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Eesti Telekom: Commentary to financial results, Q1 2000

29.05.2000, Eesti Telekom, TLN


Estonian Telecom, the leading provider of telecommunication services in
Estonia, today announces its results for the three months ended March 31


· Revenue up 15% to 939 mln kroons (US$ 59 mln)
· EBITDA up 24% to 503 mln kroons (US$ 32 mln)
· EBITDA margin 54% up from 50%
· Profit before tax up 40% to 247 mln kroons (US$ 16 mln)
· Earnings per share up 106% to 1.79 kroons (US$ 0.11)
· Net gearing -5%

Commenting on the results the Chairman, Toomas Somera, said:

"Year 2000 started with strong results following our focus on innovation
and efficiency."


Year 2000 has started with strong growth indicators for Estonian Telecom
Group. The total revenue has increased by 15% to 939 mln kroons and profit
before taxes increased by 40% to 247 mln kroons. To my belief, an essential
part of the growth results from the success of the Group keeping up with
recent developments of the World telecommunications industry: innovative and
diversified services in mobile and data communication areas, complex
solutions, signifying customer relations management. Another factor of equal
importance to the development of the Group is the expected changes of the
Estonian market: the opening of the fixed communications area for new
entrants which in 2001.


Total revenue of Estonian Telecom Group in three months of 2000 amounted to
939 mln kroons. Both major business segments of Estonian Telecom: fixed
network telecommunications and mobile telecommunication, contributed to the

Total revenue from fixed network services were up by 15% amounting to 667
mln kroons.

Local call revenue was the fastest growing part of the revenue exceeding
1999 result by 34%. The main factor behind the growth has been Internet.

Total number of Internet dial-up minutes in three months of 2000 is almost
160% higher than the corresponding figure for 1999. Currently, dial-up
minutes are over 31% of the total minute volumes, including local, domestic,
international and mobile calls. Even though the data communications market
has been open for competition from the very beginning, the provider of fixed
line services, Estonian Telephone Company, has succeeded to maintain and
even strengthen its position. By the end of the period, the company had 39
thousand dial-up clients which corresponds to a 49% market share. The market
share is growing steadily. In order to get even better results, active
marketing actions are planned in the nearest future. Also, development of
value added services has high priority.

In the first quarter of 2000 Estonian Telephone Company started to advertise
the trademark "et", a trademark for telecommunication services and
solutions. The packages that relate to fixed telephone and data services,
(in cooperation with Estonian Mobile Telephone Company, the provider of
mobile communication services) mobile telephone services, ISDN and IN-
network based services, are expected to give a competitive advantage to the
Group in the future telecommunications market

Call revenues in total increased by 13% and formed 62% of the total revenue.
Main line revenues grew by 10% and formed 23% of the total. Number of
clients of the company at the end of March 2000 was 513,000. Total revenue
per client was up 7% compared to the corresponding period in 1999, amounting
to 1 232 kroons.

Total revenue from mobile telecommunication services were up by 14% to 421
mln kroons. During the first three months of 2000, 15.7 thousand new clients
joint the operator raising the total number of subscribers to 259.6
thousand, including 76.9 thousand prepaid card customers. Addition of
prepaid card customers has slowed down in the beginning of 2000 with more
new customers choosing traditional subscription-based packages. SMS and data
services keep growing at an impressive speed. The result of the three months
of 2000 exceeded three months of 1999 by 125%. In total, SMS and data
services form almost 2% of the sales of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenses of Estonian Telecom Group amounted to 436 mln kroons, up
only by 6%. Ratio of operating expenses into total revenue has fallen to 46%
from the 50% level a year earlier.

70% decrease in the parent company, Estonian Telecom Ltd, operating expenses
contributes essentially to the consolidated result. Three months expenses of
1999 of Estonian Telecom were affected by the costs related to the IPO,
listing of the shares of the company on Tallinn and London Stock Exchanges
and restructuring.

Continuing decrease of the headcount in Estonian Telephone Company from 2
771 at the end of December 1999 to 2 614 by the end of March 2000, also
contributed to the limited growth of operating expenses. Ratio of operating
expenses into total revenue in Estonian Telephone Company Group has fallen
from 56% to 54%. Operating expenses of Estonian Mobile Telephone Group were
up by 12%. Ratio of the expenses into total revenue has remained on 48%

Depreciation and Amortisation

In the period under review, depreciation and amortisation of Estonian
Telecom Group increased by 34 mln kroons (16%) to 247 mln kroons. A fastened
amortisation of NMT network in total amount of 14 mln kroons by Estonian
Mobile Telephone Company took place in the first quarter of 2000
contributing to relatively high growth of the item.


Net profit of Estonian Telecom Group in the first quarter of 2000 amounted
to 246 mln kroons. Restructuring of the Group that took place in the first
half of 1999 makes it impossible to compare net profits of the period with
the corresponding period in 1999.

Fixed Mobile Consolidated
network telecommunica
telecommun tions
EBIT, mEEK 129 134 256
margin, % 19% 32% 27%
growth, % 40% 6% 33%
EBITDA, mEEK 302 209 503
margin, % 45% 50% 54%
growth, % 19% 16% 24%

Earnings per share in the first quarter of 2000 increased by 106% to 1.79
kroons (3 months of 1999: 0.87 kroons per share).


Estonian Telecom Group invested 244 mln kroons in three months of 2000.

One of the most remarkable projects in year 2000 is "Tallinn 100" (100%
digitalisation of Tallinn). During this three months all the planning and
testing has been finished for the replacement of electromechanical exchanges
with digital exchanges. RAS-1000 (development of radio-link telephone
connections) and the Country Road (Internet connections to the public sector
institutions in rural areas) shall be mentioned as other ongoing investment
projects in fixed communications area.

