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Optiva Pank: Commentary to consolidated financial results 03/99

27.04.1999, Sampo Pank, TLN


In Q1 1999, the affiliated group of Optiva Pank (hereinafter Optiva
Group) earned net profit in the amount of 3.0 million EEK, including
the profits of the largest subsidiaries AS Optiva Liising 1.2 million
EEK and AS Optiva Arendus 1.0 million EEK.

Total income earned by Optiva Group in Q1 amounted to 51.9 million EEK
The income structure in Q1 was the following: net interest income after
loan provisions accounted for 18.6 million EEK (or 35.8%) of income,
commissions and service fees received 12.1 million EEK (23.3%), income
from the currency exchange operations 8.0 million EEK (15.5%), income
from investments in shares 8.2 million EEK (15.8%) and other income 5.0
million EEK (9.6%).

Non-interest bearing expenses of Optiva Group during the same period
amounted to 34.9 million EEK, of which the share of personnel expenses
was 51.3% (17.9 million EEK), other administrative expenses 29.2% (10.2
million EEK), commissions and service fees paid 5.5%, other expenses
14.1% and revaluation of assets 0.1%.

The balance sheet volume of Optiva Group increased during Q1 by 174.2
million EEK or 5.4%, amounting to 3.37 billion EEK at the end of March.

Demand deposits of clients increased in Q1 by 144.1 million EEK or
16.5%, including the increase of demand deposits of 60.9 million EEK or
11.2%, and time deposits of 83.2 million EEK or 25.3%. Total volume of
the clients’ accounts at the end of March amounted to 1.02 billion EEK,
or 30.2% of balance sheet volume (27.3%). Of total volume of deposits,
the demand deposits accounted for 59.5% (62.3%) and time deposits for
40.5% (in December 1998 37.7%).

The share of interest-bearing time resources in foreign capital
decreased by the end of March to the level of 72.5% (in December 1998
75.4%), mainly on the account of rapid increase of the clients’ demand

Among time resources, the volume of debt securities issued decreased by
34.0 million EEK or 4.2%.

In Q1, the relative importance of non-interest bearing liabilities in
foreign capital increased to the level of 7.4% (in December 1998 5.6%),
which was mainly due to increase in the balance sheet account of
“Clearing Accounts” by 69.4 million EEK, or 69.5%.

The volume of Optiva Group’s owners’ equity as of the end of Q1 was
338.4 million EEK, accounting for 10.0% of balance sheet volume (in
December 1998 10.5%). The group’s capital adequacy was 12.1%.

The Group’s interest-bearing assets increased in Q1 by 157.9 million
EEK, or 6.3%. Among interest-bearing assets, the shorter-term
investments in liquid instruments increased and longer-term investments

On the assets side of the balance sheet of Optiva Group, the greatest
increase during Q1 occurred in time and demand deposits with other
banks, i.e. by 155.0 million EEK and 33.7 million EEK (9.7%)
respectively. The share of deposits with other banks in the balance
sheet volume thus increased to the level of 15.9% (in December 1998
10.8%). Volume of cash in hand account increased by 14.2 million EEK or

As of the end of March, Group’s interest-bearing assets accounted for
78.8% of the balance sheet volume (in December 1998 78.2%), short-term
and long-term investments in shares 4.4% (in December 1998 4.6%),
tangible and intangible assets 10.7% (in December 1998 11.4%) and other
assets 6.0% (in December 1998 5.8%).

Net loan portfolio decreased in Q1 by 28.3 million EEK, or 1.4%. At the
end of March, net loan portfolio accounted for 57.5% of total assets.

Allowances for doubtful accounts accounted for 10.8% of gross loan
portfolio at the end of March.

Net loan portfolio’s share in interest-bearing assets was 73.0% (in
December 1998 78.7%), whereas the share of investments in debt
securities was 6.6% (in December 1998 6.9%).

Piret Villman
Manager of Budget and Planning Department
AS Optiva Pank
Tel. +372 63 02 103

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