Last update: 03.07.2024 09:05 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Consolidated balance sheet 06/99

19.08.1999, Fakto, TLN

Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK

Current assets 30.06.99 30.06.98 Change % 31.12.98

Cash and bank 2,021 2,538 -517 -10.40% 4,975

Accounts receivable
Customer receivables 16,823 22,970 -6,147 -32.26% 19,051
Allowance for doubtful accounts (less) -866 -1,285 419 -23.12% -1,813
Total accounts receivable 15,957 21,685 -5,728 -33.23% 17,238

Other receivables
Other current receivables 7,747 2,927 4,820 58.20% 8,282
Total other receivables 7,747 2,927 4,820 58.20% 8,282

Accrued income
Calculated interests 55 6 50 44.15% 112
Total accrued income 55 6 50 44.15% 112

Prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable tax receivables
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 3,002 8,354 -5,352 -158.87% 3,369
Prepaid expenses 409 349 60 13.70% 434
Total prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable
tax receivables 3,411 8,704 -5,293 -139.16% 3,804

Raw materials 12 14 -2 -28.83% 8
Work-in-progress 284 105 180 46.55% 386
Merchandise purchased for resale 26,671 29,218 -2,547 -8.48% 30,045
Prepayments to suppliers 357 271 87 29.49% 294
Total inventories 27,324 29,607 -2,283 -7.43% 30,733

Total current assets 56,515 65,466 -8,951 -13.74% 65,145

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Goodwill 1,107 1,487 -380 -29.27% 1,297
Stock and shares in affiliated companies 0 400 -400 -100.00% 400
Other non-current receivables 6,023 0 6,023 80.10% 7,519
Total long-term financial assets 7,131 1,887 5,243 56.89% 9,216

Tangible assets
Land and building (acquisition cost) 72,078 49,132 22,946 31.84% 72,074
Plant and equipment (acquisition cost) 15,164 19,139 -3,975 -28.09% 14,151
Other equipment and fixtures 6,860 5,132 1,728 28.81% 5,998
Accumulated depreciation (less) -23,086 -19,626 -3,460 17.51% -19,761
Prepayments for tangible assets 5,886 -5,886
Total tangible assets 71,016 59,663 11,354 15.67% 72,462

Intangible assets
Purchased patents, licenses, trademarks, etc. 408 166 243 98.52% 246
Total intangible assets 408 166 243 98.52% 246

Total non-current assets 78,555 61,716 16,840 20.55% 81,925

Total assets 135,070 127,182 7,888 5.36% 147,070

Liabilities and owners' equity
30.06.99 30.06.98 Change % 31.12.98
Current liabilities

Short-term borrowings
Current period long-term debt repayment 3,536 2,516 1,019 19.20% 5,309
Short-term loans from financial institutions 4,878 4,629 249 7.29% 3,418
Debentures 4,459 1,749 2,709 65.28% 4,151
Total short-term debt 12,873 8,895 3,978 30.89% 12,878

Customer prepayments 2,681 3,898 -1,218 -68.01% 1,791

Supplier payables 39,702 42,388 -2,686 -5.97% 44,990

Tax liabilities 3,558 3,294 264 5.91% 4,465

Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 2,858 3,131 -272 -10.06% 2,706
Dividends payable 697 434 263 0
Interests payable 1,626 2,599 -973 -48.44% 2,009
Other accrued expenses 916 33 883 316.16% 279
Total accrued expenses 6,097 6,197 -99 -1.99% 4,994

Total current liabilities 64,910 64,672 238 0.34% 69,119

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings
Non-convertible long-term debt 58 808 -750 -220.91% 340
Bank loans 25,936 19,122 6,814 25.17% 27,067
Other long-term borrowings from financial institutions 6,620 2,398 4,222 49.88% 8,465
Total long-term debt 32,614 22,327 10,286 28.67% 35,872

Other long-term debt
Deferred income tax liability 2,266 2,694 -428 -18.65% 2,294
Total other long-term debt 2,266 2,694 -428 -18.65% 2,294

Total non-current liabilities 34,880 25,021 9,858 25.83% 38,167

Total liabilities 99,789 89,693 10,097 9.41% 107,286

Minority interest 3,348 3,290 58 1.56% 3,733

Owners' equity
Share capital in nominal value 16,501 16,501 0 0.00% 16,501
Capital surplus 7,307 7,307 0 0.00% 7,307
Reserves 502 502 0 0.00% 502
Retained earnings 9,431 6,452 2,979 46.18% 6,452
Profit/loss for the financial year -1,809 3,437 -5,246 -99.18% 5,290
Total owners' equity 31,932 34,199 -2,266 -6.29% 36,051

Total liabilities and owners' equity 135,070 127,182 7,888 5.36% 147,070

Toivo Urva
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 63 89 200

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