Last update: 19.07.2024 21:43 (GMT+3)

Forekspank: Information about the members of AS Eesti Forekspank Supervisory Board

18.12.1998, , TLN


We hereby present the resumes of the new members of the Supervisory
Board of AS Eesti Forekspank (new trade name Optiva Pank), elected by
the 15.11.98 extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

Gunnar Kraft, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Forekspank since
15.11.98. Obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics from Tallinna
Tehnikaülikool (Tallinn Technical University) and a masters degree
from Helsinki school of business and economics. Has worked for 2
years as a manager of foreign relations department of AS Mainor. Mr.
Kraft was a vice-president of Eesti Investeerimispank (1992-1997) and
Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 1998. Mr. Kraft is also a
member of the Supervisory Board of EstIB-Talinvest Varahaldus since
1996 and a member of the Supervisory Board of Norma Group since 1997.

Pirkko-Lumikki Juntti, Member of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Forekspank since
15.11.98. Holds bachelor and master degrees in law, and separate
academic degrees in national economics, social philosophy and English
philology. From 1975 to 1982 worked as a legal councilor of Finnish
Export Credit Ltd. Has worked as J.P. Morgan, London, vice-president
of corporate financing in Scandinavian countries. From 1990, she is a
manager of J.P. Morgan banking operations in Finland. From 1998 works
as a CEO of PCA Corporate Finance, a company of Sampo Kindlustus
Group (Sampo Insurance Group). Ms. P.-L- Juntti has participated in
and managed the restructuration of several companies, and has been
involved in the lending operations of the Finnish government.

Andres Järving, Member of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Forekspank since
15.11.98. Graduated from University of Tartu in 1983 as a economic
cybernetic, and in 1998 started master’s degree studies in the field
of business administration in the University of Tartu. A. Järving has
worked in 1983-1988 in the Tallinn City Government as a work
economist and vice-manager of the department. From 1988 employed by
AS Norma as a vice chief accountant, later as a chief accountant and
financial manger. From 1996 he is a vice-director of AS Norma Grupp,
and vice chairman of the Supervisory Boards of AS Norma and Norma

Aare Tark, Member of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Forekspank since
15.11.98. Degree of higher education in law (Tartu Ülikool/
University of Tartu). Mr. A. Tark is an attorney-at-law. Has worked
as an attorney in Tallinna Teine Advokaadibüroo, law office Heta and
from 1991 law office Tark & Co. Mr. A. Tark is a president of Eesti
Advokatuur (Estonian Advocacy) since 1994, a member of the
Supervisory Board of Eesti Juristide Ōppekeskus (Educational Center
of Lawyers of Estonia) and member of the Management Board of Eesti
Ōiguskeskus (Legal center of Estonia) since 1995.

Peter Yngwe, Member of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Forekspank since
15.11.98. Obtained higher education from Gothenburg University. Mr.
P. Yngwe is a president of AB Svensk Exportkredit since April 1997.
Mr. P. Yngwe has worked in Svensk Exportkredit since 1984 on several
different positions. In addition, Mr. P. Yngwe has been a financial
councilor of Eesti Investeerimispank, Leedu Arengupank (Lithuanian
Development Bank) and Läti Investeerimispank (Latvian Investment

Ranno Pajuri
Director of Market Communications
Optiva Pank (AS Eesti Forekspank / AS Eesti Investeerimispank)
Tel. +372 630 2105

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