Last update: 22.07.2024 05:06 (GMT+3)

Hansapank: additional information on Lithuanian Savings Bank

07.05.2001, Hansapank, TLN


1. Purchase price and payment conditions
Hansabank will pay LTL 150 million to the Lithuanian State Property
fund for the 90.73% holding in LTB. The amount will be paid in full on

2. LTB’s revenues, net profit, dividends per share and EPS

2000 1999 1998
Total revenue (mil LTL) 206,2 204,3 145,1
Net profit (mil LTL) -32,3 16,9 0,6
Dividends per share (LTL) - - -
Earnings per share (LTL) -1,9 1,0 0,1

as at March 31, 2001 1 LTL = 4.443655 EEK

3. Balance sheet and income statement

Balance sheet

(mil LTL, audited) 31.12.00 31.12.99

Cash 95.5 94.5
Due from Central Bank 189.6 285.5
Due from other financial institutions 531.1 173.6
Securities 1,207.6 961.0
Loans 970.6 1,185.6
- Allowances for credit losses -19.9 -16.9
Net loans 950.7 1,168.7
Tangible assets 266.6 291.4
Intangible assets 1.8 1.0
Prepayments and accrued interest 24.6 14.9
Other assets 165.2 177.1
Total assets 3,432.7 3,167.7

Due to other financial institutions 166.0 111.7
Deposits 2,824.7 2,610.9
Accrued liabilities 25.0 21.8
Other liabilities 195.3 171.4
Total liabilities 3,211.0 2,915.8

Shareholders' equity
Common stock 167.3 167.3
Share premium 8.7 8.7
Reserves 46.2 44.6
Other reserves 31.8 14.4
Retained earnings -32.3 16.9
Total shareholders' equity 221.7 251.9
Total liabilities and shareholders' 3,432.7 3,167.7

Income statement
(mil LTL, audited) 2000 1999

Interest income 225.3 220.7
Interest expense 97.6 86.1
Interest income, net 127.7 134.6

Fee and commission income 66.0 56.1
Fee and commission expense 12.0 8.8
Fees and commissions, net 54.0 47.3

Net result from financial operations 19.2 12.6
Other income 5.3 9.8
Total income 206.2 204.3

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 84.7 91.0
Administrative expenses 34.7 34.3
Other expenses 31.7 39.2
Depreciation 16.7 15.2
Total operating expenses 167.8 179.7
Losses on loans and guarantees 77.8 9.7
Recovered loans 7.4 2.3
Operating profit -32.0 17.2
Income tax 0.3 0.3
Net profit -32.3 16.9

4. Loans taken by LTB from other banks, 31.03.01
Societe Generale, Prague – LTL 2.7 million (USD)
Investicni Postovi Banka, Prague – LTL 11.2 million (USD);
Cekoslovenska Obchodni Banka, Prague – LTL 22.1 million (USD);
Raiffaisen Centrale Bank – LTL 35.4 million (EUR);
Nord LB – LTL 0.5 million (DEM);

5. Shareholders, owning more than 5% of the shares
Republic of Lithuania – 90.73%

6. There are now litigations that might have a negative effect on
LTB’s operations or financial results.

7. Agreements concluded between Hansabank and LTB
Custody agreement, for indefinite term.
ISDA master agreement, for indefinite term.

8. Members of the Board and Council
1. A.Krizinauskas - Chairman
2. D.Darulis - Vice chairman
3. D.Kaveckas
4. J.Akstiniene

1. M.Jonikas, Vice minister of Finance - Chairman
2. G.Rimsa, Ministry of Finance - Vice chairman
3. G.Aleknaite, State Property fund
4. A.Dziskiene, Ministry of Finance
5. D.Kamarauskiene, Ministry of Finance
6. A.Sukys, State property fund
7. S.Vaicikauskas, private person

Mart Tõevere
Head of Investor Relations
+372 6131 569

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