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Tallinna Farmaatsiatehas: Additional comments to 1998 annual report

27.05.1999, Tallinna Farmaatsiatehas, TLN


Proceeding from chapter "Requirements to Issuers" of the Rules and
Regulations of the TSE, and considering the questions asked by the
shareholders on the annual general meeting, the Management Board of TFT
AS founds necessary to make the following comments to the transactions
reflected in the 1998 audited financial reports:


According to the announcement published by TFT AS on March 03, 1998, a
consortium including TFT AS was formed to privatize the Polish
pharmaceutical company POLFA Tarchomin. In order to participate in the
privatization process, TFT AS concluded a representation contract with
AS Magnum Group. Since the representation contract, concluded on
08.01.1998 (hereinafter representation contract), includes the
provision of confidentiality, TFT is not entitled to publish the
aforementioned contract in full extent. In order to publish the
contract via the Stock Exchange, there have been consultations with AS
Magnum Group. In the following sections, the Management Board of TFT AS
takes the responsibility to briefly review for clarification purposes
the circumstances related to the contract.

Pursuant to the representation contract, TFT AS was prepared to meet
expenses of up to 1.5 million USD in order to participate in the
privatization process.
Considering the size of the privatization transaction of pharmaceutical
giant and potential expenses, the company found necessary to make a
prepayment, and pursuant to the contract, TFT AS made a prepayment of
13.7 million USD.

As of this moment, AS TFT’s expenses related to privatization project
of Polfa total 12 190 022 EEK.
The expenses have occurred mainly in the following fields:
a) consultations on privatization 5.0 mln EEK
b) privatization-related expenses 4.6 mln EEK
c) representation services according to the representation contract
2.55 mln EEK.

Pursuant to the representation contract, the representative was
obligated to secure the protection of the interests of TFT AS. In order
to check the volume of expenses of TFT AS compared to the expenses of
other parties, we will specify the volume of total expenses. In case
the expenses of TFT AS are proportionally and unreasonably higher, we
will begin negotiations with other parties to achieve a fair solution.

The unused portion of prepayment amounted to 1 529 977 EEK. Magnum
Group returned the unused share in accordance with the mutual
settlement agreement made on 02.12.98, pursuant to which also TFT paid
its debt to Magnum Group (see appendix 30.4 of the annual report).

TFT AS has been billed in accordance with the activities and related
expenses, which are determined in the representation contract.
Magnum Group has been consulted with for additional information on the
nature of subcontracting works.


Due to the fact that company Prometheus was not solvent enough to
continue to meet its liabilities to TFT AS proceeding from the contract
concluded on 30.12.1997, TFT AS began negotiations with AS Magnum Group
about meeting the guarantee liabilities, as provided in the respective
letter of guarantee.

According to the contract concluded on 30.12.97, the balance of the
liabilities of Prometheus before write-off of the respective receivable
was 1 334 899.35 USD (17 901 534.24 EEK).

Pursuant to the guarantee contract of AS Magnum Group and its
appendixes, as of 14.04.99 Magnum Group guarantees the liabilities of
Prometheus in total amount of 310 195.60 USD. The aforementioned
agreement is guaranteed by AS Magnum Medical.

The customer receivables purchased by Prometheus from TFT AS can be
referred to in total volume and individually as doubtful accounts.
Pursuant to the accounting principle of conservatism, such receivables
should be reflected in the expense accounts of the balance sheet.

Since Magnum Group has guaranteed the aforementioned transaction and
agreement of MG is to repay more than 4 million EEK to TFT AS, then the
estimated residue of debt of Prometheus in total amount of 13.9 million
EEK transferred to he expense account.

As of 31.12.98, all the liabilities of Prometheus to TFT AS before
revaluation of the aforementioned assets are (legally) in off-balance
sheet terms binding and all receivables valid.

The liability will be met in 20 months as of the date the agreement is
enforced. Prometheus will return to TFT AS the accounts receivable,
which were taken over from TFT AS by Prometheus. TFT AS will evaluate
the likelihood of recovering these accounts, and will likely make an
offer to a collecting agent.

OTHER EXPENSES (Appendix 22)

Other expenses are reflected in the income statement in total amount of
27 078 379 EEK; expenses in amount of 22 524 975 EEK are described in
detail in appendix 22 of the annual report. Difference between the sums
in the income statement and appendix are balanced exchange differences
of 4 553 404 EEK.

1998 foreign exchange gain 11 242 899 EEK
foreign exchange loss 15 796 303 EEK

In 1998, the company formed a reserve account (on account of expenses)
of 18 664 302 EEK to write off doubtful accounts; in 1998, the company
received previously written off debts of 106 290 EEK, which was used to
decrease expenses. 18 558 012 EEK was transferred to the expense


The company wrote off accounts receivables in total amount of
13 339 351 EEK from the reserves of 1998
By customers:

1.Aleks 3 659 319
2.Herba Pharmaceutical 3 355 375
3.Horizon Enterprice Ltd 1 743 177
4.Mosfarmatsia 1 551 120
5.Royston Selby 1 429 127
6.TOO Universal-Med. 750 064
7.Izida 425 583
8.Lotsekt 145 318
9.Baltika 66 060
10.Profeks 63 005
11.Farmakon 56 399
12.Korona M 43 972
13.Other 50 832
total 13 339 351

All aforementioned companies are insolvent.


1.Transportation 3 541 535 mainly transportation of
goods produced to consign. storehouses
2.Maintenance 818 500 maintenance of equipment
3.Office expenses 116 181 office supplies
4.Marketing 16 754 772 registration of
pharmaceutical products, product support
expenses, advertising, custom
costs, storage expenses
5.Koolitus ja consultations 2 413 648 legal and economic
consultations, employee training, seminars
6.Services purchased 2 060 952 analyses of goods produced
and raw materials, security, communications,
telephone, mail, garbage
disposal, information services
7.Representational expenses 206 757 expenses related to
admission of visitors
8.Leasing,rent 432 250 rent of rooms and equipment
9.Travelling expenses 775 310 travelling and accommodation expenses,
allowances, other travelling expenses
10.Other fees 427 146 different contract-related
expenses, notarial fees, bank fees
11.Other expenses 12 403 612 privatization of Polfa 12 190 023
12.Written-off receivables 18 558 012 allowance for doubtful accounts

total 58 508 675

Arno Kaseniit
Member of the Management Board

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