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06.11.2002, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 11/06/2002


Sales revenue
During the accounting period the economic situation in Estonia has been
relatively stable. According to the data of the Estonian Market Research
Institute, in nine months of the current year the order volumes for industrial
products exceeded their usual level and the output volumes sustained a growing
trend. There have also been more export orders than usual.

The construction market is still experiencing a boom and the institute
anticipates that the fourth quarter will be more favourable than usually. The
upsurge that took off in the electrical engineering industry in the preceding
years has lasted till the present day. AS Harju Elekter's domestic market is
driven by building and renovation activities and the demand for products
primarily used for electrical engineering purposes. The energy,
infrastructure, building and wholesale companies have placed increasingly more
orders on the domestic as well as on external markets.

The consolidated net sales and revenues for nine months of 2002 amounted to
EEK 186.6 million (EUR 11.9 mil.). Compared with the same period last year,
the Group's turnover grew by 37.6 per cent, whereas in Q3 the sales surpassed
the respective indicator for the previous year by 31.5 per cent. Sales on the
Estonian market accounted for 59.0 per cent of the consolidated net sales and
revenues (2001 9m: 59.4%), marking a 36.6 per cent rise in comparison with the
nine month period in 2001, and on the external markets EEK 76.5 million (EUR
4.9 mil.) which is 39.1 per cent more than during the same period last year.

Driven by the growing demand on the electrical engineering market,
manufacturing and marketing of electrical equipment increased by 61.8 %
within nine months and the acquisition of the new subsidiary added another
12.1 per cent at the expense of the turnover, totalling 80.3 per cent and
representing 41.8 per cent of the sales volume (2001 9m: 31.9%).

The Group's operating profit for the nine month period was EEK12.5 million or
EUR 797 thousand (2001 9m: EEK 9.5 mil. or EUR 606 thou.), in comparison with
the same period last year the growth has been 31.4 per cent, The operating
profit for Q3 was EEK 6.0 million or EUR 382 thousand which is 1.6 times
higher than in 2001. If the profit margin for the nine month period remained
practically on the year 2001 level, then in the third quarter a 9.7 per cent
profit margin was achieved (2001 Q3: 8.0%).

Income from financing activities was EEK 7.5 million or EUR 481 thousand (2001
9m:EEK 8.2 mil. or EUR 526 thou.). Altogether EEK 3.6 million (EUR 233 thou.)
were consolidated from the related companies in the third quarter. In total,
the 2.6 million kroon (EUR 166 thou.) income from financing activities that
was received in Q3 of the current year surpassed the previous year's result.

The operating profit gained from the sale of fixed and current assets to a
subsidiary which had been formed on the basis of Cable Harnesses Factory and
the financial income earned from the sale of the subsidiary AJT Harju Elekter
are reported in the consolidated income statement under Extraordinary income,
totally in the amount EEK 30.6 million (EUR 2.0 mil.).

In brief, the Group's operating profit for nine months in 2002 was EEK 20.0
million (EUR 1,2 mil.) which is 12.8 per cent more against the same period
last year. The operating profit earned in Q3 doubly exceeded the last year's
indicator. Net profit for the period amounted to EEK 50.6 million or EUR 3.2
million (2001 9m:EEK 17.7 mil. or EUR 1.1 mil.). Net profit margin settled at
27.1 per cent (2001 9m: 13.1%). EPS was EEK 9.38 or EUR 0.60 (2001 9m: EEK
3.28 or EUR 0.21).

Investments and capital employed
During the reporting period the Group invested in tangible and intangible
fixed assets altogether EEK 10.5 million or EUR 673 thousand (2001 9m:EEK 5.4
mil. or EUR 346 thou.). 4.5 million kroons or 285 thousand euros were
invested into plant and technology, the lion share of which amount was spent
on the reconstruction of the washing systems of the powder coating unit at the
Electrical Equipment Factory in order to improve quality and to significantly
minimise environmental pollution. EEK 3.5 million or EUR 220 thousand were
used for the renovation of buildings and facilities. EEK 0.9 million (EUR 60
thou.) were spent on the installation and upgrading of the IT systems.

During the accounting period EEK 6,6 million or EUR 420 thousand were spent
to repay the principal amount of the long-term loan and the capital lease
(2001 9m: EEK 6.5 mil. or EUR 414 thou.) which did not incur any income tax
liability for AS Harju Elekter.

