Last update: 07.03.2025 04:40 (GMT+2)


23.08.2002, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/23/2002 09:00


- Net profit EUR 26.8 million (EEK 419.4 million) in Q2 2002, +7.6%
qoq and -21.1% yoy (excl. Hansa-LTB)
- Operating profit before provisions +12.6% qoq and +6.4% yoy
(excl. Hansa-LTB)
- Revenues +2.6% qoq and +4.9% yoy (excl. Hansa-LTB)
- Expenses -2.5% qoq and +3.6% yoy (excl. Hansa-LTB)
- Stabilisation in interest margins - net interest margin (NIM) 4.09%
in Q2 2002 (4.40% excl. Hansa-LTB), 4.01% in Q1 2002 and 4.63% in
Q2 2001
- Return on equity (ROE) 21.2%, return on assets (ROA) 2.2%, earnings
per share (EPS) EUR 1.36 (EEK 21.3)
- Q2 euro denominated asset and loan growth significantly influenced
by USD depreciation against the Euro
- Successful launch of the II Pillar pension reform in Estonia
- 37 thousand members in total by June 1, during the first month
Hansabank acquired 50.1% market share of total number and 52.7% of
assets under management
- Restructuring in Hansa-LTB on a final stretch
- Number of employees reduced by 9% 2,611
- Number of branches reduced by 13% 164
- Hansabank paid dividends of 0.256 euros (EEK 4) per share, resulting
in a tax expense of EUR 3.25 million (EEK 50.9 million).

The financial results of the first half 2002 have been reviewed by the
bank’s Auditors and the net profit of the period is included in the
capital adequacy calculation.

AS Hansapank and its subsidiaries (hereinafter Hansabank Group or the
Group) earned EUR 26.8 million net profit in the second quarter of 2002.
The Group’s operating profit before provisions increased 6.4% yoy
(2001 second quarter) (all annual growth rates concerning the income
statement in this document are excl. Hansa-LTB, unless stated
otherwise). Several one-off items affect the net profit comparison. In
Q2 2001 Hansa Capital decreased its provisions by EUR 4 million after
unifying its provisioning principles with the Group. Also, the Group’s
dividend income tax was EUR 0.9 million versus EUR 3.25 million this year.

The Groups earnings per share (annualised) were 1.36 euros (EEK 21.3)
in Q2 2002 vs 1.26 euros (EEK 19.8) in Q1. Hansapank Group’s return on
equity was 21.2% and return on assets was 2.2%. The Group’s EVA result
for the second quarter of the year was EUR 15.2 million, which is 9%
more than in Q1, but 2% less than in the respective period last year.
Hansapank Group’s EUR 26.8 million net profit can be divided between the
three countries as follows: EUR 25.7 million from Estonia (EUR 22.4
million in Q1 2002), EUR 4.8 million from Latvia (EUR 3.4 million), EUR 5.3
million from Lithuania (EUR 2.6 million) and EUR -9.0 million (EUR -3.5
million) from support functions (group management and IT servers). The
cost of the support functions also includes the dividend income tax.

Following the action plan established in the beginning of the second
quarter the Group took several steps to improve overall profitability.
In order to simplify the organisational structure and speed up the
decision making process, Hansabank consolidated its branch network
in Estonia, reducing the number of regions from 15 to 7. In Lithuania
the number of employees was reduced by a further 258 to 2,611 and the
number of branches was decreased by 24 to 164 during the second
quarter. On the revenue side the Group has undertaken several
initiatives to enhance fee generation. In Estonia fees were introduced
to certain services that have also free of charge alternatives - cash
withdrawal from the ATM for corporate customers, account statements
ordered by retail customers by mail more frequently than each quarter.
Several fees were also raised in Latvia. However, the biggest potential
lies in Hansa-LTB, where the fees-to-assets ratio was just 0.97% in
Q2 2002 versus 1.92% in the rest of the Group.

The Group’s total revenues amounted to EUR 80.1 million (EEK 1.25 bln)
in Q2 2002, increasing 2.6% qoq and 4.9% yoy. Revenue distribution was
the following: 62% net interest income, 26% net fee income, 8%
financial income, and 4% other income.
Operating expenses decreased 2.5% qoq and increased 3.6% yoy,
totalling EUR 50.7 million (EEK 0.80 bln) in Q2 2002. 44% of total
expenses was formed by personnel expense, 20% by other expenses (incl.
goodwill amortisation) 16% by administrative expenses, 13% by
depreciation, and 7% by IT expenses.
The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) improved to 57.3%
(48.4. excl. Hansa-LTB) from 60.3% (50.5%) in Q1 2002 and 50.5%
(48.7%) in Q2 2001. The ratio of operating expenses to total assets
improved to 3.81% (3.44% excl. Hansa-LTB ) from 4.0% (3.6%) in Q1 2002
and 3.88% in Q2 2001. The Group is targeting to maintain its cost-
income ratio below 50%. The Group will not achieve this target in 2002
because of the ongoing restructuring process in Hansa-LTB.

