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Eesti Ühispank: public 1999 year 12 month interim report (V)

29.02.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


2.4.Consolidated Income Statements

2.4.1.Consolidated Income Statement, IV Quarter
1999 1998

1. Interest income 281.3 424.5
1.1. Interest income from banking activities 230.3 336.3
1.2. Interest income from leasing activities 48.7 82.4
1.3. Other interest income 2.3 5.8
2. Interest expenses 184.4 208.9
2.1. Interest expenses from banking activities 168.7 206.0
2.2. Interest expenses from leasing activities 14.2 10.1
2.3. Other interest expenses -24.4 -7.1
4. Income and expenses from insurance activities 1.8 .0
4.1. Insurance premium 2.0 .0
4.1. Insurance compensations and changes in reserv -.2 .0
5. Income from securities 109.4 .1
6. Profit/loss from
equity method (+/-) -1.1 -.3
7. Net income from fees and commissions 57.0 48.0
7.1. Fees and commissions received 84.1 84.3
7.2. Fees and commissions paid 27.1 36.3
8. Net profit/loss fom financial activities (+/- 19.3 -72.7
9.1. Salaries 55.2 61.2
9.2. Social insurance tax 17.0 19.1
9.3. Pensions .0 .2
9.4. Other adminastrive expenses 60.9 33.9
10. Value adjustments of
tangible and intangible assets -447.9 -66.6
11. Value adjustments of advances
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) -158.1 -390.0
12. Value adjustments of
long term investmenst (+/-) -17.3 8.4
13. Other income and expense 34.7 -40.1
13.1. Other income 77.4 -14.8
13.2. Other expenses 42.7 25.3
14 Extraordinary income/expenses (+/-)tems -.2 .0
16 Income tax expenses .0 -11.1
16.1. Income tax of financial year .0 -.7
16.2. Change of potential income tax commitment .0 -10.4
17. Minority interest .0 -13.6
18. Consolidated profit/loss (+/-) 25.1 -387.5

2.4.2.Consolidated Income Statement, Year
1999 1998

1. Interest income 1,238.4 1,377.1
1.1. Interest income from banking activities 1,042.5 1,033.5
1.2. Interest income from leasing activities 180.9 315.4
1.3. Other interest income 15.0 28.3
2. Interest expenses 720.0 727.5
2.1. Interest expenses from banking activities 661.3 651.6
2.2. Interest expenses from leasing activities 52.9 72.2
2.3. Other interest expenses 5.8 3.7
3. NET INTEREST INCOME 518.4 649.7
4. Income and expenses from insurance activities 3.8 .0
4.1. Insurance premium 3.0 .0
4.1. Insurance compensations and changes in reserv .8 .0
5. Income from securities 103.1 5.1
6. Profit/loss from
equity method (+/-) .8 -.3
7. Net income from fees and commissions 209.5 154.5
7.1. Fees and commissions received 304.3 271.2
7.2. Fees and commissions paid 94.8 116.7
8. Net profit/loss fom financial activities (+/- 137.9 -173.6
9.1. Salaries 215.4 175.8
9.2. Social insurance tax 68.4 56.1
9.3. Pensions .2 .2
9.4. Other adminastrive expenses 236.8 218.2
10. Value adjustments of
tangible and intangible assets -260.0 -134.3
11. Value adjustments of advances
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) -115.0 -474.5
12. Value adjustments of
long term investmenst (+/-) -10.5 8.4
13. Other income and expense 34.8 21.3
13.1. Other income 77.5 58.4
13.2. Other expenses 42.7 37.1
14 Extraordinary income/expenses (+/-)tems .0 .0
16 Income tax expenses 1.2 .9
16.1. Income tax of financial year 1.2 .9
16.2. Change of potential income tax commitment .0 .0
17. Minority interest .3 -12.7
18. Consolidated profit/loss (+/-) 100.2 -382.3

