Last update: 06.07.2024 02:15 (GMT+3)

Fakto: Consolidated balance sheet 31.03.00

28.04.2000, Fakto, TLN


Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK

Assets AS Fakto Group
Current assets 31.03.00 31.03.99 31.03.00 31.03.99

Cash and bank 273 261 3,686 6,320

Customer receivables
Accounts receivable 5,889 4,829 15,760 18,828
Allowance for doubtful accounts -464 -368 -1,030 -1,836
Total customer receivables 5,425 4,461 14,729 16,992

Other receivables
Receivables from subsidiaries and 8,407 10,483 0 0
parent company
Other current receivables 6,060 3,086 7,233 7,484
Total other receivables 14,468 13,569 7,233 7,484

Accrued income
Calculated interests 3 9 32 125
Total accrued income 132 1,303 32 125

Prepaid expenses and prepaid taxes
Prepaid/refundable tax receivables 1,183 974 4,226 3,322
Prepaid expenses 445 379 269 457
Total prepaid expenses and 1,628 1,353 4,495 3,779
prepaid/refundable tax receivables

Raw materials 10 11 10 11
Work-in-progress 128 239 128 239
Merchandise purchased for resale 5,422 5,421 25,825 34,547
Prepayments to suppliers 0 0 121 225
Total inventories 5,560 5,671 26,084 35,022

Total current assets 27,485 26,617 56,259 69,723

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 7,138 9,481 0 0
Goodwill 823 1,202 823 1,202
Stock and shares in associated companies 0 400 0 400
Other non-current receivables 4,000 0 3,227 6,831
Total long-term financial assets 11,961 11,083 4,050 8,433

Tangible assets
Land and building 47,404 47,404 72,408 72,074
Plant and equipment 7,437 8,007 16,167 15,084
Other equipment and fixtures 2,315 2,190 6,721 6,714
Accumulated depreciation -19,434 -16,760 -26,053 -21,461
Total tangible assets 37,722 40,840 69,243 72,411

Intangible assets
Purchased patents, licenses, 183 117 516 345
trademarks, etc.
Total intangible assets 183 117 516 345

Total non-current assets 49,866 52,040 73,810 81,189

Total assets 77,351 78,658 130,069 150,912

Liabilities and owners' equity
AS Fakto Group
Current liabilities 31.03.00 31.03.99 31.03.00 31.03.99

Short-term borrowings
Current period repayment 1,650 1,644 3,666 3,660
of long-term debt
Short-term loans from 4,202 8,636 8,502 8,857
financial institutions
Debentures 31 109 4,024 4,434
Total short-term borrowings 5,884 10,389 16,193 16,951

Customer prepayments 1,756 620 2,938 1,293

Supplier payables 18,777 11,780 33,365 44,732

Tax liabilities 2,895 4,282 3,701 5,971

Accrued expenses
Salary-related accrued expenses 1,756 1,440 3,045 2,541
Dividends payable 165 0 235 697
Interest payable 48 79 1,954 1,977
Other accrued expenses 141 219 875 234
Total accrued expenses 2,109 1,738 6,109 5,449

Short-term provisions 0 0 1,439 441

Total current liabilities 31,420 28,808 63,744 74,836

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings
Non-convertible long-term debt 0 163 1,714 163
Bank loans 13,200 11,644 25,823 27,050
Other long-term borrowings from 40 0 3,223 7,357
credit institutions
Total long-term borrowings 13,240 11,806 30,760 34,570

Other long-term debt obligations
Deferred income tax liability 0 2,255 0 2,294
Total other long-term debt 0 2,255 0 2,294

Total non-current liabilities 13,240 14,061 30,760 36,864

Total liabilities 44,660 42,869 94,504 111,701

Minority interest 0 0 2,874 3,423

Owners' equity
Share capital in nominal value 16,501 16,501 16,501 16,501
Capital surplus 7,307 7,307 7,307 7,307
Restricted reserves 767 502 767 502
Retained earnings 9,822 11,741 9,822 11,741
Profit/loss for the financial year -1,705 -263 -1,705 -263
Total owners' equity 32,691 35,788 32,691 35,788

Total liabilities and owners' equity 77,351 78,658 130,069 150,912

Toivo Urva
Management Board Chairman
+372 6 389 200

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