The Group’s total assets amounted to EUR 4.83 billion (EEK 75.5 bln) at
the end of June 2002. Interest-earning assets totalled EUR 4.30 billion,
89.1% of total assets (89.9% at the end of Q1 2002). Interest-bearing
liabilities amounted to EUR 4.02 billion, forming 83.3% of total
liabilities and shareholders’ equity (83.5% at the end of Q1 2002).
The volume of the Group’s assets and liabilities (in particular in
Latvia and Lithuania) was affected by the US dollar depreciation
against the euro. The approximate negative effect was EUR 70 million on
loans and EUR 140 million on deposits.
The loan portfolio increased by EUR 0.12 billion, or 4.3% during the
second quarter to EUR 2.83 billion. Annual growth was EUR 0.61 billion or
27.3%. 54% of the annual growth originated from Estonia, 18% from
Lithuania, 26% from Latvia and 2% from other countries. Lending to
private individuals formed 28% of the growth, with real-estate
management and industry contributing another 20% and 17% respectively.
The Group’s loan loss reserve amounted to EUR 46.2 million at the end of
June, forming 1.63% of the loan portfolio. Loans overdue totalled EUR
211.4 million, up 5.1% qoq, while non-performing loans (overdue more
than 60 days) amounted to EUR 14.8, down 46.9% qoq. Total overdues
formed 7.5% and non-performing loans 0.5% of total loans at the end of
June 2002. Despite the economic slowdown the Group has not seen any
signs of deterioration in asset quality.
Customer deposits decreased because of the US dollar depreciation by EUR
24.3 million during the second quarter to EUR 3.42 billion. Without any
changes in USD/EUR exchange rate, deposit growth would have exceeded EUR
100 million or 3% qoq. At the end of June loan to deposit ratio stood
at 82.6% (78.8% in the beginning of the year). The Group’s deposit
market shares as at June 30 were 56.8% in Estonia, 17.7% in Latvia and
30.8% in Lithuania.

1 EUR = 15.64664 EEK

Consolidated Balance Sheet
(in millions, unaudited) EEK EUR
30.06.02 31.12.01 30.06.01 30.06.02 31.12.01 30.06.01
Cash 2,039.4 2,404.3 1,945.8 130.4 153.7 124.4
Due from Central Bank 2,338.1 4,393.6 3,959.8 149.4 280.8 253.1
Due from other 6,070.1 7,466.9 8,320.1 388.0 477.2 531.7
financial institutions
Treasury securities 6,287.3 4,247.5 6,197.4 401.8 271.5 396.1
Trading securities 866.8 437.9 1,237.2 55.4 28.0 79.1
Investment securities 4,886.1 5,128.2 5,155.4 312.3 327.8 329.5
Securities purchased 2,704.2 2,508.4 2,447.8 172.8 160.3 156.4
under resale agreements
Loans 44248.8 40243.9 34765.9 2,828.0 2,572.0 2,221.9
- Allowances for -722.2 -859.7 -971.4 -46.2 -54.9 -62.1
credit losses
Net loans 43526.6 39384.2 33794.5 2,781.8 2,517.1 2,159.8
Tangible assets 2,037.0 2,178.3 2,279.2 130.2 139.2 145.7
Intangible assets 468.5 621.8 645.0 30.0 39.7 41.2
Prepayments and accrued 2,616.3 2,562.8 2,541.0 167.2 163.8 162.4
Other assets 1,654.2 684.5 654.6 105.7 43.7 41.9
Total assets 75494.6 72018.4 69177.8 4,825.0 4,602.8 4,421.3

Due to Central Bank and 103.3 109.3 128.2 6.6 7.0 8.2
Due to other financial 3,674.4 4,198.0 5,067.6 234.9 268.3 323.9
Deposits 53581.3 51063.4 48399.7 3,424.5 3,263.6 3,093.3
Demand deposits 34549.6 32480.2 28928.1 2,208.1 2,075.9 1,848.8
Time deposits 19031.7 18583.2 19471.6 1,216.4 1,187.7 1,244.5
Securities sold under - 0.1 462.5 - - 29.6
repurchase agreements
Debt securities issued 4,819.6 3,815.3 3,866.2 308.0 243.8 247.1
to the public
Accrued liabilities 1,751.6 1,865.1 1,381.0 111.9 119.2 88.3
Appropriations 520.1 474.3 425.1 33.2 30.3 27.2
Deferred tax liability 23.0 14.2 7.2 1.5 0.9 0.5
Other liabilities 2,256.2 2,221.9 1,811.6 144.2 142.0 115.7
Total liabilities 66729.5 63761.6 61549.1 4,264.8 4,075.1 3,933.8
Minority ownership 16.2 15.2 49.0 1.0 1.0 3.1

Subordinated liabilities 713.7 721.9 746.0 45.6 46.1 47.7

Shareholders' equity
Common stock 793.4 788.6 788.6 50.7 50.4 50.4
Share premium 2,826.5 2,762.1 2,761.2 180.7 176.5 176.5
Treasury stock -14.8 -37.5 -39.4 -0.9 -2.4 -2.5
Reserves 453.8 450.9 450.6 29.0 28.8 28.8
Other restricted equity 100.5 100.5 100.5 6.4 6.4 6.4
Currency translation 18.3 88.2 183.8 1.2 5.7 11.7
Retained earnings 3,857.5 3,366.9 2,588.4 246.5 215.2 165.4
Total shareholders' 8,035.2 7,519.7 6,833.7 513.6 480.6 436.7
Total liabilities and 75494.6 72018.4 69177.8 4,825.0 4,602.8 4,421.3
shareholders' equity

