Last update: 23.07.2024 07:10 (GMT+3)


28.02.2002, Estiko, TLN

Estiko FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/28/2002


Financial ratios characteristic to the financial activities of AS Estiko:
2001 a. 2000 a.

General profitability of net sales 19,7% 21,1%
(gross profit / net sales)

Operating profitability of net sales 10,5% 10,2%
(oprating profit / net sales)

Return on sales 4,7% 5,7%
(net profit / net sales)

Return on equity 8,5 % 1,0%
(net profit / average equity)

Return on assets 3,7% 4,9%
(net profit / average assets)

Coverage coefficient of short-term liabilities 0,71 0,86
(current assets / Short-term liabilities)

Owners' equity rate 41,0% 44,8%
(owners' equity / assets)

Mission of the companies of Estiko Group - to create values for the owners,
partners and the society with the help of creative work environment and em-
ployees who have the feeling of ownership.

The consolidated audited net sales of AS Estiko in 2001 was EEK 172.4 mil-
lion (11 million EUR), the net profit EEK 8.1 million (517 thousand EUR).
The net sales of the same period of the previous year was EEK 168.1 mil-
lion (EUR 10.7 million), the net profit EEK 9.5 million (607 thousand EUR).
The growth of net sales in comparison with the same period of the previous
year was EEK 4.3 million (298 thousand EUR) or 2.8%. As compared to the
same period of the previous year the profit gained was EEK 1.4 million
(90 thousand EUR) less.

The Group deals mostly with the two following areas of activity: manufactu-
ring and real estate operations. Upon dividing two areas of activity, the
year 2001 has provided a clearer survey of financial accounting than the
year 2000. The company had 5.3 million EEK (336 thousand EUR) of restricted
expenditures in 2000, however, in 2001 the figure was only 44 thousand EEK
(2.8 thousand EUR). The decrease in restricted expenditures has influenced
the profit of real estate sector very much. Above all, the restricted costs
of the year 2000 are considered to be the general administration costs of
the parent company.

During the accounting period 29 967 thousand EEK (1 915 thousand EUR), were
allocated for employees' salary (with social tax), including 3 368 thousand
EEK (215 thousand EUR) in the parent company. The total remuneration paid
to the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board was reflected
in the wage costs of the parent company. The average number of employees in
the Group was 290. The Management Board of AS Estiko consists of 3 members,
whose total remuneration amounted to 730 thousand EEK (46.7 thousand EUR).
The Supervisory Board consists of 3 members, who received all in all 600
thousand EEK (38.3 thousand EUR).

Relevant occurrences in the year 2001::

* Liquidation of a subsidiary

At the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Estiko Soojus held on
04 May 2001, it was decided to dissolve the company. As of 31 December
2001, the assets of AS Estiko Soojus amounted to 0.9 million EEK, duties
formed 0.5 million EEK (32 thousand EUR) and the owner's equity 0.4 million
EEK (25.5 thousand EUR) on the basis of the balance sheet. Estiko Investee-
ringute AS took over the activities of AS Estiko Soojus. The company was
not operating in the years 2000 and 2001. The public limited company has no
personnel on the staff.

* Increasing of the share capital of the subsidiary

The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of AS Emajõe Ärikeskus of
04.05.2001 passed a resolution on increasing the share capital in the
amount of EEK 4.0 million (0.3 million EUR). 399, 955 shares with the nomi-
nal value of EEK 10 (0.64 EUR) were issued. After the increasing, the
share capital amounted up to EEK 22 million (1.4 million EUR).

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of AS Emajõe Äri-
keskus of 12.12.2001 it was decided to increase the share capital by EEK 3
million (0.2 million EUR) - 300,000 new shares with the nominal value of
EEK 10 (0.64 EUR) were issued. The amount of new share capital after the
increasing is EEK 25 million (1.6 million EUR). The nominal value in the
amount of EEK 3 million (0.2 million EUR) and the premium in the amount of
EEK 10.2 million (0.7 million EUR) will be paid for the shares issued. The
shares were paid by a non-monetary contribution. The basis for the non-
monetary contribution is the loan agreement concluded between AS Estiko
and AS Emajõe Ärikeskus, according to which the parent company has given
loan to the subsidiary in the amount of EEK 13.2 million (843 thousand EUR)
as of 10.12.2000.

