Last update: 23.07.2024 17:04 (GMT+3)


08.05.2002, Järvevana, TLN

Merko Ehitus FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/08/2002



Merko Ehitus group 2002 first quarter consolidated and unaudited net sales
amounted to 293,7 million EEK (18,8 million EUR), and net profit was
18,8 million EEK (1,2 million EUR).
The respective figures year ago were net sales of 255,6 million EEK (16,3
million EUR) and net profit of 15,3 million EEK (979 thousand EUR).

Merko Ehitus group deals in the field of construction and with activities
concerned to that, in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Companies of the group
Q1 2002 net sales and consolidated net sales (sales outside the group)
were (in thousand EEK):

Net Sales Including
net sales
Estonian companies
AS Merko Ehitus 178 233 177 508
AS Gustaf (100% partnership) 28 996 28 457
AS Merko Tartu (66% partnership) 17 193 17 193
Production of structures for small houses
OÜ Matek (71,6% partnership) 5 181 5 181
Road construction
Tallinna Teede AS (100% partnership) 9 147 9 147
AS Normanni Linnagrupp (50% partnership) - -
AS Insenervõrgud (50% partnership) - -
Production of concrete
AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted
(25% partnership) 21 996 -
Latvian companies
SIA Merks (100% partnership) 33 839 33 839
Lithuanian companies
UAB Merko Statyba (100% partnership) 22 360 22 360

Companies of the group Q1 2002 net sales and consolidated net sales
(sales outside the group) were (in thousand EUR):

Net Sales Including
net sales
Estonian companies
AS Merko Ehitus 11 391 11 345
AS Gustaf (100% partnership) 1 853 1 819
AS Merko Tartu (66% partnership) 1 099 1 099
Production of structures for small houses
OÜ Matek (71,6% partnership) 331 331
Road construction
Tallinna Teede AS (100% partnership) 585 585
AS Normanni Linnagrupp (50% partnership) - -
AS Insenervõrgud (50% partnership) - -
Production of concrete
AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted
(25% partnership) 1 406 -
Latvian companies
SIA Merks (100% partnership) 2 163 2 163
Lithuanian companies
UAB Merko Statyba (100% partnership) 1 429 1 429

Merko Ehitus group Q1 2002 consolidated data illustrating financial ratios

Q1 2002 Q1 2001
Net profit margin 6,4 % 6,0 %
Operating profit margin 5,8 % 5,5 %
Return on equity (per year) 30,3% 35,7%
Return on assets (per year) 14,5% 13,9%
Current ratio 1,7 1,6
Invoice turnover (per year) 7,8 9,4
Equity-to-assets ratio 49 % 44 %

Year 2002 Q1 consolidated and unaudited income statement and balance sheet
are compiled in accordance with the principles of the International
Accounting Standards (IAS), and correspond with the Estonian legal acts
regulating the accounting principles used. For the first time real estate
investments are reverberated in balance sheet as separate subdivision.
Real estate investments are reported at purchase price.

consolidated, unaudited in thousand EEK and EUR

2002.a. 2001.a. 2002.a. 2001.a.
1st Q 1st Q 1st Q 1st Q

Sales 293 684 255 642 18 770 16 338

Cost of sales 262 429 231 694 16 772 14 808

Gross profit 31 255 23 948 1 998 1 531

Marketing expenses 2 824 2 404 180 154
Administrative expenses 11 816 8 850 755 566
Other operating income 1 149 1 984 73 127
Other operating expenses 586 696 37 44

Operating profit 17 178 13 982 1 098 894

Financial income from stocks of
associated companies 522 24 33 2
incl. Equity method gains 522 24 33 2
Foreign exchange gain 1 267 2 126 81 136
Other interest and similar income 915 1 586 58 101
Total financial income 2 704 3 736 173 239

Financial expenses related to
associated companies 182 724 12 46
incl. Equity method gains 182 724 12 46
Interest expense 88 44 6 3
Foreign exchange loss 914 1 257 58 80
Other financial expenses 14 46 1 3
Total financial expenses 1 198 2 071 77 132

