Last update: 07.07.2024 22:00 (GMT+3)

Harju Elekter: Commentary to finanical results, 09/2000

07.11.2000, Harju Elekter Group, TLN


Sales and revenue

AS Harju Elekter 9m 2000 consolidated net sales totaled EEK 146.1 mln,
which is 35% more than in 9m 1999 (EEK 108.2 mln). The parent
company's turnover was EEK 118.8 mln (9m 1999: EEK 94.4 mln),
providing 26% annual growth.

AS Harju Elekter and its affiliated companies deal mainly in Euro-zone
currencies, thus the substantially strengthened USD has not had a major
impact on the company's business activities.

No changes occurred in the activity fields of the companies in Harju
Elekter group.

Total exports volume was EEK 76.2 mln, which is 45% more than in 9m
1999 (EEK 52.4 mln). Exports accounted for 52% of total sales (48% in 9m
Among the new markets, Harju Elekter increased sales to Denmark from EEK 0.6
mln in 9m 1999 to EEK 14.2 mln, due to substantial increase in export of UPS-
equipment cases by subsidiary AS Eltek to APC Denmark A/S under the
respective co-operation agreement (effective as of February 2000).

Production of cable harnesses for Scania trucks is rapidly growing, ensuring
the necessary level to achieve the targets set for year 2000. The company has
mostly covered the additional costs related with substantial turnover growth
and launch of new product in Harju Elekter cable harnesses factory and
leading Nordic electrical equipment provider PKC Group.


In Q2 the turnover profit margin was lower due to launch of new investments,
development of new products and employee recruitment costs. In Q3 the company
overcame difficulties and profit margin grew.
In Q3 the group's gross profit stood at EEK 7.1 mln, which is 81% more than
during the same period last year. In 9 months the gross profit grew by an
annual 39% (35% y-o-y growth in turnover).

In Q3 the company's consolidated profit from normal operations was EEK 8.3
mln (in 9m 1999: EEK 4 mln). The almost doubled profit figure was mainly due
to excellent results posted by subsidiaries and affiliated companies in Q3.
Subsidiary Eltek and affiliated companies earned more than 5 times higher
than during the same period in 1999 (EEK 1.5 mln and EEK 1.7 mln,

Consolidated profit from normal operations stood at EEK 22.4 mln, providing
38% annual growth (9m 1999: EEK 16.2 mln).

Financial income account includes extraordinary income from sale of
AS Glamox Harju Elekter shares this year (EEK 3.2 mln) and sale of AS
Saajos Balti shares last year (EEK 2.6 mln).

AS Harju Elekter earnings per share were EEK 4.14 (9m 1999: EEK 2.63)

Investments and use of capital

In 9m the group made EEK 26.3 mln of new investments to increase
output capacity, incl. EEK 11.6 mln for reconstruction of buildings,
EEK 3.5 mln for acquisition of estate in Keila (cable harnesses
factory's production facilities and land), and EEK 8.2 mln for
acquisition of fully automated metal processing center for subsidiary
Eltek. Investments in production facilities and real estate in Q3 were
made in accordance with the approved plans. The objects will be taken
into use in Q4 2000.

In accordance with the 27.04.2000 decision of shareholders general meeting,
the company's Supervisory Board launched on 18.08.2000 the share options
issue to its employees. The share options issue was oversubscribed by more
than 2.7 times (547,200 subscribed share options), showing the employees'
confidence in the company's development and increase of the price of its
shares. Altogether 94 employees participated in share option program; the
company made the respective agreements with all of them in accordance with
the rules. The expiration date for the 200,000 issued share options is

In 9m the group balance sheet size grew by EEK 28.4 mln and tangible
fixed assets by EEK 21.3 mln. The group owners equity volume accounted
for 63% of total balance sheet (61% at 30.09.1999).

Andres Allikmäe
Management Board chairman
+372 67 47 400

Lembit Libe
Chief Economist
+372 67 47 412

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