Last update: 25.11.2024 00:35 (GMT+2)
Unconsolidated Income Statement
(EEK in millions) 1999 1998
1 Interest income 1,969.6 1,583.0
1.1 loans 1,272.6 873.0
1.2 deposits 109.0 80.7
1.3 debt securities and fixed income 190.8 154.4
1.4 derivatives 354.1 469.0
1.5 other 43.2 6.0
2 Interest expense 874.2 847.9
2.1 loans 135.9 106.0
2.2 demand deposits 170.2 78.7
2.3 time deposits 283.2 302.4
2.4 debt securities and fixed income 64.4 55.6
2.6 derivatives 218.6 305.3
2.7 other 1.9
3 Net interest income (+/-) 1,095.4 735.1
4 Income from financial investments 2.3 101.9
4.1 shares of subsidiaries 0.0 97.4
4.1.1 dividends 97.6
4.1.2 income under equity method
4.1.3 other (+/-) -0.2
4.2 shares of affiliated companies 0.1 0.0
4.2.1 dividends 0.1
4.2.2 income under equity method
4.2.3 other (+/-)
4.3 other shares 2.3 4.4
4.3.1 dividends 2.3 4.4
4.3.2 other (+/-)
5 Fees and commissions received 498.5 381.8
6 Fees and commissions paid 151.8 97.4
7 Net result of financial operations (+/-) 218.5 -68.6
7.1 profit/income 289.1 310.2
7.2 loss/expense 70.6 378.7
8 Administrative expenses 683.1 513.1
8.1 salaries 248.5 181.7
8.2 social tax 83.2 60.0
8.3 pension expense
8.4 other administrative expenses 351.4 271.4
9 Change in the value of tangible and -315.5 -158.5
intangible assets (+/-)
9.1 Income
9.2 Expense 315.5 158.5
10 Net provisions -169.4 -264.8
10.1 Income (recoveries) 87.7 31.7
10.2 Expense (provisions) 257.1 296.5
11 Revaluation of long-term investments (+/-) 78.0 -11.4
11.1 Income 78.0
11.2 Expense 11.4
12 Other operating income 63.4 4.5
13 Other operating expenses 107.8 93.3
14 Extraordinary income
15 Extraordinary expenses
16 Profit before taxes 528.4 16.3
17 Income tax -11.9 -14.8
18 Net profit 540.3 31.1
Mart Tõevere
+372 6131 569