Last update: 23.11.2024 16:47 (GMT+2)
The volume of the insurance premiums collected by ASA Kindlustus AS in
May was 8.248 million EEK. In five months, ASA has collected premiums
in total amount of 50.887 million EEK, which is 3.6% less than the
respective figure of last year.
Compared to last year, the volume of corporate property insurance
premiums has decreased by 45%, whereas motor TPL insurance and private
property insurance premiums have increased by 6.7% and 4.4%,
Claims paid in May totaled 6.297 million EEK, and total of five months
is 28.662 million EEK.
Premiums collected by lines of insurance are presented in the
following table:
In million EEK
Premiums received 1999 1998 1999 1998 Jan-May99/
January January May May Jan-May98
-May -May
Motor TPL insurance 33,778 31,653 5,088 5,493 +6,7%
Property insurance 3,597 3,443 0,743 0,992 +4,4%
Property insurance 8,020 14,690 1,589 2,704 -45,4%
General liability 3,200 0,345
Other 2,292 2,978 0,483 0,636
Total 50,887 52,764 8,248 9,825 -3,6 %
In million EEK
Claims (claims paid plus claim 1999 1998 1999 1998
handling expenses minus salvage) January January May May
-May -May
Motor TPL insurance 18,641 12,809 3,420 1,721
Property insurance (private) 2,372 2,519 0,843 1,316
Property insurance (corporate) 6,826 5,392 1,588 1,316
General liability insurance 0,063 0,468
Other 0,760 1,572 -0,022 0,113
Total 28,662 22,292 6,297 4,466
Nadja Tarmak
AB Kindlustuse Grupp
Director of Financial Division
Tel.+372 6440 542