Balance sheet
The consolidated balance total by the end of September 2002 was EEK 224.7
million (EUR 14.1 mil.); it had in nine months by EEK 48,2 million (EUR 3.1
mil.) and in twelve months by EEK 52.9 million (EUR 3.1 mil.). This growth is
mostly attributable to the sale of AJT Harju Elekter and purchase of the
subsidiary Satmatic Oy and the significant rise in the orders for the energy
sector products as compared with the previous quarters and the same period
last year. Changes took place also in the balance structure. Owners' equity
grew in total by EEK 42.8 million (EUR 2.7 mil.) and reached the 74.8 per
cent ratio to the value of assets. This is 3.6 per cent points more than a
year ago and 3.8 per cent points more than it was by 31.12.2001. On the assets
side the value of current assets grew the most during nine months, in total
EEK 28.3 million (EUR 1.8 mil.). Together with the subsidiary Satmatic Oy the
Group acquired some current assets, the total fair value of which was EEK
21.4 million (EUR 1.4 mil.), among them EEK 15.3 million (EUR 1.0 mil.)worth
of stock-in-trade.

During the accounting period the average number employees in the Group was 373
(2001 9m: 682). On the balance sheet date 293 (30.09.01: 659) people were
working in the Group. The number of the employees decreased considerably in
connection with the sale of the subsidiary AJT Harju Elekter (418), although
after the acquisition of Satmatic Oy the personnel grew by 52 employees.

Important events
On the 4th of June AS Harju Elekter and PKC Group Oyj (PKC) signed a sales
agreement according to which PKC acquired all shares of AJT, a 100% Harju
Elekter owned subsidiary.The transaction value was EUR 2.07 million (EEK 32.4
mill.). With the disposal of AJT, the second tier subcontracting company,
Harju Elekter minimised its business risks significantly,but the expertise of
wiring systems and fibre-optic products manufacturing was retained in the

On the 19th of September AS Harju Elekter and Siemens Osakeyhtiö signed the
purchase agreement pursuant to which Harju Elekter acquired all shares of 100%
Siemens owned subsidiary Satmatic Oy. The core business of Satmatic is the
manufacturing and marketing of various electrical equipment, including
automation and process control systems for the paper, metal and machine
building industries as well as car heating units for parking lots. The
acquisition of the subsidiary has widened Harju Elekter's possibilities to
extend its main product range with Satmatic type-approved products, to upgrade
and improve its existing products and to boost its sales in Finland and other
neighbouring markets. The increase of the market share is estimated at EEK 100
million (EUR 6.4 million).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 6 747 400

BALANCE SHEET, 30.09.2002
Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.09.02 31.12.01 30.09.02 31.12.01
Cash, bank 11 104 11 039 710 706
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 25 748 15 305 1 646 978
Other current receivables 979 3 343 63 214
Accrued income 0 35 0 2
Prepaid expenses 1 034 1 242 66 79
Total current receivables 27 761 19 925 1 774 1 273
Raw materials and inventories 41 177 21 557 2 632 1 378
Goods 4 977 3 730 318 238
Prepayments to suppliers 8 0 0 0
Total inventories 46 162 25 286 2 950 1 616
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 85 026 56 718 5 434 3 625
Stock and shares in ass.companies 26 525 22 580 1 695 1 443
Other shares 17 038 4 521 1 089 289
Other long-term receivables 482 473 31 30
Total financial investments 44 044 27 574 2 815 1 762
Plant and equipment 75 381 75 284 4 818 4 812
Other equipment and fixtures 46 483 43 845 2 971 2 802
Other inventory 2 949 3 757 188 240
Accumulated depreciation -33 800 -31 751 -2 160 -2 029
Construction-in-progress 4 195 716 268 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 18 0 1 0
Total tangible assets 95 226 91 851 6 086 5 870
Licences 412 309 26 20
Goodwill 40 112 3 7
Total intangible assets 452 421 29 27
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 139 723 119 845 8 930 7 660
TOTAL ASSETS 224 749 176 563 14 364 11 284
Debt obligations 8 757 14 929 560 954
Customer prepayments 561 94 36 6
Supplier payables 25 779 12 433 1 648 795
Other short-term borrowings 1 170 499 75 32
Tax liabilities 3 107 4 931 199 315
Accrued expenses 4 644 6 010 297 384
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 44 019 38 896 2 813 2 486
TOTAL LIABILITIES 56 582 51 150 3 616 3 269
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 50 634 20 742 3 236 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 168 167 125 413 10 748 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 224 749 176 563 14 364 11 284


