Last update: 04.07.2024 00:01 (GMT+3)

Reval HG: Commentary to the financial results 09/99

05.11.1999, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN



The 9-months 1999 consolidated turnover of Reval Hotelligrupi AS
totaled 146.3 million EEK (153.9 million EEK in 1998, incl. 1.7
million EEK turnover of AS Taimekt, which was sold in 1998), divided
between the companies in the group as follows:

Reval Hotelligrupi AS: management and consultation services turnover
5.5 million EEK (3.6 million EEK in 1998);
AS Hotel Olümpia: accommodation services turnover 140.8 million EEK
(148.6 million EEK in 1998).

AS Hotell Olümpia 9-months turnover is in accordance with the
respective forecasts. Decreased accommodation services net sales of
AS Hotell Olümpia in 9-months 1999 on y-o-y basis are due to
tightened competition on the market, as supply of hotel rooms
in Hotell Olümpia market sector has increased significantly.

The 9-months 1999 unaudited net profit of Reval Hotelligrupi AS
amounted to 17.4 million EEK (1998 - 16.7 million EEK), confirming
that the net profit forecast for the year will be met (annual profit
forecast 25 - 28 million EEK).

Regardless of lower turnover due to tight competition, Reval
Hotelligrupi AS 9-months 1999 gross profit was on the same level as
the last year’s respective figure (82 million EEK in 1999 and 81.2
million EEK in 1998), and operating profit has increased on y-o-y
basis (35.6 million EEK in 1999 and 20.6 million EEK in 1998). The 11
million EEK difference between rent and depreciation costs of hotel
Olümpia building should be eliminated for the purpose of correct
evaluation of operating profit dynamics. The improved profit margins
are mainly due to effective cost control exercised in Reval
Hotelligrupp hotels.

The recently launched capital restructuring processes, and company
development and investment activities have had a substantial impact
on Reval Hotelligrupi AS 1999 net profit figure.

As a part of capital restructuring processes, the company conducted
in June a public issue of shares, which provided the company with
24.1 million EEK of additional finances. The proceeds from the issue
were used for installment payments (in Privatization Vouchers) for
privatization of Olümpia hotel estate, as a result of which the
company covered substantial financial risk and high-interest
liabilities (the actual interest rate on liabilities is 23-26%,
considering the current Privatization Voucher exchange rate). In June
1999 the IFC Council resolved to invest into Reval Hotelligrupi AS
share capital and to grant the company a long-term loan (at lower
interest rate than the average interest rate at the Estonian loan
market). Reval Hotelligrupi AS has paid 1.2 million EEK of loan
administration fees for processing of the loan application; however,
the share issue to IFC and conclusion of loan contract were postponed
due to lawsuit regarding hotel Olümpia estate. At present the notes
prohibiting the sale of the estate are cancelled, and the loan
contract is to be concluded between Dec 1999 - Jan 2000. The council
of the Privatization Agency has given its agreement in principle to
cover the additional expenses Reval Hotelligrupi AS carried with
regard to the aforementioned court case.

Amid the development projects, the company’s 9-months 1999 results
were affected the most by opening of ExpressHotell on 01.06.1999.
During its first months of operating, the hotel has met the expected
results, and the owner of the hotel Hansa Hotelli OÜ (Reval
Hotelligrupp owns 34%) intends to cover all pre-opening costs during
the first financial year and end it with zero-profit. Reval
Hotelligrupi AS carried one-time costs of preparation and launching
of the project in total amount of 2.5 million EEK.


Total number of rooms available on Tallinn accommodation services
market has increased in a year (9-months 1999 vs. 9-months 1998) by
ca 22%. Reval Hotelligrupp System has added 167 rooms, thus staying
highly competitive (22.1% increase).

During the period of one year, the number of accommodated visitors in
Tallinn has also increased by ca 22% (based on data from ESA about 8-
months results of Tallinn hotel market). As the average length of
stay, however, has dropped substantially (from 1.58 days in 1998 to
1.46 days in 1999) and popularity of double-rooms has increased, the
total number of rooms per night sold in Tallinn hotel market has
increased by only ca 8%.
Number of rooms per night sold by Reval Hotelligrupi System has
increased on y-o-y basis by 13.8 %.

Accommodation services provided by the Reval Hotel Group System in 9
months of 1999:

Accommodation Rooms per night Average price of
turnover sold room
9m 1999 9m 1998 9m 1999 9m 1998 9m 1999 9m 1998
Hotel Olümpia 76 487 78 964 74 560 75 074 1 026 1 052
Hotel Central 1 27 407 21 306 39 409 32 835 695 649
Park Hotell & Casino 14 696 15 905 18 818 20 332 781 782
ExpressHotell 6 459 -- 13 207 -- 489 --
Reval system 125 050 116 175 145 994 128 241 857 906

1 –9-months 1999 and 9-months 1998 turnovers and rooms-per-night sold
are not comparable as 105 rooms were added in June 1998 after
expansion of the hotel

9-months accommodation net turnover increased on y-o-y basis by 7.6%.
The 5.4% decline in average room price in Reval Hotelligrupp System
as a whole was mainly due to structural changes after addition of
lower price-class rooms (expansion of Central Hotel in June 1998 and
ExpressHotell in June 1999).

The following factors affected the Tallinn accommodation services
- Number of tourists staying in Tallinn overnight has continuously
increased due to favorable weather conditions during the tourism
season, allowing to upgrade the earlier-made annual rooms-per-
night demand forecasts from 6% level to up to 7%;
- Increase in the number of Finnish and Swedish tourists accounts
for more than 90% of the increase in demand;
- The holiday tourists accounted for substantial share of demand
increase, thus decreasing the average room price in several
hotels. In near future the number of business travelers may
increase due to expected improvement of the economic environment;
- Regardless of the market participants’ attempts to increase the
number of new clients from the CIS and Baltic countries (incl.
Estonia), the share of such visitors in Tallinn hotels has
constantly declined. However, increasing popularity of Park Hotell
& Casino as entertainment facility, and opening of cheaper and
comfortable ExpressHotell has increased the volume of rooms-per-
night sold by Reval Hotelligrupp System to Estonians by ca 1000 on
y-o-y basis.

Katrin Rasmann
Financial Director
Tel. +372 62 74 444

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