Last update: 19.07.2024 18:38 (GMT+3)

Estiko: Commentary to the 20.04.99 article of newspaper Postimees

20.04.1999, Estiko, TLN
20.04. 99


The Management Board of AS Estiko would hereby like to comment on the
allegations published in the 20.04.1999 article of newspaper
“Postimees” named “Major Shareholders of Estiko Hellenurm and Seli
Accuse Each Other of Affairs and Self-Interest” as AS Estiko would have
made decisions, which are not in the best interests of shareholders.
The member of AS Estiko Supervisory Board, Neinar Seli, regarded the
disposal of AS Estiko’ subsidiary AS Hollender as harmful.

Upon approval of the reorganization plan of AS Estiko group in 1997,
the Supervisory Board, including Kalju Hellenurm (Chairman), Valve
Kirsipuu and Neinar Seli, made a decision to dispose AS Hollender for
400 thousand EEK, based on the sales survey conducted by AS
Lagerkvist&Partners. At the end of 1998, the Management Board of AS
Estiko valued AS Hollender to 560 thousand EEK. At this price, the
company could not find a buyer to AS Hollender(running two perfumery
shops in Tartu) among the companies engaged in the retail sales of
perfumeries. Only after being introduced with the situation, the
Management Board made a proposal to the managing director of AS
Hollender, Tarmo Hellenurm, to purchase the shares held by AS Estiko at
the price of 560 thousand EEK, or 40% higher price than the Supervisory
Board had set. There have been no changes in the Supervisory Board of
AS Estiko since 1997, when the disposal of AS Hollender was decided
upon. On behalf of the Management Board, I ensure that the Chairman of
the Supervisory Board Kalju Hellenurm has not influenced the Management
Board neither directly nor indirectly upon entering into the shares’
sale contract.

The member of the AS Estiko Supervisory Board Neinar Seli has referred
to the purchase of Volvo S80 to AS Estiko as transaction unfavorable to
AS Estiko. The aforementioned automobile (used by the Chairman of the
Supervisory Board) was purchased by the company in accordance with the
decision of the Supervisory Board. The purchase conditions of a new car
were highly favorable to AS Estiko, since the retailer AS Info Auto
agreed to buy the previous car (four years old Volvo) for approximately
half of the acquisition cost, i.e. 210 thousand EEK, whereas the
accounting residual value of the aforementioned car was only 96
thousand EEK (acquisition cost of Volvo 850 was 478.7 thousand EEK).
upon the purchase of the new car, the price difference of 392.5
thousand EEK was paid to AS Info Auto, which was less than the
acquisition cost of the previous car.

In the aforementioned article, the member of the AS Estiko Supervisory
Board Neinar Seli has also mistaken with the salary figures of AS
Estiko employees. The actual monthly salaries are as follows:

Chairman of the Supervisory Board AS Estiko group Kalju Hellenurm 34
000 EEK,
Manager of AS Emajõe Ärikeskus Rait Abras 8 000 EEK,
Head accountant of AS Estiko Marju Abras 11 000 EEK.

All aforementioned salary figures are approved by the Supervisory Board
of AS Estiko.
Since the member of the AS Estiko Supervisory Board Neinar Seli
has signed the respective decision, and not expressed that he is of
a different opinion, his discontent with the decisions of the
Supervisory Board of AS Estiko is not understood by the Management
Board of the group.

We also ensure that all activities of AS Estiko are held in the best
interests of AS Estiko shareholders, and the Management Board has acted
in accordance with the decisions of the Supervisory Board.

Jaanus Salum
Chairman of the Management Board

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