Last update: 23.07.2024 09:06 (GMT+3)


12.03.2002, Baltika, TLN

Baltika FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/12/2002


Management report of AS Baltika Group 2001

The main target of Baltika Group (BG) in 2001 was the utilization
of the strategy conformed for the years 2000-2001. There were
four main targets to aim:
1. To reform the BG organizational structure (reformation of
the manufacturing company into retail organization with it’s own
manufacturing unit).
2. To develop the BG retail concept (new structure of stores’
brands together with the practical solutions).
3. To adjust the product collections to new sales collections
(retail and wholesale collections) and develop retail collections
for preference.
4. To develop the logistic systems (data systems, warehouse

In 2001 new retail outlets were opened, at the end of 2001 BG was
operating on 55 retail outlets (at the end of 2000 the number was
35, so the growth has been 1,6 times), total floor size is 6 823
square meters (at the end of 2000 it was 3 585 square meters, the
growth has been 1,9 times).

General results

In the year 2001 the consolidated turnover of AS Baltika was
414,4 million kroons (26,5 mln EUR), which is 22% more than in
2000 (turnover 340,8 mln kroons/ 21,78 mln EUR). The growth was
73,6 mln kroons (4,72 mln EUR). The proportion of the retail
turnover (of own stores) of BG turnover raised 5% (to 37%, that
makes 153 mln kroons (9,8 mln EUR)). Wholesale turnover amounted
to 184 mln kroons (11,8 mln EUR) and the subcontracting turnover
to 75 mln kroons (4,8 mln EUR). Changes compared to 2000 were
respectively in wholesale turnover +34 mln kroons (+2,2 mln EUR)
and in subcontracting turnover - 5 mln kroons (-0,3 mln EUR).

The turnover of BG own production raised 31% in the year 2001 (by
78,9 mln kroons/ 5 mln EUR) and formed 81,4% (75,7% in 2000) of
net turnover. Numbers respectively: in 2001: 336,8 mln kroons
(21,5 mln EUR) and in 2000: 257,9 mln kroons (16,5 mln EUR). The
value of products sold to foreign countries formed 293,1 mln
kroons (18,7 mln EUR) in the year 2001 and 224,5 mln kroons (14,4
mln EUR) in the year 2000. The volume of export raised 31% (68,6
mln kroons/ 4,4 mln EUR). The predicted turnover (443 mln kroons/
28,3 mln EUR) wasn’t achieved (real sales was 6% smaller) because
of smaller sales in third quarter in 2001 and because the opening
of two new stores was suspended to the beginning of 2002.

In the year 2001 the consolidated net profit of AS Baltika was
15,7 million kroons (1,0 mln EUR). The growth in 2001 was 1,4 mln
kroons, that is 10%. Net profit in 2000 was 14,3 mln kroons (0,9
mln EUR). The biggest effect on the net profit was taken by one-
time research expense (effect on net profit 6,9 mln kroons/ 0,4
mln EUR), which will ensure the growth of sales and better
efficiency in the following years.

Balance sheet total as at 31.12.2001 was 297,4 mln kroons (19 mln
EUR), the growth compared to last year’s result was 64,2 mln
kroons (4,1 mln EUR). The value of inventories has grown because
the size and number of stores has grown (the growth of
inventories: 25,6 mln kroons/ 1,6 mln EUR). The value of fixed
assets has grown (by 28,7 mln kroons/ 1,8 mln EUR) because new
investments into manufacturing-, retail business- and IT-
projects were made. Also long-term liabilities have grown (by
62,4 mln kroons/ 4 mln EUR) – the loan taken for financing
investments and larger inventory reserves. The owners’ equity
formed 139,9 mln kroons (8,9 mln EUR), share capital formed 48
mln kroons (3,1 mln EUR).

The market value of shares was 151,2 mln kroons at 31.12.2001.
The closing price of the share was 31,5 kroons at 31.12.2001 (the
growth has been 5%).

2001 2000
Sales growth 22.0% 18.0%
Percentage of 37.0% 32.0%
retail turnover
out of whole
Profit margin 5.6% 5.7%
Net profit 4.0% 4.8%
Profit per share 3.29% 2.98%
Return on equity 11.3% 11.2%

Relevant facts of 2001

April: - A new cooperating agreement “shop in shopö was
contracted with Tallinna Kaubamaja.
- In stockholders’ meeting (April the 6-th) the decision
was made to exert the share option for management for 3
years in the total amount of 576 000 shares. Dividends
were paid 0,75 kroons per share.

May: A contract with US consultant firm RPA Inc. with the
purpose to develop new retail concept.

