Last update: 27.11.2024 00:22 (GMT+2)
The regular general meeting of shareholders of a/s “Hansabanka”, held
on March 12, 2001 passed the following resolutions
1. to approve the report from the Board on the Bank’s operations in
2000. The shareholders also approved the following distribution of net
profit of a/s “Hansabanka”: to allocate LVL 2.639 million from the
year 2000 profit for covering of the losses of previous years and to
leave LVL 2.209 million undistributed.
2. to increase a/s “Hansabanka” share capital by LVL 6 million. The
Bank’s new share capital will be LVL 34.04 million.
3. to approve LVL 14 million investment for the Bank’s new
4. to approve the Bank’s Council in the following membership: Chairman
of the Council Indrek Neivelt, members of the Council: Lenart
Lundberg, Erkki Raasuke, Aivar Rehe, Vitālijs Gavrilovs and Valdis
5. to approve the Management Board of the Bank in the following
membership: Chairwoman of the Board Ingrīda Blūma, Deputy Chairman of
the Board Uģis Zemturis, members of the Board: Tīna Mūrmane, Druvis
Mūrmanis, Ģirts Bērziņ, Viesturs Kuļikovskis, Artis Birkmanis.
6. to approve the international audit company “Deloitte&Touche” the
Bank’s auditors for 2001. The shareholders approved Evija Sloka the
Internal Audit manager of the Bank.
Mart Tõevere
Head of Investor Relations
+372 6131 569