Last update: 04.07.2024 20:04 (GMT+3)

Reval Hotelligrupp: Commentary to the preliminary financial results of 1999

15.02.2000, Reval Hotelligrupp, TLN



On preliminary information the 1999 consolidated and unaudited
turnover of Reval Hotelligrupi AS totaled EEK 203.2 million (EEK
210.1 million in 1998), divided between the companies in the group
as follows:

- Reval Hotelligrupi AS: EEK 10.0 million (incl. EEK 6.2 million
management and consultation services turnover, and EEK 3.8 million
Central accommodation and catering services turnover in December);
- AS Hotell Olümpia EEK 193.2 million (accommodation and catering
services turnover).

The consolidated and unaudited net profit of Reval Hotelligrupi AS
was EEK 30.7 million, exceeding the forecasted annual net profit
figure (EEK 25-28 million) and net profit in 1998 (EEK 23.7

Reval HG 1999 turnover was below the respective 1998 figure due to
increased supply of hotel rooms in hotel Olümpia market sector.
Resulting from effective cost management policies, however, Reval
HG gross profit grew from EEK 110.7 million in 1998 to EEK 113.2
million in 1999, and operating profit from EEK 33.2 million to EEK
49.3 million (the 11 million EEK difference between rent and
depreciation costs of hotel Olümpia building should be eliminated
for the purpose of correct evaluation of operating profit

The following substantial transactions and events took place in Q4

- Reval Hotelligrupi AS signed on 26.11.1999 agreements (effective
as of 30.11.1999) whereby Reval HG sold its stakes in ETK Hotell to
ETK, and bought from AS ETK Hotell all current and fixed assets of
hotel Central. Reval Hotelligrupi AS and AS ETK Hotell also made a
long-term rent agreement for the building of hotel Central.
Resulting from the aforementioned transactions, and in line with
Reval HG strategies, Reval HG made a transition from management
contract model to rent model on operating of hotel Central.
Resulting from acquisition of hotel Central assets, the
consolidated current assets grew by 9.3 million, fixed assets by
EEK 26.7 million and current liabilities by EEK 4.1 million.
Transition to rent model increases the turnover of Reval
Hotelligrupi AS during the next years by estimated EEK 59 million.

- On 20.12.1999 Reval Hotelligrupi AS and International Finance
Corporation (IFC) concluded a Share Subscription Agreement and a
Loan Agreement, pursuant to which IFC will invest up to USD 2
million into Reval Hotelligrupi AS capital stock, and grants up to
EUR 7.7 million in long-term loans to Reval Hotelligrupi AS.
Conclusion of these agreements ends the capital restructuring
processes aimed to refinance the liabilities assumed upon
acquisition of hotel Olümpia estate, and also to ensure necessary
resources to finance new projects. These financing agreements will
reduce the company's interest expenses during the next years, as
the EURIBOR+3.25% interest rate stipulated in loan agreement with
IFC is lower than the interest rate on the present liabilities. The
capital restructuring expenses in 1999 totaled EEK 3 million (incl.
issue management fees and loan agreement fees).

As evaluated based on conservatism principle, the long-term
financial investments on the company's balance sheet as at 31.12.99
stood at EEK 3.6 million.

Pursuant to the new Income Tax Law, effective as of 01.01.2000, the
deferred income tax liabilities and assets were transferred to the
equity account as of end-1999. Resulting from this transaction
Reval HG's equity increased by EEK 5.4 million.


The following trends characterized Tallinn accommodation services
market in 1999:
· rapidly increased supply: +20% y-o-y growth in rooms per night
available (50% increase from 1995);
· higher-than-expected growth of demand due to warm and long
tourism season and numerous successful mass events: +22% increase
in number of guests, +13% increase in overnight-stays and +10%
increase in rooms per night sold;
· due to increased share of tourists, increased seasonal effects on
the account of short-term summer visits and continuous improvement
of transportation possibilities (new speedboat lines added, whereas
prices of tickets were continuously cheap), the average length of
accommodation fell to 1.44 nights.
· Continuous growth in the share of guests from Finland, and
decline of share and number of guests from CIS countries.

Reval Hotelligrupi System includes hotels operated by Reval
Hotelligrupi AS under different models (management contract, rent
contract, ownership). As at 30.06.1999 Reval Hotelligrupi System
includes Olümpia Hotell, Central Hotell, Park Hotell & Casino and

Accommodation services provided by the Reval HG System in 1999:

Accommodation Rooms per night Average price of
turnover sold room
1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
Olümpia hotel 101,617 104,871 98,236 99,400 1,034 1,055
Central hotel* 34,349 28,546 50,061 44,239 686 645
Park hotel and 18,724 20,592 24,307 26,162 770 787
Expresshotel 9,864 -- 20 315 -- 486 --
Reval system 164,554 154,009 192,919 169,801 853 907

* 1999 and 1998 turnovers and rooms-per-night sold are not
comparable as 105 rooms were added in June 1998 after expansion of
the hotel

The annual accommodation net turnover and rooms per night sold
increased on y-o-y basis by 6.8% and 13.6%, respectively. The 6.0%
decline in average room price in Reval Hotelligrupp System
was mainly due to:
· structural changes after addition of lower price-class rooms
(expansion of Central Hotel in June 1998 and ExpressHotell in June
· change in the structure of visitors (share of holiday tourists
increased in 1999)
· increased competition (especially in hotel Olümpia market

192.9 thousand rooms per night sold by Reval HG accounted for 31.5%
of Tallinn's total, hence the market share of Reval HG by rooms per
night sold increased ca 1% y-o-y.

Katrin Rasmann
Financial Director
+372 62 74 444

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