Last update: 02.07.2024 12:03 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Consolidated balance sheet 03/99

14.05.1999, Fakto, TLN

Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK

Current assets 31.03.99 31.03.98 Change (%) 31.12.98

Cash and bank 6 320 3 050 3 270 107% 4 976

Accounts receivable
Customer receivables 18 931 24 507 -5 576 -23% 19 359
Allowance for doubtful accounts (less) -1 836 -1 160 -676 58% -1 914
Total accounts receivable 17 096 23 347 -6 252 -27% 17 445

Other receivables
Other current receivables 7 484 3 043 4 442 146% 7 538
Total other receivables 7 484 3 043 4 442 146% 7 538

Accrued income
Calculated interests 0 0 0 49
Other accrued income 0 0 0 0
Total accrued income 0 1 -1 -100% 49

Prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable tax receivables
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 3 338 6 912 -3 575 -52% 3 369
Prepaid expenses 479 505 -25 -5% 541
Total prepaid expenses and prepaid/refundable
tax receivables 3 817 7 417 -3 600 -49% 3 910

Raw materials 11 11 -1 -5% 8
Work-in-progress 239 325 -86 -26% 386
Merchandise purchased for resale 34 625 24 792 9 833 40% 30 045
Prepayments to suppliers 225 405 -180 -44% 294
Total inventories 35 100 25 534 9 566 37% 30 733

Total current assets 69 817 62 392 7 425 12% 64 651

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Goodwill 1 202 1 582 -380 -24% 1 297
Stock and shares in affiliated companies 400 400 0 0% 400
Other non-current receivables 6 831 0 6 831 7 093
Total long-term financial assets 8 433 1 982 6 451 325% 8 791

Tangible assets
Land and building (acquisition cost) 72 074 49 132 22 942 47% 72 074
Plant and equipment (acquisition cost) 15 084 18 838 -3 754 -20% 19 941
Other equipment and fixtures 6 714 5 303 1 411 27% 3 140
Accumulated depreciation (less) -21 461 -18 676 -2 785 15% -21 272
Unfinished building 0 672 -672 -100% 0
Prepayments for tangible assets 0 465 -465 -100% 0
Total tangible assets 72 411 55 734 16 677 30% 73 883

Intangible assets
Purchased patents, licenses, trademarks, etc. 345 154 191 124% 246
Total intangible assets 345 154 191 124% 246

Total non-current assets 81 189 57 870 23 319 40% 82 920

Total assets 151 006 120 262 30 744 26% 147 571

Liabilities and owners' equity
31.03.99 31.03.98 Change (%) 31.12.98

Current liabilities

Short-term debt obligations
Long-term debt repayments 3 660 3 008 652 22% 6 070
Short-term loans from financial institutions 8 857 3 421 5 437 159% 3 418
Debentures 4 457 2 414 2 043 85% 4 164
Total debt obligations 16 975 8 843 8 132 92% 13 653

Customer prepayments 1 293 5 091 -3 798 -75% 1 975

Supplier payables 44 595 42 191 2 404 6% 44 074

Other payables
Other payables 137 0 137 53578% 0
Total other payables 137 0 137 53578% 0

Tax liabilities 6 020 4 520 1 500 33% 4 424

Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 2 541 1 879 661 35% 2 774
Dividends payable 697 1 696 64791% 0
Interests payable 1 966 2 605 -639 -25% 1 965
Other accrued expenses 675 29 646 2238% 279
Total accrued expenses 5 879 4 514 1 364 30% 5 018

Total current liabilities 74 898 65 159 9 739 15% 69 143

Non-current liabilities

Long-term debt obligations
Non-convertible long-term debt 163 978 -815 -83% 340
Bank loans 27 050 14 314 12 736 89% 27 067
Other long-term debts to financial institutions 7 357 1 635 5 723 350% 8 455
Total long-term debt obligations 34 570 16 926 17 644 104% 35 862

Other long-term payables
Deferred income tax liability 2 294 2 649 -355 -13% 2 591
Total other long-term payables 2 294 2 649 -355 -13% 2 591

Total non-current liabilities 36 864 19 575 17 289 88% 38 453

Total liabilities 111 762 84 734 27 028 32% 107 596

Minority interest 3 404 3 045 359 12% 3 753
359 12
Owners' equity
Share capital in nominal value 16 501 16 501 0 0% 16 501
Capital surplus 7 307 7 307 0 0% 7 307
Reserves 502 281 221 79% 502
Retained earnings 11 741 7 745 3 996 52% 6 452
Profit/loss for the financial year -211 649 -860 -133% 5 461
Total owners' equity 35 840 32 483 3 357 10% 36 222

Total liabilities and owners' equity 151 006 120 262 30 744 26% 147 571

Chairman of the Management Board
+372 6 389 222

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