Last update: 04.07.2024 21:56 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: public 1999 year 12 month interim report (IV)

29.02.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


2.8.Changes in Shareholders' Equity, Bank
Year Profit/ issue
begin- loss of for Final
ning annual FMO balance
1998 year 20.05.99 1999

Paid up capital 661.5 4.1 665.6
Subscribed capital, unpaid .0 .0
Share premium 1,340.6 6.0 1,346.6
Own shares .0 .0
General Banking reserve 298.5 298.5
Revaluation reserve .0 .0
Other reserves .0 .0
Translation differsnces .0 .0
Retained earnings and
profit/loss of annual year -412.4 129.2 -283.2
Potential income tax .0 .0
Total shareholders' equity 1,888.2 129.2 10.1 2,027.6

2.9.Accounting principles

General principles

The financial statements of Eesti Ühispank conform with
International Accounting Standards and generally accepted accounting
principles. Compared to the previous year, presentation
principles of long-term investments in subsidiaries' shares in
the financial statements separate from the parent company have been
changed: in 1998 they were re-valued at an equity method, in
1999 at an acquisition cost; the results of the previous year
have been adjusted respectively.

Scope of the consolidated financial statements

The financial statements of Eesti Ühispank group include the
audited financial statements of the subsidiaries as of 31
December 1999. Only the statements of the subsidiaries where
Eesti Ühispank exercises significant control have been consolidated.
The control is treated as significant when the bank owns at least 50%
of the voting right in the company or in some other way exercises
a significant power. The statements of Eesti Ühispank Group
include the financial statements of Ühisliisingu AS
(participation 100%); Russkii Obedinennoi Liising (participation
75%), Ühispanga Varahalduse AS (participation 100%), AS
Ühisinvesteeringud (participation 100%), AO Baltic Invest
(participation 100%), PT Investeeringute AS
(participation 100%), AS Bangalo (participation 100%), OÜ PV Navarra
(participation 100%), AS TPF Orior (participation 100%), AS PF Koda
(participation 100%), AS LF Finants (participation 100%), OÜ
Efficio (participation 100%) and AS Ühispanga Elukindlustus
(participation 100%). The subsidiaries of AS Ühisliising, Ühispanga
Varahalduse AS and AS PF Koda have been prior consolidated into the
financial statements of the parent company.


In significant aspects the statements have been compiled in
conformity with the accounting principles of the parent
company. In consolidation, internationally accepted accounting
principles have been applied, which require a line-by-line
combination of a parent company's and subsidiaries' balance sheets
and income statements, while intra-group balances and transactions
have been eliminated. Minority interests in the subsidiaries'
equity are presented separately from the liabilities
and shareholders' equity of the group.

Income and expenditures of the subsidiaries acquired during the
accounting year have been consolidated into the parent company's
statement over the period from the moment of acquisition until
the termination of the accounting year. The subsidiaries disposed
of within the accounting year have been consolidated into the
statement up to the moment of disposal.

The income statements of subsidiaries incorporated in foreign
countries have been re-valued in the Estonian kroons at the 1999
average exchange rate of the Bank of Estonia and the balance sheets
have been consolidated at the Bank of Estonia's exchange rate of 31
December 1999.

In the parent company's separate statements investments into
subsidiaries have been presented at, either at acquisition, or
realisation cost.

Long-term investments into associates (participation 20%- 50%) are
presented at equity method where the initial investment is
increased by the group's share of profits and reduced by losses
of or distribution of profits received from the associate
attributable to the group. The results of the associates disposed
of during the accounting year are recognised in the statement
until the moment of disposal.


All securities possessed by the bank are recognised as securities.
Investments into securities are classified either as short, or
long-term financial investments depending on the aim of holding.
Long-term investments include shares acquired for a strategic,
long-term holding. In the group's statements long-term investments
are carried at a lower, either at a realisation or acquisition cost,
their disposal is based on FIFO-formula.

