Last update: 07.07.2024 00:13 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: Hansa Capital's financial results, 6 m 2000

27.07.2000, Hansapank, TLN


Financial Highlights
6 m 2000 1999 6 m 1999
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Total assets 9 873,6 8 067,3 7 374,3
Financial Investments 8 400,0 6 973,6 6 172,2
Leasing 7 082,6 5 917,5 5 559,0
Factoring 882,4 598,1 324,3
Loans 290,3 371,5 183,3
Assignment 83,6 64,4 65,7
Consumer Factoring 61,1 22,1 21,5
Provisions -311,8 -267,5 -271,7
Debt capital 8 489,4 7 037,1 6 504,4
Equity 588,0 398,6 282,6
At period end (in EEK, millions)
Net interest income 209,3 417,7 202,2
Net commission income 69,9 73,4 33,2
Other operating income (net) 27,1 64,8 46,8
Total operating income 306,2 555,9 282,2
Net profit 196,6 217,8 95,4
NIM 4,8% 5,8% 5,8%
ROA 4,5% 3,0% 2,8%
ROE 27,6% 23,5% 23,5%
Interest yield on average assets 10,9% 11,7% 11,7%
Average cost of interest-bearing 7,1% 6,7% 6,6%
Number or employees 363 321 297

Hansa Capital Group’ s net profit in the first half of 2000 was 196.6
million kroons. As of June 30, the Group’s total assets amounted to
9,873.6 million kroons. The Group’s financial results were influenced
by revival in the economy and growth in loan demand, which resulted in
the growth of total assets by 1,806.4 million kroons or 22.4% during
the first half of 2000.
The main source of growth were leasing and factoring receivables,
which increased in all three Baltic states. The growth of leasing
portfolio remained relatively modest in the first quarter, reaching
only 6,0%. The second quarter however witnessed a notable leap,
whereby leasing portfolio increased by 19,7% during the first half of
the year and amounted to 7,082.6 million kroons at the end of June. As
a result of improvement in economic environment and declined interest
rates, new business volume in the first half of the year was all-time
record for the Group.
Total leasing new business volume in the first half of 2000 was
2,534.0 million kroons (IIQ new business volume being 1,530.8
million), whereas 67.4% of new business came from Estonia, 17.7% from
Latvia and 14.9% from Lithuania.
New business was concentrated on passenger cars (27.4%), real estate
(27.3%), and industrial equipment (19.5%). As at the end of June, the
largest credited sectors were transport (23.0%), industry (15.9%), and
wholesale and retailing (14,9%%). Compared to the beginning of the
year, the share of the transport sector has declined on the account of
other sectors.
Group’s Estonian leasing market share in total portfolio has increased
to 68% by the end of June (compared to 62% at the beginning of the
year), at the same time the market share of the new business volume in
the first half of 2000 was 70%. The Group’s Latvian and Lithuanian
estimated market shares have not changed considerably compared to the
beginning of the year (being 36% and 35% respectively).
The Group’s factoring portfolio increased by 284.3 million kroons,
i.e. by 47.5% to 882.4 in the first half of 2000. At the same time
factoring turnover totalled 2,504.1 million kroons, an increase of
142.0% compared to the first half of the previous year.
The Group’s consumer factoring portfolio increased by 39.0 million
kroons in the first half of the year, assignment portfolio increased
by 19.3 million, and loan portfolio decreased by 81.2 million.
Portfolio of the Group’s Estonian financial investments increased by
864.1 million, having reached 5,478.7 million kroons (65.2% from the
total financial investments) during the first half of the year;
Latvian and Lithuanian volumes increased by 385.8 million kroons
(1,565.2 million kroons, 18.6% from the total) and 196.9 million
(1,119.0 million, 13.3% from the total) respectively. The fastest
growth was witnessed in Latvian portfolio – 32.7%, whereas Lithuanian
portfolio increased by 21.4% and Estonian portfolio by 18.7%.
The Group’s interest-bearing liabilities increased by 1,452.3 million
to 8,489.4 million kroons as at the end of June. The largest share of
liabilities (90.9%) was formed by loans from financial institutions.
The Group’s total revenue increased by 8.5% compared to the first half
of the previous year, amounting to 306.2 million kroons. The total
revenue of the first half of the previous year was affected by 25.1
million kroons income tax refund. Excluding the nonrecurring income,
the total revenue increase would have been 19.1%. The revenue
distribution for the first half of the year was the following: 68.3%
net interest income, 22.8% net fee income, and 8.9% other income.
Provisions charged to income amounted to 41.2 million kroons in the
first half of 2000. At the same time actual write-offs amounted to
19.7 million kroons and recoveries were 11.0 million kroons.
The Group’s operating expenses increased by 57.4% compared to the
first half of the previous year, amounting to 83.6 million kroons.
The largest share of operating expenses (46.5 million kroons) was
formed by personnel expenses.
The Group’s cost-income ratio for the first half of 2000 was 32.6%,
the ratio has decreased by 3.8% compared to the previous year.
In addition to above-mentioned factors, the Group’s result was
affected by regained pre-paid dividend income tax in total amount of
22.3 million kroons, which is shown as an extraordinary income in the
income statement.
The Group’s net interest margin was 4.8%, return on assets 4.5% and
return on operating equity 27.6% in the first half of 2000.

Additional information
Lauri Reinberg
Financial Analyst
Tel. +372 6131 767

Mart Tõevere
Head of Investor Relations
+372 6131 569

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