2.5. Income Statements, Bank

2.5.1.Income Statement, Bank, IV Quarter
1999 1998

1. Interest income 247.5 355.4
1.1. Loans 201.8 228.6
1.2. Deposits 14.5 4.8
1.3. Bonds and fixed
income securities 26.8 55.4
1.4. Futures 4.3 66.5
1.5. Oter .0 .0
2. Inerest expenses 134.9 208.6
2.1. Loans 28.2 32.9
2.2. Demand deposits 16.7 15.7
2.3. Time deposits 40.4 81.1
2.4. Bonds and fixed
income securities 29.4 33.9
2.5. Equity loans 9.7 9.4
2.6. Futures .3 27.0
2.7. Other 10.2 8.7
3. Net interest income (+/-) 112.5 146.8
4. Income from financial investments 125.7 -120.4
4.1. Income from shares of subsidaries 58.1 -75.7
4.1.1.Dividends .0 .0
4.1.2.Income from equity method 58.1 -75.7
4.1.3.Other (+/-) .0 .0
4.2. Income from shares of affiliates 9.1 .1
4.2.1.Dividends .0 .0
4.2.2.Income from equity method 9.1 .1
4.2.3.Other (+/-) .0 .0
4.3. Income fom other shares 58.5 -44.8
4.3.1.Dividends .0 .1
4.3.2.Other (+/-) 58.5 -44.9
5. Income from fees and commisions 66.4 61.5
6. Expenses to fees and commissions 20.8 31.1
7. Net income from financing (+/-) 20.9 12.4
7.1. Profit/Income 33.4 21.4
7.2. Loss/Expenses 12.5 9.0
8. Administretive expenses 111.2 118.9
8.1. Salaries 41.4 45.3
8.2. Social tax and health security tax 13.3 15.0
8.3. Pensions (non-state) .0 .0
8.4. Other administretive expenses 56.5 58.7
9. Value adjustments of
fixed and intangible assets (+/-) -52.8 -50.7
9.1. Income .0 .0
9.2. Expenses 52.8 50.7
10. Value adjustments of advances
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) -99.1 -301.0
10.1. Profit/Income 18.3 .7
10.1. Loss/Expenses 117.4 301.7
11. Value adjustments of
long term investments (+/-) -6.2 .0
11.1. Income 2.1 .0
11.2. Expenses 8.4 .0
12. Other operating income 22.2 12.0
13. Other operating expenses 3.4 3.9
14. Extraordinary income .0 .0
15. Extraordinary expenses .0 .0
16. Profit/loss before taxes (+/-) 54.1 -393.5
17. Income tax .0 .0
18. Net profit (+/-) 54.1 -393.5

2.5.2.Income Statement, Bank, Year
1999 1998

1. Interest income 1,056.4 1,108.8
1.1. Loans 829.0 773.0
1.2. Deposits 52.3 31.9
1.3. Bonds and fixed
income securities 110.5 188.4
1.4. Futures 64.5 114.9
1.5. Oter .1 .6
2. Inerest expenses 630.7 655.0
2.1. Loans 73.8 60.8
2.2. Demand deposits 77.6 82.8
2.3. Time deposits 246.9 276.6
2.4. Bonds and fixed
income securities 121.0 145.3
2.5. Equity loans 36.6 26.4
2.6. Futures 37.6 45.7
2.7. Other 37.3 17.4
3. Net interest income (+/-) 425.7 453.8
4. Income from financial investments 118.6 -88.1
4.1. Income from shares of subsidaries 60.0 -48.3
4.1.1.Dividends .0 .0
4.1.2.Income from equity method 60.0 -48.3
4.1.3.Other (+/-) .0 .0
4.2. Income from shares of affiliates 10.4 .1
4.2.1.Dividends .0 .0
4.2.2.Income from equity method 10.4 .1
4.2.3.Other (+/-) .0 .0
4.3. Income fom other shares 48.2 -39.8
4.3.1.Dividends 1.2 5.1
4.3.2.Other (+/-) 47.0 -44.9
5. Income from fees and commisions 237.1 229.9
6. Expenses to fees and commissions 77.1 105.1
7. Net income from financing (+/-) 120.7 -92.8
7.1. Profit/Income 141.1 81.5
7.2. Loss/Expenses 20.4 174.3
8. Administretive expenses 417.2 354.8
8.1. Salaries 159.9 136.9
8.2. Social tax and health security tax 52.5 45.2
8.3. Pensions (non-state) .0 .0
8.4. Other administretive expenses 204.8 172.8
9. Value adjustments of
fixed and intangible assets (+/-) -193.6 -105.5
9.1. Income .0 .0
9.2. Expenses 193.6 105.5
10. Value adjustments of advances
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) -107.0 -332.5
10.1. Profit/Income 21.3 2.0
10.1. Loss/Expenses 128.4 334.5
11. Value adjustments of
long term investments (+/-) -16.0 .0
11.1. Income 8.7 .0
11.2. Expenses 24.7 .0
12. Other operating income 51.5 21.1
13. Other operating expenses 13.3 14.0
14. Extraordinary income .0 .0
15. Extraordinary expenses .0 .0
16. Profit/loss before taxes (+/-) 129.2 -387.9
17. Income tax .0 .0
18. Net profit (+/-) 129.2 -387.9