Short-term investments include shares acquired for trading
purposes. Such shares are recognised at market values, based on the
stock exchange latest BID-price on a respective day. The shares
not quoted on the stock exchange are recognised at cost. In the
bank's balance sheet those investments will be re-valued upon
decrease of the company's bookkeeping value (according to the
financial information of the company).

Bonds include fixed interest bonds and other securities. Long-term
bonds are recognised in the balance sheet at a lower, either at
acquisition or realisation cost. For valuation, interest arising
as the difference between acquisition cost and nominal value is
allocated over the period up to maturity of the bond. The
result is presented in the income statement as interest income. In
case the bonds are disposed, FIFO-formula is applied to specify the
yield. Short-term bonds are recognised in the balance sheet at
market values i.e. the latest stock exchange BID-price on a balance
sheet date is applied. The result is recognised in the income
statement as a financial income.


Loans to customers are presented in the balance sheet until they
are written off despite that part of them may be carried under costs
as bad and doubtful debts. Bad and doubtful debts are presented
under the same name in assets side with the minus. Loans have
been recognised in the balance sheet at their actual amount due
from customers, without accrued interests and penalties. In case
of overdraft, the actual utilisation of the overdraft limit by the
borrower is stated. Credit limits not used are presented as
off- balance sheet liabilities. In valuation of loans, various
risks have been prudently considered. Probability of collection
of loans and interest payments over the coming periods is
valued. Within the extent of presumed loan losses, a loan
provision has been set up, where doubtful debts are recognised,
irrevocable loans are carried under costs and presented on the income
statement line "loan provisions".

Valuation of collection of loans is based on the borrower's
financial position, value of loan security and its realisation
options, on due meeting the obligations under the loan contract,
trustworthiness of the borrower and on other factors. If loan
interests have not been received for two months, accruing of
interests will be terminated and interest income will be
respectively adjusted.

Presentation of balances in foreign currencies

In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are recognised in the Estonian kroons according to the
rate of the Bank of Estonia as of 31 December 1999. Foreign
currency, which is not quoted by the Bank of Estonia is presented at
an accounting rate under the balance sheet date DEM quotation of the
central bank of a respective country. Profit received from
foreign currency purchases and sales are presented in the income
statement as net income.


Goodwill represents the difference between the cost of an acquisition
and the fair value of net assets on purchasing of a business
entity. Goodwill is amortised on a straight-line-basis,
considering its expected payback period, but no longer than within
10 years.

Tangible fixed assets

Land, buildings and other assets of long-term use are recognised
in the balance sheet as fixed assets. Fixed assets are
presented at net book value whereas accumulated depreciation
has been deducted from the acquisition cost. Depreciation and
write-down of fixed assets is presented on the income statement
line" Value adjustments of tangible and intangible fixed assets
and depreciation". Depreciation calculation is based on useful
lives of fixed assets, which serves as the basis for forming
depreciation rates. Buildings are depreciated over 20 - 50
years, other assets over 2,5 - 10 years (exceptionally over 20
years). Land is not depreciated. Renovation expenses are
capitalised and carried at costs proportionally over five years
or according to the terms rental contract. Assets with a purchase
price less than EEK 7,000 are expensed upon their purchase.

Technical allocations of life insurance

Life insurance allocation comprises of discounted current value of
disbursements to be made to the insured in the future. Allocations
of non-met claims includes losses, which are valued and handled
but not yet disbursed, and losses, which are registered but not yet
handled. Amounts allocated to the insured or the beneficiary under
the contract in the accounting year in addition to a guaranteed
profit share and on account of which life insurance allocations
will be increased or bonus disbursements will be made, are
presented as bonus allocations.

Reserves and general banking reserve

According to the income tax law in force up to 31 December
1999 credit institutions, to cover potential losses, could form a
tax-exempt reserve up to 5% of the loan portfolio. Allocations
to this reserve could be deducted from the taxable income. In
case the loan portfolio decreased, excess portion of the reserve
had to be transferred to the bank's taxable income. Eesti Ühispank's
profit of the year 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 has been allocated to
the general banking reserve (except EEK 6.5 million from the
1995-year profit) and makes up EEK 298.5 million. In 1999
allocations to the reserve were not made.


