Last update: 07.03.2025 04:03 (GMT+2)


26.04.2002, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 04/26/2002



- Significant decrease in interest margins – NIM 4.01% in Q1 2002
(4.38% excl. Hansa-LTB), 4.22% in Q4 2001 and 4.91% in Q1 2001
- ROE 20.1%
- Continuing rapid growth of operating volumes (excl. Hansa-LTB)
o Loans +29%
o Deposits +32%
- LTB integration successful
o 84 branches out of 188 are on-line
o Number of cards increased by 50,000 to 244,000
o Number of ATMs increased by 25 to 230
o Number of customers increased by 16,700 to 25,500
o Number of employees decreased by 8% to 2,869
- A2 rating from Moody’s and A- rating from Fitch

All figures in this announcement are in euros. The EEK/EUR exchange
rate is 15.64664.

Hansabank Group’s net profit for the first quarter of 2002 was EUR
24.9 million. The result in the first quarter of 2001 was EUR 26.2
million. Both periods include a number of one-off items affecting the
results. The Q1 2001 result includes one larger recovery of EUR 3
million and a EUR 0.7 million write-back from the HTAS provision. This
year’s first quarter result was increased by EUR 1.9 million from net
revenues (extraordinary revenues – expenses) from restructuring Hansa-
LTB and by EUR 1.0 million from write-backs and recoveries of one
client group.
The Group’s earnings per share (annualised) were at 1.26 euros in Q1
2002. Return on equity was 20.1% and return on assets was 2.11%. The
Group EVA result for the first 3 months of the year was EUR 14.0
million, which is 1.2% less than in the respective period last year.
Hansapank Group’s EUR 24.9 million net profit can be divided between
the three countries as follows: EUR 22.4 million from Estonia, EUR 3.3
million from Latvia, EUR 2.6 million from Lithuania and EUR –3.4
million from support functions (group management and IT servers).

Despite good loan growth, loan interest revenues increased only by
9.7% yoy (excl. Hansa-LTB) and total interest income decreased by
0.8%. 0-growth was caused by increased competition and lower Euro and
US interest rates. The latter also had an effect on the cost of
liabilities as interest expense decreased from last year’s first
quarter result by 14.6% (excl. Hansa-LTB). Nevertheless, the Group’s
net interest margin decreased to 4.01% from 4.21% in Q4 2001. NIM was
4.38% in Q1 excluding Hansa-LTB, which is 58bp less than the
comparable figure a year ago.
Non-interest income growth was 2% (excl. Hansa-LTB) compared to the
first quarter of 2001. The main reason behind the slow growth was an
18% decrease in trading revenues. The decrease was caused by a EUR 0.7
million write-back from HTAS provisions last year, and a EUR 0.3
million loss from FX positions in Hansa Capital and a EUR 0.2 million
accounting loss from Hansabanka’s hedging positions this year. The
latter will be reversed in Q2. At the same time, net fees increased by
19% yoy, making it the fastest growing revenue item. The Group’s total
revenues totalled EUR 78.1 million in the first quarter of 2002, an
increase of 6.6% from last year’s same period (excl. Hansa-LTB).
Revenue distribution was the following: 61% net interest income, 24%
net fee income, 10% financial income, and 5% other income.
Operating expenses totalled EUR 52.0 million for the period,
increasing from previous year's same period by 16.6% (excl. Hansa-
LTB). 46% of total expenses (41% a year ago) was formed by personnel
expense, 19% (20%) by other expenses (incl. goodwill amortisation) 16%
(19%) by administrative expenses, 12% (15%) by depreciation, and 6%
(6%) by IT expenses. In Q1 2001 the bank made less bonus reserve
provisions than the targeted 20% of positive EVA in the amount of EUR
1.4 million, which is one of the main reasons for the increased share
of personnel expenses. Additionally, the first quarter costs also
include EUR 1.9 million worth of redundancy charges in Hansa-LTB.

The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) was 60.3% (50.5%
excl. Hansa-LTB) and the ratio of operating expenses to total assets
was 4.0% (3.6% excl. Hansa-LTB).