At the extraordianry general meeting of the shareholders of Estiko Inves-
teeringute AS, it was decided to increase the share capital by EEK 21 mil-
lion (1.3 million EUR), by emitting 2,100,000 new shares with the nominal
value of EEK 10 (0.64 EUR) to the present shareholder. The new share
capital after the increase is EEK 45 million (2.9 million EUR). The shares
were paid by a non-monetary contribution.

* Strategy of changes of Estiko Group

The year 2001 was the first one to implement a new systematic approach in
the management system of Estiko Group. A two-year project has been develop-
ed with the consultation company KPMG, the aim of which is to increase the
merits of the company by valuing intellectual capital. The first stage of
the development of the strategy was successfully completed during the fi-
nancial year; in the course of the development the business environment of
companies has been analyzed, the group and the vision of subsidiaries has
been renewed, the long-term goals have been worded and critical success fi-
gures have been defined. In the next stage the company can move on with the
implementation of the principles of balanced scorecard in the level of the
group and its subsidiaries. The planned deadline of the project is December
2002, the result of the project is the completion of Balanced Scorecard mo-
del in the level of the company and employees.

In November the management board launched a project in order to restructure
AS Estiko. The purpose of restructuring is to regulate the affiliation of
capital assets within the Group. The immovable objects connected with the
management of immovable property are concentrated in Estiko Investeeringute
AS and the immovable objects connected with manufacturing in AS Estiko.
According to the evaluation of the management board of Estiko, the balance
value of the immovable property of the Group did not reflect their market
value in all cases. On the basis of the valuation of immovable objects con-
ducted by Kinnisvaraekspert Tartu OÜ, the capital assets of the Group were
knocked down by 7.6 million EEK (0.5 million EUR), which decreased directly
the profit of the Group's financial year.

Overview of the manufacturing sector in 2001

The net sales of the manufacturing sector in 2001 was EEK 137.6 million
(8.8 million EUR) and the loss EEK 1.6 million (0.1 million EUR). The sales
of the same period of the previous year was EEK 141.5 million (9 million
EUR) and the net profit EEK 6.4 million (0.4 million EUR). The decrease in
net sales was EEK 3.9 million (0.3 million EUR) or -2.8% and the profit
earned was EEK 8.0 million (0.5 million EUR) less than a year earlier.

In the 2nd quarter of 2001, the estimated prognosis were ajusted by ta-
king into consideration the reorganization efects. For the year 2001 no
profit was not planned from the financial results of manufacturing due to
the following circumstances:
* Shutdowns in the manufacturing process caused by the reorganizations of
manufacturing technology;
* increased repair costs;
* Increase of labour costs caused by the changes in work organization;
* Increase of interest costs caused by the lease liabilities;
* Increase of depreciation costs caused by the investments;
* Testing costs of the new production machines and modern materials in the
4th quarter.

The requirements of package consumers for the products of better quality
have influenced the economic results of accounting year considerably and
have expressively brought out the shortages of our obsolete manufacturing
equipment. The increase in sales in the manufacturing sector is expected
in the first half of the next year, when the influences of rearrangements
and investments are revealed and new products are introduced in the market.

From the point of view of the growth strategy of manufacturing sector, the
year turned out to be the time of great rearrangements. The changes in the
sector of manufacturing logistics were completed, the primary task of which
was to locate the technological chain of manufacturing equipment into the
circle system and to decrease the territorial logistics. The strategic re-
arrangements were introduced in the areas of marketing and information

The investments in production were performed according to the approved in-
vestment plan. The choice of investments was based on the following prin-
iple: technology has to enable the maximum quality to be guaranteed and be
appropriate for the company for achieving its goals in the target market.

Investments were divided as follows:
Reconstruction of buildings EEK 6.8 million (0.4 million EUR)
Machinery, equipment EEK 39.6 million (2.5 million EUR)

Major part of the company's production was sold in the inner market, which
formed 85.7% of the total turnover. The rate of export amounted to 14.3%.
The products were mostly exported to Latvia (37%), Ukraine (31%) and Fin-
land (19%).

The vision of AS Estiko Plastar is to be the first choice as a producer of
packages and packaging materials in the target market.

The first stage of the project was covered in compliance with the strategic
management system of the Group, the development of the project will be con-
tinued in accordance with the following stages until the goals and scale
of the employees working below master's level are specified. The project of
the development and implementation of quality management system has been
approved and launched.

The planned time of the certification of the project is January 2003.

