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Saku Õlletehas: Commentary to the financial results 03/99

28.05.1999, Saku Õlletehas, TLN


Sales results

Compared to the same period last year, the sales volume of Saku beers
increased in Q1 by 52%, amounting to 8.2 million liters. The
respective figure in 1998 was 5.4 million liters.

The main sales article in Q1 was “Saku Originaal”. The company sold
during the aforementioned period about 2.4 million liters of “Saku
Originaal”, i.e. 33% more than in Q1 1998 (1998: 1.8 million liters).

The sales of mineral water Vichy Classique has advanced since the
beginning of the year. In Q1 1999, the company sold 738 thousand
liters of Vichy Classique, which is about 58% more than the respective
sales figure from the last year.

The volume of goods exported during this period amounted to
approximately 871 thousand liters, or 10.6% of total sales of
production. Compared to Q1 1998, the company’s export volume has
increased twice. One of the important factors behind the increase in
export volume was one-time order of license beer from the Lithuanian
beer factory Utenos Alus.

In Q1 1999, the estimated size of total Estonian beer market (incl.
imports) was 15 million liters *), which is 24% more than during the
respective period last year. The relative share of imports on the beer
market amounted to 12% (1997: 13%).

The company’s market share on total market in Q1 was 49%, i.e. 8%
higher than in Q1 last year. The market share of Saku Õlletehase AS
has increased mainly due to well-planned marketing and sales
activities. In January and February, Saku Õlletehas was the only
producer to conduct a consumer campaign, which turned out to be highly
popular and contributed significantly to increase in the sales of
beer. Activities in HoReCa sector has increased also the sales volume
of unbottled beer.

Financial results

In Q1 1999, Saku Õlletehase AS as the group’s parent company organized
the beer production activities in close cooperation with its
subsidiaries Saku Purgiõlle OÜ and Saku Keldri OÜ.

Saku Õlletehase AS as a sole owner decided on May 21 to initiate the
liquidation process of its subsidiaries Saku Õlu OÜ Saku Purgiõlle OÜ,
since the further activities of the aforementioned subsidiaries would
have not been financially beneficial.

In Q1 1999, the net sales of the group amounted to 120.2 million EEK,
increasing by 38.8 million EEK, or 47.6%, compared to the same period
last year. The group’s expense account increased by 48.5% to 113.9
million EEK. The increased expenses can be related to activated
marketing activities to improve and secure the company’s position on
the market.

Compared to Q1 last year, the group’s gross profit figure (7.6 million
EEK) increased by 7.6%.

The Q1 1999 net profit of Saku Õlletehase AS amounted to approximately
7 million EEK, which is 1.2 million EEK, or 21% increase from the
respective period last year.
*) expert evaluation of Saku Õlletehas.

Karin Sepp
Member of the Management Board

The announcement was compiled by:

Ruth Roht
Public relations manager
tel: +372 6 508 303

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