Last update: 06.07.2024 22:04 (GMT+3)

Eesti Ühispank: Report for the 1st Half-Year of 2000

26.07.2000, Eesti Ühispank, TLN


The consolidated net profit of Eesti Ühispank for the first half-year
of 2000 was 45.5 million kroons. The group's total assets grew during
the 2nd quarter by 0.3% (51 million), totalling 15.287 billion kroons
as of 30 June.

The growth of Eesti Ühispank group's total assets in the 2nd quarter
was substantially influenced by repayment of the external resource.
Having adequate liquidity, the bank repaid along with maturing
foreign loans some loans also prematurely (e.g. high interest rate
call-option bonds). In total, issued bonds were redeemed in the total
amount of 470 million kroons and credit lines were repaid in the
amount of 400 million kroons in the 2nd quarter.

At the same time the volumes of other financing sources increased:
payables to credit institutions increased by 321.9 million and
clients' deposits show a continuous growth. Deposits grew by 1.6% or
137.8 million kroons, whereas the growth pace exceeds the pace of
total assets growth (deposits growth from the beginning of the year
9.4% (722 million), total assets 2.1% (317 million)). Also, the
deposits base has become stronger: deposits of private individuals
grew by 10.4% in the 2nd quarter. Considering also that corporate
deposits are growing, it counterbalances eventually the 24.5%
decrease in government deposits (-240 million).

While demand deposits increased and time deposits decreased in the
2nd quarter and the more expensive external resource was
(prematurely) repaid on the account of the cheaper resource, there
has been a structural shift towards the cheaper resource.

The group's owners' equity increased in the 2nd quarter mostly on the
account of earned profit and as of 30 June 2000 capital adequacy was
13.36 %, and 13.24% for the bank.

Loan portfolio grew by 2.8%, i.e. 271.6 million kroons, during the
2nd quarter, and reached 9.88 billion kroons. As the loan portfolio
growth is partly caused by restructuring of loan bonds into loans,
the actual loan portfolio (loans and loan bonds) growth formed 1.7 %,
which can be more or less compared to the growth pace of deposits,
exceeding the growth pace of total assets. At the same time, the
ratio of doubtful receivables to the loan portfolio has decreased to
2% due to transferring fully provisioned loans to an off-balance
sheet account. The group formed additional loan provisions in the
extent of 25 million kroons. The percentage of Eesti Ühispank's net
loan portfolio in assets has grown by 1%, forming 63.4% as of the end
of the 2nd quarter.

In the 2nd quarter Eesti Ühispank group received a profit of 61.3
million kroons from its regular operation, i.e. 37% more than in the
1st quarter (44.8 million). The group's operating profit for the 1st
half-year was 106.1 million kroons, i.e. 41% more than in the 1st
half-year of 1999. The major part, 53.7%, of the group's income from
main areas of activity was received from net interest income; net
service fee income formed 24.1%, financial income 11.3% and other
income 10.9%. An indication of rising efficiency and a positive
tendency for Eesti Ühispank group's profitability is the decrease in
operating expenses: in the 1st half-year the group's operating
expenses decreased by 22.5% and the bank's expenses by 13.3%. The
ratio of the group's operating expenses to income has fallen to 76%,
compared to 84% in 1999. The consolidated net profit of Eesti
Ühispank group was further influenced by provisioning of receivables
and amounts received for off-balance sheet loans totalling -27.8
million and value adjustments of investments totalling -29.7
million. As a result of these, the group's net profit in the first
half-year was 45.5 million kroons, remaining practically the same as
in the 1st half-year of 1999 (44.9 million kroons).
Report is unaudited.

Ülo Suurkask
Vice President
Head of Financial Accounting Division
Tel.+372 6657 200

Urmas Neetar
head of reporting dept.
6 656 390

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