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12.08.2002, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Rakvere Lihakombinaat FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/12/2002



Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group includes the following companies
(ownership %): AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat - parent company,
AS Rigas Miesnieks (92.47%), AS Ekseko (98%), AS Linnulihatooted
(76%) and Rakveres Mesos Produktai Vilnius (100%). The Rakvere
Lihakombinaat Group employed 1,271 employees as of June 30, 2002
(1,191 employees as of June 30, 2001).

The positive economic growth has facilitated the increase in meat
consumption in all Baltic countries: consumption of pork continues
to climb, beef consumption has again started to grow and the
consumption of white meat has developed favourably in all Baltic

In the first half of the year, the supply of pork on the Baltic
market exceeded the demand, as a result of which pork prices in
the Baltic countries started to fall significantly. By now, the
worst seems to be over as prices started to grow slightly in May.
However, the current price level is significantly lower in comparison
with the same time last year.

Sales of the Rakvere group went up strongly in the first half of the
year and the company has increased the market share in all Baltic
countries. Pig-raising in Ekseko has gone up significantly and the
Rakvere group now produces most of the pork that the group companies

The most important investments made by the Rakvere group were
undertaken in the Rakvere Lihakombinaat aimed at ensuring that the
plant complies with EU requirements applied to production enterprises.
The investment programme for EU compliance is now nearing completion.

Sales and financial results

The consolidated and unaudited net sales of Rakvere Lihakombinaat
in the first 6 months of 2002 totalled 588,7 million kroons or 37.6
million euros ( 493,5 million kroons or 31,5 million euros during the
same period in 2001). The sales increased by 95,2 million kroons
(6,1 million euros) or 19,3% compared to last year. The sales volume
was 17,1 th. tons in the Baltic States. This constitutes a 3,5 th.
ton or 25,8% increase compared to last year.

The consolidated and unaudited net profit of Rakvere Lihakombinaat
Group for the first 6 months reached 28,0 million kroons or 1,8
million euro (37,0 million kroons or 2,4 million euro during the
same period last year). The consolidated net profit decreased by
9,0 million kroons or 24% compared to the same period last year.
The group’s result is in line with targets and builds on the measures
that the Rakvere Lihakombinaat group has been implementing during the
last year. The fact why the result was lower than in the previous year
is attributable to low pork prices and additional costs that were
incurred by the EU compliance project and by the launch of ready-made
products of Lithuania’s Klaipedas Maistas.

Highlights of the financial results of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group,
millions of kroons (million of euros):

6 months 2002 6 months 2001 12 months 2001

Net sales 588,7 (37,6) 493,5 (31,5) 1 070,1 (68,3)
Operating expenses 553,6 (35,4) 451,2 (31,8) 989,7 (63,3)
Operating profit 35,1 (2,2) 42,3 (2,7) 80,4 (5,1)
Net profit 28,0 (1,8) 37,0 (2,4) 65,0 (4,2)

Investments 33,7 (2,2) 23,4 (1,5) 71,2 (4,6)

Forecast for 2002

We believe that the situation continues to improve and performance
targets will be met. The market share of the Rakvere group is expected
to strengthen in all Baltic markets also for the rest of the year.
Although changes in trade structures are increasing credit risks,
their impact is expected to remain insignificant in terms of the
result of the Rakvere Lihakombinaat group.

Olle Horm
Rakvere Lihakombinaat
Chairmen of the Board
032 29 221

Thousand Thousand
kroons Euros
30.06.02 31.12.01 30.06.02 31.12.01

Current assets
Cash and bank 10 752 11 787 687 753
Customer receivables 89 065 89 379 5 692 5 712
Other short-term receivables 12 140 17 273 776 1 104
Inventories 150 888 152 538 9 643 9 749
Total current assets 262 844 270 977 16 799 17 319

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets 11 819 2 176 755 139
Tangible fixed assets 405 677 413 442 25 927 26 424
Other intangible assets 2 405 2 832 154 181
Total non-current assets 419 901 418 450 26 836 26 744

T OT A L A S S E T S: 682 745 689 427 43 635 44 062


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 2 752 29 312 176 1 873
Supplier payables 76 495 61 251 4 889 3 915
Other current liabilities 78 952 123 231 5 046 7 876
Total current liabilities 158 198 213 794 10 111 13 664

Long-term loans and lease
payable 116 550 94 117 7 449 6 015
Total liabilities 274 749 307 911 17 560 19 679

Minority interest 3 554 3 570 227 228

Owners’ equity
Share capital 377 217 377 217 24 108 24 108
Statutory reserve 5 942 2 690 380 172
Retained earnings 19 969 -4 772 1 276 -305
Foreign exchange reserve 1 314 2 811 84 180
Total owners’ equity 404 442 377 946 25 848 24 155

TOTAL LIABILITIES 682 745 689 427 43 635 44 062

Thousand Thousand
kroons Euros
6 months 02 6 months 01 6 months 02 6 months 01

Net sales 588 722 493 518 37 626 31 541
Other revenue 1 763 3 037 113 194
Total revenue 590 485 496 555 37 739 31 736

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods 1 140 13 281 73 849
Materials, consumables
and supplies -378 366 -320 613 -24 182 -20 491
Other operating expenses -77 684 -62 494 -4 965 -3 994
Personnel expenses -74 627 -62 330 -4 769 -3 984

Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -22 836 -21 436 -1 459 -1 370
Other expenses -2 988 -685 -191 -44

Operating profit 35 124 42 278 2 245 2 702

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange
gain/loss -1 093 -416 -70 -27
Interest and other financial
income 1 184 2 661 76 170
Interest and other financial
expenses -7 028 -7 248 -449 -463
Total financial income/expenses -6 937 -5 003 -443 -320

Profit before taxes 28 187 37 275 1 801 2 382
Minority interest -194 -284 -12 -18

Net profit 27 993 36 991 1 789 2 364

Earnings per share 0,74 0,98 0,05 0,06

Olle Horm
Chairmen of the Board
032 29 211

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