In the Republic of Estonia under the law in force in 1999 the income
tax rate was 26%. A profit/loss tax rate includes real taxes.
Real taxes are calculated on the basis of direct income tax
liability using the adjusted pre-tax profit/loss for non-taxable
income/expenditures. In 1999, Eesti Ühispank was not subject to
income tax as the accumulated losses of the previous periods
exceeded the taxable income of the accounting period.

According to the income tax law in force in Estonia since 1 January
2000, legal entities registered in Estonia are subject to income
tax in case of direct profit distribution in the form of
dividends and indirect profit distribution in the form of
allowances, gifts, allocations and costs that not related to
business. The tax rate is 26/74 on all dividends and profit
allocations made to individuals, NGOs and foundations and on
allowances made to employees. Dividends paid to business
associations-residents are not taxed. In case dividends are paid
from retained earnings of 1994- 1999, income tax paid earlier on the
paid-out dividends could be deducted from non-payable income tax.

Deferred income tax liability

Under the law in force until the year 2000, the deferred income tax
liability could have realised on the decrease of the loan portfolio
or on reducing a tax-exempt rate in connection with a non-taxable
general banking reserve credit institutions were allowed to form,
as well as on the cumulative difference between depreciation
charges for accounting and tax purposes. Proceeding from the
amendment of the Estonian income tax law in 2000 and from the
liability concept provided in the accounting law, the deferred
income tax liability is not entered in the 1999 annual report.


Forward, swap, and option transactions are presented as off-balance
assets and liabilities. Forward, swap, and option transactions
are re-valued according to the effective rate of the Bank of
Estonia. Equity options are re-adjusted at market price.
Interests on forward- transactions and premiums on option
transactions are presented over to the period of transaction.
Unrealised profit from the revaluation of off-balance sheet assets
and liabilities are recognised in the income statement under "net
dealing profits" Interest income from swap- transactions is stated
in the income statement under "interest income" and "interest
expenses". Option premiums and unrealised profit on revaluation
of off- balance sheet assets and liabilities are recognised in
the income statement under "dealing profits".

Changes in the accounting statements

Liquid bonds' portfolio of EEK 224 million presented under
bonds' investments portfolio in 1998 is placed under liquid
assets together with the trading portfolio. The aim is to better
present a liquidity level of the assets stated in the balance

In 1999, the process of merging of Eesti Ühispank and
Tallinna Pank groups was finalised. Compared to the bank's and the
group's 1998-reports, goodwill has been increased by EEK 47.4
million, resulting from the adjustment of net assets of
Tallinna Pank Liising. Retroactively, from the moment of
the merger, depreciation cost has been deducted from this
amount, which is presented also in the 1999 income statements.
Compared to the 1998-report, goodwill is re-classified according
to the data of AS Bangalo by EEK 0.8 million, which was presented
under other assets in the previous year's group report.

In 1998, investments into subsidiaries and associates
in the statements separate from a parent company were presented
at equity method, in 1999, at a comparable period, statements
are re-calculated and presented at a lower, either at an
acquisition or realisation cost. As a result of this change,
investments into subsidiaries and associates have been decreased in
the statements separate from a parent company, and income statement
lines "Income/expenses from equity participation" and
"Re-valuation of investments" have been adjusted. The group
statements have remained unchanged.

Deferred income tax liability presented in the 1998 balance
sheet is presented in the 1999 adjusted original balance sheet as
an adjustment to the equity capital on the balance sheet line
"Retained earnings of previous periods".

The 1998 income statement presented in the 1999 annual report has
been re-valued. Adjustment to the deferred income tax liability
provided for in the 1998 annual report has been eliminated and
presented in the 1999 adjusted balance sheet on the line
"Retained earnings of previous periods". Profit adjustments of
the 1998 adjusted accounting year is presented on the balance
sheet line "Profit (-loss) of the accounting period".

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