Last update: 01.07.2024 16:06 (GMT+3)

Tallinna Kaubamaja: Commentary to financial results 03/99

23.04.1999, TKM Grupp, TLN


The Q1 1999 unaudited income statement and balance sheet of Tallinna
Kaubamaja AS are consolidated row-by-row. Affiliated companies are
consolidated based on equity method. The income statement and balance
sheet reflect the parent company’s and all subsidiaries and affiliated
companies’ financial results.

The Q1 1999 net sales of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS amounted to 204.6
million EEK, increasing by 30.5 million EEK, or 17.5%, in comparison
with the same period last year. The share of parent company in the
group’s Q1 net sales amounted to 57.5%. In Q1 1998, share of parent
company was 71.9%. The increase in the relative importance of the
subsidiaries’ turnover by 14.4% from the last year occurred due to
expansion of Selver grocery store chain, which increased considerably
the share of subsidiary A-Selver in group. The 1999 profit forecast of
Tallinna Kaubamaja AS anticipated net profit in the amount of 1.2
billion EEK, of which 21% was met during Q1.

The activities of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS during Q1 1999 resulted in 1.6
million EEK loss. Upon calculating the results, 2.1 million EEK
accounting loss from the share option was also considered. Based on
three-months financial results, the amount of loss per share is 0.24
EEK. This loss was also addressed in the budget, being significantly
lower than anticipated. The financial result of the first quarter was
related to the worsened economic climate in the second half of 1998,
and voluminous investments of Kaubamaja, which increased the need to
include foreign capital in amounts larger than usual. Proceeding from
the above, the financial expenses increased by 2.8 million EEK, or 2.1
times compared to the previous year. According to the forecast, the
company plans to end the first half year with profit. The group
forecast anticipates to earn net profit for the year in the amount of
25 million EEK, not considering the results of share option.

The group’s balance sheet volume, as opposed to the standings on
31.12.98, have decreased by 19.3 million EEK, or 4.9%, amounting to
374.55 million EEK as of 31.03.99. during Q1 there were no substantial
changes in the balance sheet structure. The share of owners’ equity of
the balance sheet volume is 33.7% (31.12.98 - 33%).

On January 15, the Management Board of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS signed the
establishment documents of a new subsidiary, Tallinna Kaubamaja
Kinnisvara AS. The establishment entry to the Commercial Registry was
made on 05.04.99. All the estates owned by Kaubamaja and non-fixed
assets inseparable from these were assigned to the subsidiary. The
subsidiary was established for better and more effective administration
of the real estate objects owned by Kaubamaja, and also to arrange the
structure of Kaubamaja group. The first financial year of Tallinna
Kaubamaja Kinnisvara AS started on 01.04.99 and will end on 31.12.99.

The subsidiary of Kaubamaja, Rävala Parkla, discontinued its contract
with operator company AS Estpark in mid-February. From now on, the
parking services are arranged by Rävala Parkla AS.

On 19.02.1999, Tallinna Kaubamaja issued via Hansabank Markets 13
million EEK worth of short-term commercial papers at 13% annual
interest rate. The duration of the issue is 3.5 months, and the purpose
of it was to include foreign capital at more favorable interest rate
than the banks offer in order to replace current liabilities. On the
account of funds received through the issue, the company decreased the
volume of its credit line by 7.5 million EEK, and by 5.5 million EEK
current liabilities to Hansapank. Redemption of the commercial papers
will take place on 02.06.1999. The current issue is the third one
conducted by Tallinna Kaubamaja. The previous issues have been
repurchased on schedule.

Urmo Vallner
Member of the Management Board
Tel. +372 64 00 200

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