The Group’s loan and guarantee losses totalled EUR 5.0 million in Q1
2002, which is 35.7% less than a year ago. Recoveries totalled EUR 4.7
million (EUR 5.7 million during Q1 2001), of which EUR 2.7 million
originated from Hansa-LTB. During the period the Group wrote off loans
worth EUR 8.8 million (EUR 5.7 million during Q1 2001). The Group’s
net risk cost during the 3 months of 2002 was 0.63%.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 4.85 billion at the end of
March 2002 and clients’ deposits to EUR 3.45 million. Deposit growth
continues to be robust, reaching 32% at the end of March (excl. Hansa-
LTB). Deposits increased by EUR 0.19 billion in the first quarter, of
which 58% came from Latvia, 25% from Lithuania and 17% from Estonia.
The loan portfolio increased by 0.14 billion during the first quarter
to EUR 2.71 billion. 44% of the growth originated from Estonia, 30%
from Lithuania, 23% from Latvia and 3% from other countries. The
annual growth was 29% (excl. Hansa-LTB) at the end of March and the
loan to deposit ratio stood at 78.6% (78.8% in the beginning of the
year). Loans overdue totalled EUR 201.1 million at the end of the
period, while non-performing loans (overdue more than 60 days)
amounted to EUR 27.9 million or 1.0% of total loans.

During the coming period, the Group’s management will focus on three
main areas. The bank is targeting to improve the cost-income ratio in
its Estonian operations through higher internal efficiency. Secondly,
the successful restructuring and development of distribution channels
in Hansa-LTB, enables the bank to focus on increasing non-interest
revenues in Lithuania. The Group also sees shortcomings in its
interest rate management in all three countries.

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
Tel. +372 6131 569

Consolidated Balance EEK EUR
(in millions, 31.03.0 31.12.0 31.03.0 31.03.0 31.12.0 31.03.0
unaudited) 2 0 1 2 0 1

Cash 2,062.0 2,404.3 1,132.4 131.8 153.7 72.4
Due from Central Bank 4,471.0 4,393.6 2,796.5 285.7 280.8 178.7
Due from other 8,097.8 7,466.9 3,823.2 517.5 477.2 244.3
financial institutions
Treasury securities 5,386.8 4,247.5 4,279.8 344.3 271.5 273.5
Trading securities 440.6 437.9 384.3 28.2 28.0 24.6
Investment securities 5,328.4 5,128.2 1,109.4 340.5 327.8 70.9
Securities purchased 2,406.4 2,508.4 2,377.4 153.8 160.3 151.9
under resale agreements
Loans 42,414. 40,243. 29,011. 2,710.8 2,572.0 1,854.1
7 9 0
- Allowances for -790.6 -859.7 -697.2 -50.5 -54.9 -44.6
credit losses
Net loans 41,624. 39,384. 28,313. 2,660.3 2,517.1 1,809.5
1 2 8
Tangible assets 2,181.6 2,178.3 1,314.8 139.4 139.2 84.0
Intangible assets 556.9 621.8 376.9 35.6 39.7 24.1
Prepayments and accrued 2,493.0 2,562.8 2,255.7 159.3 163.8 144.2
Other assets 834.9 684.5 377.3 53.4 43.7 24.1
Total assets 75,883. 72,018. 48,541. 4,849.8 4,602.8 3,102.2
5 4 5