In total, fixed line penetration increased to 35.6 main lines per 100
inhabitants with digitalisation rate 57.6% by the end of March 2000.

The majority of investments of the mobile area focussed on building and
improving of base stations, exchanges and other network equipment. On
December 10, 2000, Estonian Mobile Telephone Company will close its NMT-450
network. Clients of the network will be offered to subscribe to the
company's GSM networks at favourable terms as the coverage of GSM 900 and
GSM 1800 networks has achieved practically the same level.

Development and Research

To be successful in the modern telecommunication market in the long term,
emphasis has to be put on the development of new services.

Estonian Telephone Company has successfully launched its ADSL based
broadband product portfolio on March 1. The portfolio consists of three
products (ADSL Light, ADSL Plus and ADSL Premium) and covers most of the
market demand. Due to the fast development of the Internet currently the
market seems to be ready for broadband connections - the market need for
year 2000 is expected to be around 1000, the number of clients will double.
Estonian Telephone Company is also working actively on network rollout and
in June, ADSL connections are available in all major cities within two weeks
delivery time.

The company is integrating different technologies in order to provide
advanced communication solutions. In the near future several WEB based VoIP
(Voice over IP), UMS (Universal messaging) solutions and WEB/WAP based value
added applications will be launched.

In March 2000, Estonian Telephone Company, Estonian Mobile Telephone Company
together with another Estonian company, Privador Ltd, started a joint
project to analyse the creation of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). This
offers consumers a fast and secure authentication method to access to a
number of electronic services, e.g. forwarding electronic documents and
digital signatures. The PKI is named to be the cornerstone of information
society, allowing users to communicate via networks and identify each other
safely. Initially the infrastructure is created on the client bases of
Estonian Telephone Company and Estonian Mobile Telephone Company, but wider
founding consortia will also be considered, to include for example major
banks of Estonia. Privador participates in the project as the technical
adviser and consultant. The PKI infrastructure based services will be also
offered to the State Agencies, allowing to accelerate the introduction of
SmartCard based ID cards, replacing the paper passports and helping to
create the all-electronic interface between State and its citizens.

Early April, a three-way frame agreement to create the testing environment
for GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) services, named as project WAY
(Wireless Application Odyssey) was signed by Ericsson Estonia, Tallinn
Technical University and Estonian Mobile Telephone Company. The test
environment, as open facility for IT companies and students, will be used to
stimulate the creation of specific software applications, to be run in GPRS
infrastructure of Estonian Mobile Telephone Company or to be sold to other
operators of GSM systems in the world. This will ensure the competitive
advantage to introduce new packet data based services on GSM infrastructure,
when the GPRS system will be operational in the beginning of next year.
Within the frameworks of the WAY project, a modern research centre will be
opened at Tallinn Technical University, giving new boost to raise the value
of telecommunications education and to stimulate research activities.

A three-way agreement to facilitate the implementation of MPS (Mobile
Positioning System) services for Estonian Rescue Board was signed in April
by Estonian Rescue Board, Estonian Mobile Telephone Company and Ericsson.
The positioning services will enable to locate all callers of emergency
number 112 in electronic maps of Rescue Board emergency centres, enabling to
shorten the time between the call and the help to be delivered. Also the
fleet management functions will be offered to the vehicles of Rescue Board,
to automatically choose the nearest vehicle to reach the emergency spot and
to choose the shortest route. Mobile emergency positioning service will be
offered knowingly as the first country in the world. The applications
software will be jointly created by agreement parties and Regio, the leading
electronic map company of Estonia. Also commercial location based services
will be offered to consumers.

WAP (Wireless Applications Protocol) services were introduced by Estonian
Mobile Telephone Company in April.


Starting from January 1 2000, a centralised Treasury function was started at
Estonian Telecom level.

On April 1, 2000, Internal Audit Department was established at Estonian
Telecom Ltd. Internal Audit is and independent body reporting directly to
the Audit Committee consisting of representatives of the Supervisory Council
and the Management Board of Estonian Telecom.

It has been decided to concentrate Risk Management functions of the Group to
the parent company level as well. The process of establishing a risk
assessment and management system has been started. The system is expected to
start functioning by the end of 2000.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Estonian Telecom took
place on May 25, 2000. The company's new Supervisory Council was elected.
Mr. Andres Root from KPMG Estonia was appointed to audit Estonian Telecom
Ltd. in 2000.

The General Meeting passed a decision concerning the distribution of
dividends for the financial year of 1999. The number of A-series shares
eligible for dividends was 137 383 178. It was decided to pay out 203 327
103 kroons or 1.48 kroons per share to the shareholders as ordinary
dividends, and to pay out 346 205 609 kroons or 2.52 kroons per share to the
shareholders as "Anniversary Dividends". 10 000 kroons was decided to pay
out to the Government as the owner of one B-series share.


A draft on amending the Income Tax Act effective from January1, 2000 has
been approved by the Government of the Republic of Estonia and sent to the
Parliament. The draft aims at amending several principles of the act. If
accepted, this would have a positive impact on Estonian Telecom Ltd: the
amount of income tax payable at the distribution of dividends would
significantly decrease and it would become possible to cover part of the
income tax liability with extraordinary expenses of 1999 that resulted from
the new Income Tax Act.

Opening telecommunication market for competition

The new Telecommunications Law was approved by the Parliament on February 9,
2000. The law will regulate telecommunications market and favour competition
after January 1, 2001 when special rights of Estonian Telephone Company for
providing fixed communication services will expire.

Also, negotiations are about to start in May 2000 between the Ministry of
Transport and Communications and Estonian Telephone Company aimed on
amending the Concession Agreement.

Raul Kalev
+372 6460 220

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