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Reval HG: Commentary to the financial results 12/98

22.02.1999, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN


According to the preliminary unaudited data, the 1998 consolidated net
sales of Reval Hotelligrupi AS amounted to 209.9 million EEK
(consolidated 1997 net sales were 204.2 million EEK), which was
allocated between the companies of the group as follows:

· Reval Hotelligrupi AS 6.4 million EEK (sale of management and
consultation services);
· AS Hotell Olümpia 201.8 million EEK (sale of accommodation and
catering services);
· AS Taimekt 1.7 million EEK (sale of catering services between 1.01-

According to the preliminary unaudited data, the 1998 consolidated
gross profit of Reval Hotelligrupi AS amounted to 25.8 million EEK,
which exceeds the initial profit forecast by 4.8 million EEK
(consolidated 1997 profit was 28.9 million EEK). Higher than forecasted
profit originates primarily from the operating profit of AS Hotell
Olümpia, which exceeded the expectations, and decreased rent expenses
proceeding from the purchase of the building of "Olümpia".

The primary purpose of the commercial activities in 1998 was the
development of the group’s R&D, sales and management structures
supporting the achievement of the goals determined in the development
plan of Reval Hotel Group, as well as ensuring the market position in
Estonia, and preparing the entrance to the new markets in the target
region. Proceeding from the goal of expanding the commercial
activities, the growth rate of expenses in 1998 exceeded the increase
of turnover, which has caused the decline in profit, compared with the
results of 1997.

The most substantial financial transaction of the IV quarter of 1998
was the conclusion of sales transaction on the estates of Liivalaia 33
and Liivalaia 33a with the Privatization Agency. With the purchase of
the estates, Reval Hotelligrupi AS ensured its managerial activities in
operating hotel Olümpia on the basis of rent contract, and created
better conditions for maintenance and renewal of the building
(constructed in 1980), proceeding from the product development needs.
The purchase of the estates was financed in 1/3 with the company’s own
equity, and 2/3 with the privatization installment plan and long-term
bank loan.

On the account of expansion of hotel Central by 105 rooms (opened in
June 1998), Reval Hotel Group increased in 1998 the number of rooms in
System* hotels by 15.6% (in 1997, increase in the number of rooms
22.7%). As of the end of 1998, the share of Reval Hotel Group System
rooms in the total supply of hotel rooms in Tallinn was 31% (the
respective figure of the end of 1997 was 33%).

In 1998, the number of available rooms per night of Reval Hotel Group
System hotels increased by 19.9%, and the number of rooms per night sold
by 16%; turnover of the system hotels from the sale of the
accommodation services increased by 12.2%, and 52% from the sale of
catering services.

According to the preliminary data, the results of the sale of
accommodation services of the hotels of Reval Hotelligrupi System were
the following:

Olümpia Central1 Park2 System
1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997

Turnover from accommodation
(thousand EEK) 104,910 106,227 28,546 21,184 20,592 9,936 154,048 137,347
rooms per night sold 99400 97339 44239 35635 26162 13425 169801 146399
Average price of rooms (EEK) 1055 1091 645 594 787 740 907 93

1 The 1998 and 1997 turnovers and number of rooms per night sold are not
comparable since in course of expansion of the hotel in June 1998, 105
additional rooms were opened;
2 The 1998 and 1997 turnovers and number of rooms per night sold are not
comparable since the hotel began operations in June 1997.

A slight decrease in the average price for rooms and lower
accommodation services turnover of hotel "Olümpia" related to this,
proceeds from the increasing competition on the Tallinn hotel market
and changes in the client structure for the benefit of the holiday

In 1998, the total number of available rooms per night in the hotels,
which have presented their financial results to the Estonian
Association of Hotels and Restaurants, increased by 12%, and number of
rooms per night sold by 10%.

* The Reval Hotel Group system included hotels operated by Reval
Hotelligrupi AS under different managing models (management contract,
rent contract, ownership). As of 31.12.1998, Reval Hotel Group system
included hotels "Olümpia" and "Central", and Park Hotel & Casino.

Katrin Rasmann
Financial Manager
Tel. +372 627 4444

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