Consolidated Income Statement
(in millions, reviewed) EEK EUR
6m 2002 2001 6m 2001 6m 2002 2001 6m 2001

Interest income 2,414.7 4,604.9 2,135.8 154.3 294.3 136.5
Interest expense -895.9 -1943.3 -920.8 -57.3 -124.2 -58.8

Interest income, net 1,518.8 2,661.6 1,215.0 97.0 170.1 77.7

Fee and commission income 828.5 1,395.1 607.0 53.0 89.2 38.8
Fee and commission exp. -207.5 -306.5 -126.4 -13.3 -19.6 -8.1
Fees and commissions,net 621.0 1,088.6 480.6 39.7 69.6 30.7

Net result from 219.6 571.7 263.2 14.1 36.5 16.8
financial operations
Net income from 14.4 45.6 23.8 0.9 2.9 1.5
insurance activities
Other income 101.7 150.9 74.0 6.5 9.6 4.7
Total income 2,475.5 4,518.4 2,056.6 158.2 288.7 131.4

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 731.3 1,163.7 471.2 46.7 74.4 30.1
Data network expenses 102.3 150.0 66.5 6.5 9.6 4.3
Administrative expenses 257.3 478.5 197.2 16.4 30.6 12.6
Other expenses 314.8 557.8 222.0 20.1 35.6 14.2
incl. goodwill 151.7 265.9 113.2 9.7 17.0 7.2
Depreciation 203.2 348.1 158.2 13.0 22.2 10.1
Total operating expenses 1,608.9 2,698.1 1,115.1 102.7 172.4 71.3
Operating profit before 866.6 1,820.3 941.5 55.5 116.3 60.1
Losses on loans and -133.5 -340.9 -120.7 -8.5 -21.8 -7.7
Recovered loans 156.6 262.5 125.6 10.0 16.8 8.0
Profit from associates 0.5 8.8 1.1 - 0.6 0.1
under the equity method
Operating profit 890.2 1,750.7 947.5 57.0 111.9 60.5
Extraordinary - - - - - -
Profit before income tax 890.2 1,750.7 947.5 57.0 111.9 60.5
Income tax -80.7 -57.5 -31.6 -5.2 -3.7 -2.0
Profit after income tax 809.5 1,693.2 915.9 51.8 108.2 58.5
Minority interest -0.9 - -1.8 -0.1 - -0.1
Net profit 808.6 1,693.2 914.1 51.7 108.2 58.4

Consolidated Income Statement
(in millions of euros, Q2 02 Q1 02 Q4 01 Q3 01 Q2 01 Q1 01
Interest income 78.0 76.3 77.5 80.3 72.0 64.5
Interest expense -28.4 -28.9 -30.5 -34.9 -31.2 -27.6
Interest income, net 49.6 47.4 47.0 45.4 40.8 36.9

Fee and commission income 28.0 25.0 26.2 24.2 21.4 17.4
Fee and commission exp. -7.3 -6.0 -6.4 -5.1 -4.4 -3.7
Fees and commissions,net 20.7 19.0 19.8 19.1 17.0 13.7

Net result from 6.2 7.9 11.7 8.0 9.2 7.6
financial operations
Net income from 0.5 0.4 - 1.4 0.8 0.7
insurance activities
Other income 3.1 3.4 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.3
Total income 80.1 78.1 80.9 76.4 70.2 61.2

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 22.6 24.1 23.2 21.1 17.0 13.1
Data network expenses 3.4 3.1 3.2 2.1 2.4 1.9
Administrative expenses 8.0 8.4 9.6 8.4 6.6 6.0
Other expenses 10.1 10.0 11.4 10.0 7.9 6.3
incl. goodwill 4.8 4.9 5.0 4.8 3.8 3.4
Depreciation 6.6 6.4 5.9 6.2 5.4 4.7
Total operating expenses 50.7 52.0 53.3 47.8 39.3 32.0
Operating profit before 29.4 26.1 27.6 28.6 30.9 29.2
Losses on loans and -3.5 -5.0 -9.0 -5.1 0.1 -7.8
Recovered loans 5.3 4.7 4.3 4.5 2.3 5.7
Profit from associates - - 0.4 0.1 - 0.1
under the equity method
Operating profit 31.2 25.8 23.3 28.1 33.3 27.2
Extraordinary - - - - - -
Profit before income tax 31.2 25.8 23.3 28.1 33.3 27.2
Income tax -4.3 -0.9 -0.9 -0.8 -1.1 -0.9
Profit after income tax 26.9 24.9 22.4 27.3 32.2 26.3
Minority interest -0.1 - - 0.1 - -0.1
Net profit 26.8 24.9 22.4 27.4 32.2 26.2

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+ 372 6131 569

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