Due to Central Bank and 104.3 109.3 131.2 6.7 7.0 8.4
Due to other financial 4,267.8 4,198.0 4,201.8 272.8 268.3 268.5
Deposits 53,961. 51,063. 30,444. 3,448.7 3,263.6 1,945.7
6 4 8
Demand deposits 32,993. 32,480. 18,934. 2,108.6 2,075.9 1,210.1
2 2 5
Time deposits 20,968. 18,583. 11,510. 1,340.1 1,187.7 735.6
4 2 3
Securities sold under - 0.1 218.1 - - 13.9
repurchase agreements
Debt securities issued 4,318.5 3,815.3 4,055.4 276.0 243.8 259.2
to the public
Accrued liabilities 1,766.2 1,865.1 1,324.9 112.9 119.2 84.7
Appropriations 509.9 474.3 400.3 32.6 30.3 25.6
Deferred tax liability 20.1 14.2 7.6 1.3 0.9 0.5
Other liabilities 2,213.5 2,221.9 1,020.5 141.5 142.0 65.2
Total liabilities 67,161. 63,761. 41,804. 4,292.5 4,075.1 2,671.7
9 6 6
Minority ownership 15.7 15.2 25.3 1.0 1.0 1.6
- -
Subordinated 722.8 721.9 371.8 46.2 46.1 23.8
Shareholders' equity - -
Common stock 788.6 788.6 788.6 50.4 50.4 50.4
Share premium 2,765.2 2,762.1 2,761.4 176.7 176.5 176.5
Treasury stock -20.7 -37.5 -36.6 -1.3 -2.4 -2.3
Reserves 450.9 450.9 441.5 28.8 28.8 28.2
Other restricted equity 100.5 100.5 100.5 6.4 6.4 6.4
Currency translation 142.5 88.2 112.0 9.1 5.7 7.2
Retained earnings 3,756.1 3,366.9 2,172.4 240.1 215.2 138.8
Total shareholders' 7,983.1 7,519.7 6,339.8 510.2 480.6 405.2
Total liabilities and 75,883. 72,018. 48,541. 4,849.9 4,602.8 3,102.3
shareholders' equity 5 4 5

Consolidated Income EEK EUR
(in millions, unaudited) 3m 2002 2001 3m 2001 3m 2002 2001 3m 2001

Interest income 1,193.0 4,604.9 1,009.8 76.3 294.3 64.5
Interest expense -452.0 - -432.8 -28.9 -124.2 -27.6
Interest income, net 741.0 2,661.6 577.0 47.4 170.1 36.9

Fee and commission 391.1 1,395.1 272.7 25.0 89.2 17.4
Fee and commission -93.4 -306.5 -58.6 -6.0 -19.6 -3.7
Fees and commissions, 297.7 1,088.6 214.1 19.0 69.6 13.7

Net result from 123.2 559.2 118.7 7.9 35.7 7.6
financial operations
Dividends 0.2 12.5 - - 0.8 -
Net income from 6.8 45.6 11.5 0.4 2.9 0.7
insurance activities
Other income 52.8 150.9 35.5 3.4 9.6 2.3
Total income 1,221.7 4,518.4 956.8 78.1 288.7 61.2

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 377.8 1,163.7 204.6 24.1 74.4 13.1
Data network expenses 47.8 150.0 30.1 3.1 9.6 1.9
Administrative expenses 131.3 478.5 93.3 8.4 30.6 6.0
Other expenses 156.2 557.8 98.3 10.0 35.6 6.3
incl. goodwill 75.9 265.9 53.8 4.9 17.0 3.4
Depreciation 99.7 348.1 74.3 6.4 22.2 4.7
Total operating expenses 812.8 2,698.1 500.6 52.0 172.4 32.0
Operating profit before 408.9 1,820.3 456.2 26.1 116.3 29.2
Losses on loans and -78.6 -340.9 -122.1 -5.0 -21.8 -7.8
Recovered loans 73.7 262.5 89.6 4.7 16.8 5.7
Profit from associates - 8.8 1.0 - 0.6 0.1
under the equity method
Operating profit 404.0 1,750.7 424.7 25.8 111.9 27.2
Extraordinary - - - - - -
Profit before income tax 404.0 1,750.7 424.7 25.8 111.9 27.2
Income tax -14.5 -57.5 -13.8 -0.9 -3.7 -0.9
Profit after income tax 389.5 1,693.2 410.9 24.9 108.2 26.3
Minority interest -0.3 - -0.8 - - -0.1
Net profit 389.2 1,693.2 410.1 24.9 108.2 26.2

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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