Profit(-loss) from normal operat. 18 684 15 647 1 194 1 000

Net prof.(loss) for the finan. year 18 684 15 647 1 194 1 000

Minority interest -104 325 -7 21

Net profit (- loss) for the group 18 788 15 322 1 201 979

Net profit (- loss) per share (basic
and diluted, in EEK and EUR) 2,12 1,73 0,14 0,11

consolidated, unaudited in thousand EEK and EUR

31.03.2002 31.12.2001 31.03.2002 31.12.2001

Cash and cash equivalents 37 739 60 814 2 412 3 887

Marketable securities 35 123 18 516 2 245 1 183

Accounts receivable 150 903 186 861 9 644 11 943
Allowance for doubtful receiv. -38 -53 -2 -3
Total accounts receivable 150 865 186 808 9 642 11 939

Receivables from subsidiary and
parent companies 1 735 1 735 111 111
Receivables from associated comp.6 941 6 941 444 444
Other short-term receivables 39 165 43 112 2 503 2 755
Total other receivables 47 841 51 788 3 058 3 310

Interest receivable 1 318 739 84 47
Other accrued income 106 254 7 16
Total accrued income 1 424 993 91 63

Prepaid taxes 10 838 6 850 693 438
Other prepaid expenses 3 005 1 534 192 98
Total prepaid expenses 13 843 8 384 885 536

Raw materials 1 942 4 041 124 258
Work-in-progress 7 141 9 092 456 581
Finished goods 1 436 855 92 55
Merchandise purchased for resale38 319 32 667 2 449 2 088
Prepayments to suppliers 13 069 567 835 36
Construction-in-progress 12 776 5 821 817 372
Due from customers 63 015 35 281 4 027 2 255
Total inventories 137 698 88 324 8 800 5 645

Total current assets 424 533 415 627 27 133 26 563

Shares in associated companies 12 281 12 489 785 798
Long-term receivables from
associated companies 468 100 30 6
Other shares, holdings and debt
securities 1 800 1 800 115 115
Long-term accounts receivable 488 - 31 -
Miscellaneous long-term receivab.7 667 7 588 490 485
Total long-term financial assets22 704 21 977 1 451 1 405

Buildings 26 934 26 934 1 721 1 721
Accumulated real-estate
investments depreciation -7 294 -6 755 -466 -432
Prepayments for real-estate
investments 15 855 10 655 1 013 681
Total real-estate investments 35 495 30 834 2 269 1 971

Land and buildings 16 116 16 086 1 030 1 028
Ground lease 458 458 29 29
Plant and equipment 62 279 64 064 3 980 4 094
Other equipment and fixtures 16 792 16 105 1 073 1 029
Accumulated depreciation -46 997 -46 914 -3 004 -2 998
Self-constructed physical assets
under construction 188 173 12 11
Total noncurrent physical assets48 836 49 972 3 121 3 194

Purchased concessions, patents,
licenses, etc. 95 97 6 6
Goodwill -6 434 -6 773 -411 -433
Total intangible assets -6 339 -6 676 -405 -427

Total non-current assets 100 696 96 107 6 436 6 142

LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY 525 229 511 734 33 568 32 706

Debentures (except bank loans) 12 636 4 533 808 290
Short-term loans from financial
institutions 7 8 0 1
Total debt obligations 12 643 4 541 808 290

Customer prepayments 15 065 9 865 963 630

Accounts payable to suppliers 93 373 122 504 5 968 7 829

Payables to associated companies 226 1 493 14 95

Tax liabilities 6 451 11 842 412 757

Payables to employees 11 296 10 165 722 650
Dividends payable 1 595 - 102 -
Interest payable 4 10 0 1
Other accrued expenses 536 941 34 60
Total accrued expenses 13 431 11 116 858 710

Provisions for construction
warranty liability 4 136 3 737 264 239
Due to customers 106 561 94 572 6 810 6 044
Other current provisions 158 155 10 10
Total current provisions 110 855 98 464 7 085 6 293

Total current liabilities 252 044 259 825 16 109 16 606

Non-convertible debt 4 204 204 269 13
Accounts payable to suppliers 7 596 7 478 485 478

Total non-current liabilities 11 800 7 682 754 491

Total liabilities 263 844 267 507 16 863 17 097

Minority interests 3 989 5 829 255 373

Share capital 88 500 88 500 5 656 5 656
Share premium 2 950 2 950 189 189
Mandatory legal reserve 8 205 8 205 524 524
Retained earnings 137 525 49 213 8 789 3 145
Net profit (- loss) for the
financial year 18 788 88 312 1 201 5 644
Exchange rate differences 1 428 1 218 91 78

TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 257 396 238 398 16 451 15 236

EQUITY 525 229 511 734 33 568 32 706

Ülo Metsaots
Management Board member
+372 6 105 110

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