Last update: 04.07.2024 14:08 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Comment to financial results of Eesti Ühispank 31.12.19

17.01.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


As at end of December 1999, Eesti Ühispank's balance sheet
amounted to EEK 13.958 billion (EEK 14.3 billion in November and
EEK 13.520 billion in December 1998). In December, the Bank earned
a profit of EEK 12.2 million. Total unaudited profit for 1999 thus
amounts to EEK 101 million.

In December, the Bank's balance sheet decreased by EEK 343 million
as a result of decrease in deposits by EEK 330 million, of which
demand deposits constituted EEK 248 million. Financial
institution's demand deposits decreased by almost EEK 220 million
which was caused by transfer of cash prior collected by
Ühisliising for repayment of loans. In client structure, amounts
owed to financial institutions decreased by 15% and those owed to
the government by 11.3%. Parallel to that, growth of amounts owed
to private individuals continued (increase during December by

Since the beginning of 1999 clients' deposits have increased by a
total of EEK 902 million, i.e. 12.5%. Significant growth has
occurred in demand deposits (EEK 905 million, i.e. 26%). Amount of
time deposits has remained on the same level as at the beginning
of the year as a result of significant lowering of interest rates
during the second half of the year as well as by a decrease of
state term deposits which in turn was caused by deficit of state

During 1999, deposits of corporate clients in Ühispank have
increased by almost 30%, i.e. EEK 824 million, in part as a result
of gaining of market. Deposits of private individuals have
increased by 26%, i.e. EEK 492 million during the respective
period. State and local government deposits have decreased by a
quarter, i.e. EEK 393 million.

During the year, the deposit base of the Bank has strengthened:
proportion of private individuals' and private enterprises'
deposits has increased up to 30% and 42% respectively. In
addition, as a result of rapid growth of demand deposits, the
deposit structure has shifted towards short-term and less costly

Share of other liabilities in the bank's foreign capital has
decresed primarily due to repayment of bank credit lines and
bonds. As the Bank has held an extra liquidity during the year,
there was no need for additional foreign capital.

Loan portfolio increased signifcantly in December by EEK 422
million, i.e. 5.3%. The growth was stimulated by low interest
rates and an upturn in the economy which started in the second
half of the year. Noteworthy increase in housing loans for private
clients as well as loans for production for enterprises has

During the year, the loan portfolio has increased by 13.7%, i.e.
by a billion. Most of the growth has occurred in the fourth
quarter which should start reflecting in the increase of interest
income earned by the bank in the present year. As at end of 1999,
the Bank's net loan portfolio constituted 60% of total assets.
Increase of the loan portolio has a positive effect on the Bank's

Deposits in other banks decreased by EEK 440 million, i.e. 17,5%
during the month.

During December an additional 2,300 clients started using
Ühispank's internet bank. Since the beginning of the year, the
amount of users of the internet bank has almost tripled from
growing from 13,000 to more than 33,000. The montlhy increase of
users has steadily increased throughout the entire year.

The Bank's unaudited profit (results of subsidiaries have been
added to the result of the bank using the equity method) for 1999
totalled EEK million of which December's profit constituted EEK
12.2 million.

In the income structure, the interest income amounted to 54.5%,
commission fees 19.1%, financial income 20.5% and other income
6.0%. The largest cost item was personnel cost (25.3% of income)
which proportion in the income has decreased during the year
(37.5% of income at end of 1998). During 1999, the Bank made staff
cuts which have resulted in a decrease of personnel by nearly a
fifth, i.e. from 1,466 to 1,191.

During the year, the Bank made an additional expenditure
(provisions less recovered loans) of EEK 123,9 million to cover
the loan losses. As at end of 1999, loan provisions amounted to
2.6% of the entire portfolio (4.6% as at end of 1998).

The sale of Bank's investments in December has not been reflected
in the operational income of the Bank but as "Income from equity
method and adjustments of long-term investments" . According to the
relevant agreements, the amounts of transactions are confidential.

As at end of December, the Bank's capital adequacy amounted to 13,7%.

A more detailed comment to the Bank's audited and consolidated
results will be published after the audit, on March 17th the

Ülo Suurkask
Vice President
Tel: +372 6 657 200

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting dept.
6 656 390

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