2.6.Cash Flow Statements

2.6.1.Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
1999 1998

I Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Interest receipts 1,238.4 1,377.1
Interest payments -720.0 -727.5
Dividend receipts 3.0 5.1
Other income received 509.5 47.4
Administrative expenses paid -520.9 -450.3
Other expenses -90.3 -61.4
Profit / loss arising from minority interest -.3 12.7
Income taxes paid -1.2 -.9
Written off loans and bonds, less recoveries -248.4 -244.7
Exchange rate adjustments -6.4 -8.5
Other non-cash movements -47.4 .0
Net cash flows from operating activities before
changes in operating assets and liabilities 116.0 -51.1

Net (increase)/decrease in operating assets:
Time deposits in credit institutions -552.3 123.3
Loans and advances to customers 784.4 -1,717.6
Investment securities portfolio -472.9 390.6
Other assets 37.8 112.4

Net increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities:
Amounts owed to credit institutions -381.1 254.6
Amounts owed to customers 1,000.1 327.5
Issued bonds -371.0 -429.8
Other liabilities -157.2 124.2
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 3.8 -866.0

II Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Merger of banks 373.2
Investments in associates -1.2 -34.0
Disposal of associates, net of cash acquired 44.6 8.8
Investments in subsidiaries
Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash -235.8 .0
Acquisitions of tangible fixed assets -250.2 -555.9
Disposal of tangible fixed assets 103.1 67.7
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities -339.5 -140.3

III Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Minority interest -25.2 -16.7
Subordinated debt -15.0 42.5
Share issues 4.1 358.9
Share premium arising from share issues 6.0 1,267.7
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities -30.1 1,652.3

Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents -365.8 646.0

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Y 2,354.4 1,708.4

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year 1,988.6 2,354.4

2.6.2.Cash Flow Statement, Bank
1999 1998

I Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Interest receipts 1,056.4 1,108.8
Interest payments -630.7 -637.6
Dividend receipts 1.2 5.1
Other income received 423.9 8.4
Administrative expenses paid -417.2 -354.8
Other expenses -61.2 -36.4
Profit / loss arising from minority interest
Income taxes paid .0 .0
Written off loans and bonds, less recoveries -240.7 -170.4
Exchange rate adjustments .3 .0
Other non-cash movements -45.0 6.3
Net cash flows from operating activities before
changes in operating assets and liabilities 87.0 -70.6

Net (increase)/decrease in operating assets:
Time deposits in credit institutions -287.4 9.2
Loans and advances to customers -896.8 -1,083.7
Investment securities portfolio 791.0 -85.4
Other assets -20.0 79.9

Net increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities:
Amounts owed to credit institutions -348.2 -123.8
Amounts owed to customers 901.8 704.6
Issued bonds -113.9 -368.2
Other liabilities -105.9 43.4
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 7.5 -894.7

II Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Merger of banks -146.9
Investments in associates .0 -30.0
Disposal of associates, net of cash acquired 40.1 8.8
Investments in subsidiaries -151.6 -151.9
Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash 146.0 .0
Acquisitions of tangible fixed assets -108.8 -188.3
Disposal of tangible fixed assets 14.5 28.1
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities -59.7 -480.1

III Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Minority interest
Subordinated debt -15.0 42.5
Share issues 4.1 358.9
Share premium arising from share issues 6.0 1,267.7
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities -4.9 1,669.0

Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents -57.1 294.3

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Y 2,002.3 1,708.1

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year 1,945.3 2,002.3

2.7.Changes in Shareholders Equity, Consolidated
Year Profit/ issue
begin- loss of for Final
ning annual FMO balance
1998 year 20.05.99 1999

Paid up capital 661.5 4.1 665.6
Subscribed capital, unpaid .0 .0
Share premium 1,340.6 6.0 1,346.6
Own shares .0 .0
General Banking reserve 298.5 298.5
Revaluation reserve .0 .0
Other reserves .0 .0
Translation differsnces -8.5 4.5 -4.0
Retained earnings and
profit/loss of annual year -374.6 100.2 -274.4
Potential income tax .0 .0
Total shareholders' equity 1,917.5 104.7 10.1 2,032.3

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aruandluse ja anal.osak juh
6 656 390

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