Last update: 23.07.2024 19:03 (GMT+3)


30.08.2002, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/30/2002


Financial figures
30.06.02 Pro-forma Pro-forma Pro-forma
30.06.02 31.12.01* 30.06.01*
At year end (in millions of
Total assets 1 137,4 1 347,1 1 180,5 984,2
Financial investments 995,2 1 175,7 1 028,8 845,1
Leasing 800,5 928,6 806,9 674,6
Factoring 121,7 151,2 133,9 107,1
Loans 25,0 44,4 48,3 34,7
Assignment 4,9 5,8 6,5 6,4
Consumer financing 43,3 45,7 33,3 22,3
Allowance for doubtful 20,1 -23,0 -21,2 -19,2
Loan liabilities 872,8 1 061,1 955,6 842,7
Owners' equity 76,0 76,0 55,0 77,4
For the year (in millions of
Net interest income 22,0 26,8 44,3 20,7
Net commission income 7,4 8,2 14,0 6,3
Net other operating income 2,8 3,1 6,0 3,0
Total revenue 32,1 38,2 64,4 30,0
Net profit 20,8 23,0 46,3 23,6
NIM (net interest margin) 4,1% 5,0% 4,4% 4,7%
ROA (return on assets) 3,9% 4,3% 4,4% 5,3%
ROE (return on operating 38,8% 44,2% 36,0% 36,3%
Interest yield on average 8,5% 8,7% 9,9% 9,8%
Cost-income ratio before 25,0% 24,2% 24,6% 24,8%
Net risk cost*** 0,5% 0,6% 0,5% 0,6%
EVA N/A 18,6 17,8 15,1
Number of employees 500 605 524 467

* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group from November 2001, but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital.
** Return on operating equity = net income / (Group's average risk-
weighted assets x 11%)
*** Risk expense = (written-offs - recoveries)/average portfolio of
financial investments

The volume of the assets of Hansa Capital Group (hereinafter the
Group) increased by 166.6 million euro (14.1%) to 1 347.1 million
euros in the first half of 2002. Relating to volume, leasing portfolio
underwent the largest increase (15,1%) while relating to the growth
rate consumer factoring portfolio was the best performer during the
first half of the year (91.6%).

Estonia formed the major share of the Group's financial investment
(62.9%), followed by Lithuania (18.9%), Latvia (17.6%) and other
regions (0.6%). During the half-year the Lithuanian investment
portfolio saw the greatest rise (23.6%), the Estonian portfolio grew
by 16,8% while Latvia and other regions experienced negative growth
during the first half-year, -0,09% and -20,4% respectively.

Real estate and passenger cars are still the major funded asset types
by 30.2 % and 26.6% respectively; transport (19.7%) and business
services (19.1%) were the most credited sectors.

Of the net profit, 69.7% was earned in Estonia, followed by Lithuania
(19.7%), Latvia (9,6%) and other regions (0,97%).

During the first six months of this year several products were
introduced to the market or improved - in Lithuania a solution for
office equipment operating lease was launched and in February, a new
BRC Car Centre was opened in Vilnius; in Latvia, EGO card was further
developed by adding several new uses and a discount function; in
Estonia, the BRC Movables Sales Centre was opened in addition to the
Car Centre. A no-card transaction process was launched within EGO
project, allowing to apply for the consumer finance and receive the
goods immediately from the store. In addition, Hansa Leasing Estonia
concluded a cooperation agreement with the Tallinn City Government
Housing Economy Department for financing the renovation of apartment
buildings managed by apartment associations in the amount up to 100
million EEK and made the largest single investment in the Estonian
printing industry by funding the purchase of a roller printer for the
printing house for periodicals Unipress in the amount of 66 million

Consolidated Income Statement
In millions of Euros

6 months Pro-forma Pro-forma Pro-forma
02 6 months 01* 6 months
02 01*
Interest income 46,1 55,2 99,0 46,7
Interest expenses 24,2 28,4 54,7 26,0
Net interest income 22,0 26,8 44,3 20,7

Commission income 8,1 9,2 15,7 7,1
Commission expenses 0,8 1,0 1,7 0,8
Net other operating 2,8 3,1 6,1 3,0
TOTAL REVENUE 32,1 38,2 64,4 30,0

Administrative expenses 8,1 10,0 16,6 7,6
Profit before 24,0 28,2 47,9 22,5
provisions and
financial income
Net credit losses 2,7 3,6 2,2 -1,5
Net financial income -0,2 -0,4 0,1 0,3
Operating profit 21,2 24,8 45,9 24,2
Income from equity 0,0 0,0 0,0 -0,0
Extraordinary income -0,0 -0,0 -0,0 -0,0
PROFIT BEFORE INCOME 21,2 24,2 45,9 24,2
Income tax 0,4 1,2 1,6 0,6
Minority interest 0,0 0,0 -0,2 -0,0
NET PROFIT 20,8 23,0 46,3 23,6

* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group (from November 2001), but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital. Figures provided for 2000 are comparable to
the respective figures for 2001.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
In millions of Euros

ASSETS 30.06.02 Pro-forma Pro-formaPro-forma
30.06.02 31.12.01*30.06.01*
Cash and bank 14,2 15,4 15,1 12,2
Due from customers 25,2 30,3 20,8 20,3
Financial investments 995,2 1 175,7 1 028,8 845,1
Leasing 800,5 928,7 806,9 674,6
Factoring 121,7 151,2 133,9 107,1
Loans 25,0 44,4 48,3 34,7
Assignment 8,9 5,8 6,5 6,4
Small-scale financing 43,3 45,7 33,3 22,3
Allowance for doubtful -20,1 -23,0 -21,2 -19,2
Net financial investments 975,2 1 152,7 1 007,6 825,9
Prepayments to suppliers 70,6 90,6 84,9 83,8
Stocks for resale 21,7 25,2 16,4 13,0
Long-term equity investments 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1
Tangible noncurrent assets 17,4 17,9 19,8 11,3
Intangible assets 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,3
Accrued income and prepaid 11,8 13,8 14,6 16,4
TOTAL ASSETS 1 137,4 1 347,1 1 180,5 984,2

Loans 872,8 1 061,1 955,6 842,7
Bonds 110,0 109,98 89,0 18,5
Bills of exchange 4,5 4,5 7,5 11,3
Liabilities to customers and 58,9 68,98 51,2 39,8
Accrued expenses and prepaid 14,0 15,98 12,8 12,0
Other liabilities 0,4 0,4 0,6 0,3
Deferred tax liabilities 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,1
Negative goodwill 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 061,2 1 261,7 1 117,5 906,7
Minority interest 7,7 9,4 8,0 0,1
OWNERS' EQUITY 0,0 0,0 0,0
Share capital 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7
Reserves 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,7
Retained earnings 66,9 66,9 46,0 65,3
Unrealised exchange rate 0,1 0,1 -0,0 2,8
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 76,0 76,0 55,0 77,4
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' 1 137,4 1 347,1 1 180,5 984,2

* Pro-forma figures also include the assets, liabilities and economic
results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a part of Hansa
Capital Group (from November 2001), but is organisationally still
managed by Hansa Capital. Figures provided for 2000 are comparable to
the respective figures for 2001.

Further information:
Mart Tooming
HC Board Chairman
Telephone: +372 613 1828

Livia Kulm
Corporate Communications
+ 372 6133 816

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