Last update: 06.07.2024 08:04 (GMT+3)

Harju Elekter: Share option

21.03.2000, Harju Elekter Group, TLN


Supervisory Board of AS Harju Elekter decided:

I Aiming to motivate AS Harju Elekter employees, the board will
make a proposal to 27.04.2000 annual general meeting of AS Harju
Elekter shareholders to authorize the Supervisory Board of AS Harju
Elekter to issue share options to AS Harju Elekter employees and
executives, and members of the Management Boards of its
subsidiaries and associated companies, on the following conditions:

1) to issue up to 200 000 options during year 2000, where each
option entitles its holder to one new share of AS Harju Elekter
with EEK 10.- par value and sales price pursuant to Tallinn Stock
Exchange Rules and Regulations (not below average weighted price of
the share during the preceding stock exchange day). After
exercising of options the share capital of AS Harju Elekter will
increase by EEK 2 000 000, accounting for 3.7% of company's share
capital after stock dividend issue;

2) options will be of European-style exercise (i.e. option contract
can be exercised on specified date only), with expiration date of
two years after date of issue by Supervisory Board of AS Harju

3) AS Harju Elekter employees and executives, and members of the
Management Boards of its subsidiaries and associated companies are
entitled to receive share options. Total number of share to be
issued will be determined by the Supervisory Board, to be published
in the respective decision to increase share capital. In case of
oversubscription the Supervisory Board will decide the allocation
of shares;

4) each Supervisory Board member has a right to subscribe maximum
of 5000 shares;

5) employee will lose to right to exercise share option upon
leaving the company;

6) options are disposable only through AS Harju Elekter Management

7) aiming to avoid uncovered subscription for options, each
subscriber will pay subscription fee of EEK 1 per share to the
company, to be shown as non-interest bearing loan to AS Harju
Elekter and reimbursed upon expiration of or disposal of option

8) newly issued shares give the shareholders a right to receive
dividends as from the year the option contracts are exercised.

II With regard to issue of share options, the board will present
for AGM approval a decision to exclude shareholders' pre-emptive
right for subscription for 200 000 shares to be issued based on the
Supervisory Board decision.

Endel Palla
Chairman of Supervisory Board
+372 67 47 400

Lembit Libe
Chief Economist
+372 67 47 412

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