The project of implementation and development of economic software Navision
Axapta has been launched as well. Regulated processes within the company,
which can be optimized with the help of software in order to support mana-
gerial decisions with the timely and necessary information, form the basis
for successful start of economic software. The information system of the
company is build up according to the principle of optimal and effective
planning of the company's resources, thereby creating values for the owners.

Major changes in the manufacturing processes have caused the need to change
the product-costing system to the activity-operational-costing system. The
change of the costing system is in conformity with the implementation of new
economic software in 2002.

Overview of the real estate sector of the year 2001

The net sales of the real estate sector of the Estiko Group in the year
2001 was EEK 35.1 million (2.2 million EUR), the net profit EEK 8.8. mil-
lion (562 thousand EUR). The corresponding figures for the year earlier
were EEK 26.6 million (1.7 million EUR), increase by EEK 8.5 million (543
thousand EUR) and EEK 8.4 million (537 thousand EUR), increase by EEK 0.4
million (25.5 thousand EUR).

The vision of the real estate sector of Estiko - we are innovative and able
to develop together with our customers by offering the best solutions re-
garding the rentable and immovable objects.

As of 31.12.2001, the real estate sector of the Group of Estiko include the
following enterprises:
AS Emajõe Ärikeskus - participation 100%;
Estiko Investeeringute AS - participation 100%;
AS Estiko Soojus (upon liquidation) - participation 100%;
Tartu Toidukaubad - participation 100%

Important occurrences influencing the economic results of real estate sec-
tor in the year 2001:

* The basement of Kesklinna Kaubahall was re-built to serve as sales areas.
All in all, 8.7 million EEK (556 thousand EUR) was invested in the said
building in the 3rd quarter of the year. After completion of the basement,
the business and sales areas of the size of 5600 m² in Kesklinna Kaubahall
have received new looks and technical equipment

* A new development concept is being elaborated in the framework of the
E-Kaubamaja project. The purpose is to evolve a shopping centre having a
certain style, which enables the right place to be found in the gradually
growing competition of sales areas. On the basis of the project, the pre-
parations for reconstruction are performed beginning of the year 2002, the
purpose of which is to open the new shopping centre in May 2002.

* The land units in Tehase and Teguri Str. were privatized with the pre-
-emptive right with the total cost of EEK 1.3 million (83.1 thousand EUR).

* AS Estiko sold 17 473/22 974 proportionate share of the real property
located at Vesse 4, Tallinn in the 2nd quarter of the year, becoming the
owner of only 5 501/ 22 974 of the property and manager of a shop building
of the size of 2600 m², built in 1998. The transaction provided 7.2 million
EEK (460 million EUR) of accounting profit. The sales transaction is a part
of a long-tem strategy, pursuant to which Estiko concentrates its activi-
ties in the area of immovable property in Tartu, dealing with the develop-
ment of perspective immovable objects.

* AS Emajõe Ärikeskus received the apartment building title on the basis of
the usufruct contract, previously owned by Viru Vara Liising and Kinnisvara
AS (in bankruptcy). The apartments locate in the first and second floor of
Emajõe Ärikeskus office building. These areas are rented for using as ser-
vice areas.

* AS Emajõe Ärikeskus repurchased office premises on the 14th floor, the
area of which is 71 m², aiming at building an office of Estiko Group there.

* The design and preparation works of the 2nd stage of Emajõe Ärikeskus
were continued. Among other things, the new detailed plan established by
Tartu City Council on 21 June 2001 concerning the areas located at Turu
Str. 2 and Soola Str. 8, Tartu, was prepared. AS Emajõe Ärikeskus acquired
real property located at Soola Str. 1B. The designs of the buildings of the
2nd stage of Ärikeskus are being reviewed by architects.

* According to the plans in the area of immovable property sector in 2001,
the market price was assessed on the basis of the conservative principle.
On the basis of the valuation conducted by Kinnisvaraekspert Tartu OÜ, the
discount of immovable objects in the amount of 7.6 million EEK (486 thou-
sand EUR) was exercised in the 4th quarter of the year. The said discount
influenced directly the economic results of the Group.

To this day the establishment of the 2nd stage of Emajõe Ärikeskus has not
been launched, as the situation in Tartu sales areas market has been chan-
ged and the competition has become more intense. It has caused a thorough
analysis of the risks of the project by operating companies as well as

Ellen Tohvri
Chairman of the Managm. Board
+372 7 371 000

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