK
(99.8 million EEK in 1998, incl. 1.7 million EEK turnover of AS Taimekt,
which was sold in 1998), divided between the companies in the group as follows:

Reval Hotel Group: management and consultation services sales 3.2
million EEK (1.9 million EEK in 1998);
AS Hotel Olümpia: accommodation services sales 90.0 million EEK
(96.2 million EEK in 1998).

Decreased accommodation services net sales of AS Hotel Olümpia in H1 1999 compared
to the previous year’s respective period proceeded from tightened competition on
the market, as supply of hotel rooms in Hotel Olümpia market sector has increased
by 47% from 1998.

The H1 1999 unaudited net profit of Reval Hotel Group amounted to 7.8 million EEK
(1998 - 8.9 million EEK), confirming that the net profit forecast for the year
will be met (annual profit forecast of 25 - 28 million EEK).

Besides the seasonality-related factors, the 1999 net profit figure will also be
affected by uneven division of financial expenses during the year. The H1 reports
include 0.8 million EEK investment into OÜ Hansa Hotel (owner of ExpressHotel,
opened in June), also from fluctuations in privatization voucher exchange rates
and risk management related expenses of 0.8 million EEK. In accordance with OÜ
Hansa Hotel projections, revenues earned during the first year of operations
should cover the establishment expenses and hence the hotel should end the year
with zero-profit. As of end-H1, the risks proceeding from privatization voucher
borrowings are hedged, hence no respective expenses are projected into H2.
Proceeding from decreased liabilities and changes in interest rates, the H2
interest expenses will be approximately 255 lower than during H1.

Decrease of the group’s gross profit by 49.6 million EEK from previous year’s 51.1
million EEK level is due to the hotels’ lower turnover compared to the previous
year’s respective period. The company has also imposed stricter control on its
expenses, as a result of which the gross profit margin has improved and the
group’s operating profit is on the same level as during the last year (for
comparability purposes, 9.2 million EEK difference between Olümpia hotel’s rent
and amortization expenses must be eliminated).


In H1 1999, total of 167 rooms were added to the Reval Hotel Group System,
increasing the total number of rooms in the system to 921 (22.1% increase).

The Reval Hotel Group System includes the hotels operated by Reval Hotel Group
under different models (management contract, rent contract, ownership).

As of 30.06 1999, the Reval Hotel Group System included Olümpia Hotel, Central
Hotel, Park Hotel & Casino and ExpressHotel (opened 01.06.1999).

Accommodation services provided by the Reval Hotel Group System in H1:

Hotel Net sales of Rooms per night Average net price
accommodation sold per room (EEK)
(thous. EEK)
H1 99 H1 98 H1 99 H1 98 H1 99 H1 98
Hotel Olümpia 46 924 49 431 45 018 46 627 1042 1060
Hotel Central 16 311 10 534 23 060 16 724 707 630
Hotel Park & 8 713 9 319 10 683 11 782 816 791
ExpressHotel 1 311 - 2 522 - 520 -
(opened 1.06.99)
Reval System 73 259 69 285 81 283 75 133 901 922

Compared to the same period last year, net sales of accommodation services and
volume of rooms per night sold increased in H1 1999 by 5.7% and 8.2%,
respectively. Average of 2.3% decrease of room prices in the Reval Hotel Group
System was mainly due to structural changes in the group, proceeding from
increased number of lower-priced rooms (expansion of hotel Central in June 1998,
ExpressHotel opened in June 1999). After elimination of impact of changes in the
structure of different price class rooms, the average increase of room prices is
ca 2%.

Tallinn hotel services market in H1 was characterized by the following trends:
- rapidly growing supply of hotel rooms (ca 22% increase from the last year);
- moderate increase in demand (considerably faster in Q2 than in Q1);
- increased seasonal demand fluctuations compared to previous years.

In Q1 1999, the volume of rooms per night sold in Tallinn hotels (by Estonian
Hotel and Restaurant Association members) increased by 2% from the Q1 1998 level.
Comparing the results of Q2 1999 and Q2 1998, however, the respective increase was
ca 14%, proceeding mainly from increased number of holiday tourists. Rapid growth
of demand in Q2 confirms the Reval Hotel Group’s earlier forecasts of ca 6% annual
increase in volume of rooms per night sold.

The following trends will affect the Tallinn accommodation services market in H2:
- H2 accommodation services turnover will account for 55 – 57% of annual turnover;
- increased share of business and conference travelers in September and October
(in general, the highest share of business clientele in these months), resulting
in higher average room price;
- no new hotel rooms will be opened.

Katrin Rasmann
Financial Director
Tel. +372 62 74 444

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