June: Negotiations started with franchise partner SIA Care to
establish a retail joint venture in Latvia

August: A new market director was employed in Poland.

September: A new management structure was created in BG.
10 years passed since the privatization-agreement of AS
- Subsidiary AS Virulane celebrated its 50-th
- Construction works started to build a new factory in

October: In the territory of the company in Tallinn a new
logistics center and warehouse were built.
RPA finished the development of a new retail concept.

November: The marketing partner of the new retail concept was
elected – Finish agency PHS/TBWA.

December: 10 years passed since the opening of the first Baltman
shop (In Pärnu, Estonia).

Utilizing the strategy conformed for the years 2000-2001:

The main target of the strategy was the reformation of the
manufacturing company into a retail organization with it’s own
manufacturing unit within 2 years. The mission was to offer the
best service (product with the logistics support) for preference
to the retail clients (via the shops, via new type contracts
“shop in shopö and to franchise partners) to accelerate the

Fixed targets:
1. To expand the size and number of retail outlets managed by
BG (in square meters) three times. Result: floor size at the end
of 2001 was 6 823 square meters, the growth: 4,2 times.

2. To increase the retail sales. Result: together with
franchise and “shop in shopö contracts the retail sales increased
up to 218 mln kroons, the growth: 1,8 times.

3. To decrease the tied monetary resources (money tied up in
inventories). Result: inventory turnover raised 11,2% (in 2000:
3,44; in 2001: 3,83).

In the middle of 2001 the following activities were started for
preparing the implementation of the strategy for the years 2002-

1. The completion of the retail concept. Results: a new retail
concept was created, which will be executed in the fall and
winter season 2002.

2. The expansion and strengthening of the retail organization
of BG. Results: a new cooperation pattern “center-marketsö was
created; the structures of market organizations were described;
new specialists were employed in the market organization in
Poland; negotiations started with franchise partner in Latvia for
establishing the market organization in Latvia in 2002.

3. The development of retail product collections. Results:
since 2002 retail and wholesale collections are separated;
product development is organized by following the rules of retail
brands; new product classes; system of “fast fashionö.

4. The development of logistics systems. Results: inventory
turnover raised 11,2%; implementation of the program of NOS
(“never out of stockö) products; “shop in shopö contract with
Tallinna Kaubamaja; implementation of the system for ensuring an
optimal inventory balance so that a season’s new fashion models
are obtainable as well. New warehouse – logistics center was
built, which substantially fastens the execution of the orders of
the central warehouse.

In the year 2001 25,6 mln kroons were invested into the
development of retail business.


In the year 2001 the restructuring of the manufacturing division
was continued to support the BG strategic goals, which are:
· To produce retail products, to insure high quality.
· To develop a flexible and quick ordering system and hold

minimum balance of inventories.

In the year 2001 the specialization of manufacturing units
continued. Construction works started to build a new factory in
Ahtme (will be ready in April 2002). In the year 2001 16,5 mln
kroons were invested into manufacturing (including 7,9 mln kroons
into Ahtme factory).

Production output was 841 thousand products (subcontracting and
own production), in 2000 respectively 829 thousand products. For
the first time in 2001 own production in pieces (432 thousand
products) exceeded subcontracting work (409 thousand products).


In the year 2001 the strengthening of the organization continued.
Steps to be completed were the following:
1. Trade and marketing division was separated into two
different divisions: division of retail business (to carry out
the retail concept, coordinate the operating of inventories and
retail operations) and division of markets.
2. The new management structure was created.
3. Three new positions were created: logistics and purchasing
director, marketing director and retail operation director.

At the end of 2001 the number of employees in BG was 1585
(including 219 employees in retail business, 1203 employees in
manufacturing business; 1462 employees in Estonia, 123 in foreign
countries). The supervisory board’s fee was 144 th kroons in
2001 and the management board’s fee was 2872 th kroons.

To increase the motivation of the senior management the share
option for management for 3 years in the total amount of 576 000
shares was announced. In the year 2001 one third of it (192 000
options) was exerted and divided between 23 key employees (by the
decision of the supervisory board).

Plans for 2002

In spring 2002 the management of BG introduces the company’s new
strategic plan for the years 2002-2004. According to the plan BG
will progress to become one of the leading fashion retail chain
in Central- and Eastern Europe.

In the year 2002 the company plans investments up to 40 mln
kroons. Investments include start-up costs of Ahtme factory (10
mln kroons), new and renovated retail outlets (20 mln kroons).

BG prognoses that in the year 2002 sales will grow faster than in
2001 (growth 22%).

Meelis Milder
Chairman of Management Board
+372 6302 736

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