Last update: 01.07.2024 10:05 (GMT+3)

Eesti Telekom: Commentary to the financial results of Eesti Telefon 12/98

01.04.1999, Eesti Telekom, TLN


Net sales and net profit of Estonian Telephone Company Group in
1998 were 1 968 million Estonian kroons and 263 million kroons
correspondingly. Net sales of 1997 was 1 516 million kroons and
net profit 179 million kroons.

By the end of 1998, total assets of Estonian Telephone Company
Ltd were 2 661 million kroons which makes annual growth 242
million kroons.

Estonian Telephone Company Group consists of Estonian Telephone
Company Ltd and a 60% owned affiliated company Teabeliin Ltd (a
telephone information mediator company). In addition to the
subsidiary companies, the Group also has a 30% owned associated
company EsData Ltd (a data communication company).

Net sales of Teabeliin Ltd in 1998 totalled 30 million kroons
(19 million kroons in 1997), operating revenue was 30 million
kroons (19 million kroons in 1997) and net profit was 3 million
kroons (1 million kroons in 1997).

Net sales of EsData Ltd in 1998 totalled 13 million kroons (11
million kroons in 1997), operating revenue was 14 million
kroons (11 million kroons in 1997) and net profit was 2 million
kroons (1 million kroons in 1997).

Consolidated income statement and balance sheet of 1997 and
1998 were prepared in accordance with principles of the
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and in accordance with
effective legal acts regulating accounting in the Republic of
Estonia. Financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS
differ from the statements prepared in accordance with Estonian
Accounting Standards (EAS). Differences are caused by following
reasons: first, EAS-statements are fully consolidated under the
equity method, in case of IAS-statements full consolidation
principle was followed when consolidating affiliated companies;
second, in EAS-statements, transactions with other
telecommunication operators are presented using netting
principle, in IAS-statements the transactions are presented
using gross-principle.

All previous statements of Estonian Telephone Company have been
prepared in accordance with EAS. By EAS, net sales of 1998 and
1997 were 1 564 million kroons and 1 219 million kroons, and
net sales 254 million kroons and 217 million kroons

Profit before taxes of Estonian Telephone Company Group in 1998
was 260 million kroons, which exceeds 1997 number (228 million
kroons) by 14%. Increase in profit before taxes has been
affected by growth of operating revenue from 1 557 million
kroons to 1 994 million kroons or by 28%, and by growth of
operating expenses from 1260 million kroons to 1 664 million
kroons or by 31%.

Increase in operating revenue was caused by growing net sales.
Net sales of 1998 consisted of the following main types of
income: call revenue 1 362 million kroons (1 030 million kroons
in 1997), connection fees and monthly fees 358 million kroons
(293 million kroons in 1997), line rental revenue 105 million
kroons (102 million kroons in 1997) and other telecommunication
revenues 143 million kroons (91 million kroons in 1997).

Extraordinary high increase in operating expenses was caused by
high growth of depreciation and value adjustment of assets.
Expanding economic activities and inflation had also direct
influence on operating expenses. Depreciation and value
adjustment of assets grew by 193 million kroons or by 53%,
major part of it, 99 million kroons, was revaluation of
Estonian Telephone Company’s real estate (in accordance with §
29 of the Estonian Accounting Law). Depreciation formed
remaining 94 million kroons.

Raul Kalev
PR Manager
Eesti Telekom
Tel. +372 646 0220, +372 507 7797

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