Parent company
in thousand EEK EUR
Cash, bank 8 976 10 260 574 656
Marketable securities 0 468 0 30
Total customer receivables 18 058 10 718 1 154 685
Other current receivables 3 153 5 422 202 347
Accrued income 0 35 0 2
Prepaid expenses 952 938 61 60
Total current receivables 22 163 17 113 1 416 1 094
Raw materials and inventories 18 476 14 275 1 181 912
Goods 4 931 3 679 315 235
Prepayments to suppliers 8 0 0 0
Total inventories 23 415 17 954 1 497 1 147
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 54 554 45 795 3 487 2 927
Stock and shares in subsidiaries 13 832 8 602 884 550
Other long-term receiv.from subs. 10 170 0 650 0
Stock and shares in ass.companies 26 525 22 580 1 695 1 443
Other shares 17 038 4 521 1 089 289
Other long-term receivables 482 473 31 30
Total financial investments 68 047 36 175 4 349 2 312
Plant and equipment 75 251 75 151 4 809 4 803
Other equipment and fixtures 26 032 25 665 1 664 1 640
Other inventory 1 622 2 693 104 172
Accumulated depreciation -27 903 -27 426 -1 783 -1 753
Construction-in-progress 4 195 716 268 46
Prepayments for fixed assets 18 0 1 0
Total tangible assets 79 214 76 799 5 063 4 908
Licences 412 309 26 20
Total intangible assets 412 309 26 20
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 147 672 113 283 9 438 7 240
TOTAL ASSETS 202 226 159 078 12 925 10 167
Debt obligations 4 265 7 299 273 466
Customer prepayments 561 11 36 1
Supplier payables 16 625 10 703 1 063 684
Other short-term borrowings 1 481 483 95 31
Tax liabilities 2 265 4 345 145 278
Accrued expenses 3 162 5 320 202 340
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 28 359 28 161 1 812 1 800
TOTAL LIABILITIES 34 060 33 664 2 177 2 152
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 6 510 550 416
Retained earnings 54 933 44 161 3 511 2 822
Net profit for the year 50 634 20 742 3 236 1 326
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 168 167 125 413 10 748 8 015
TOTAL LIAB.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 202 226 159 078 12 925 10 167


in thousand EEK EUR
Group 9M 2002 9M 2001 9M 2002 9M 2001
NET SALES 186 636 135 625 11 928 8 668
Cost of goods sold 152 323 108 733 9 735 6 949

Gross profit 34 313 26 892 2 193 1 719

Operating expenses, incl. 21 707 17 037 1 387 1 089
Marketing expenses 8 422 6 402 538 409
Administrative expenses 13 285 10 635 849 680
Other revenue 290 302 19 19
Other expenses 425 668 27 43

Operating profit 12 471 9 489 797 606

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 6 005 3 365 384 215
Fin.income from other holdings 2 254 6 190 144 396
Other interest and fin.income 223 215 14 14
Total financial income 8 482 9 770 542 624

Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 902 1 441 58 92
Other financial expenses 59 96 4 6
Total financial expenses 961 1 537 61 98

Profit from normal operations 19 993 17 722 1 278 1 133
External income 30 641 1 958 0
Net profit for the year 50 634 17 722 3 236 1 133

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 9,38 3,28 0,60 0,21

in thousand EEK EUR
Group Q3 2002 Q3 2001 Q3 2002 Q3 2001

NET SALES 61 464 46 728 3 928 2 986
Cost of goods sold 48 418 37 372 3 094 2 389

Gross profit 11 974 8 558 765 547

Operating expenses, incl. 7 029 5 481 449 350
Marketing expenses 2 777 2 377 177 152
Administrative expenses 4 252 3 104 272 198
Other revenue 51 97 3 6
Other expenses 86 237 5 15

Operating profit 5 982 3 735 382 239

Financial income, incl.
Fin.income from ass.companies 3 648 1 313 233 84
Fin.income from other holdings 28 11 2 1
Other interest and fin.income 83 47 5 3
Total financial income 3 759 1 371 240 88

Financial expenses, incl.
Interest expense 278 453 18 29
Other financial expenses 3 44 0 3
Total financial expenses 281 497 18 32

Profit from normal operations 9 461 4 609 605 295
External income 29 915 1 912 0
Net profit for the year 39 376 4 609 2 517 295

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 7,29 0,85 0,47 0,05

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company 9M 2002 9M 2001 9M 2002 9M 2001

NET SALES 141 369 117 316 9 035 7 498
Cost of goods sold 113 246 96 121 7 238 6 143

Gross profit 28 123 21 195 1 797 1 355

Operating expenses, incl. 16 441 13 095 1 051 837
Marketing expenses 6 500 4 439 415 284
Administrative expenses 9 941 8 656 635 553
Other revenue 253 265 16 17
Other expenses 325 592 21 38

Operating profit 11 610 7 773 742 497

Financial income, incl.
Financial income from subsid. 643 1 076 41 69
Fin.income from ass.companies 6 005 3 365 384 215
Fin.income from other holdings 2 254 6 201 144 396
Other interest and fin.income 227 328 14 21
Total financial income 9 130 10 970 583 701

Financial expenses, incl.
Financial expenses from subsid. 344 0 228 0
Interest expense 391 953 18 43
Other financial expenses 12 68 1 2
Total financial expenses 747 1 021 247 45

Profit from normal operations 19 993 17 722 1 278 1 133
External income 30 641 1 958 0
Net profit for the year 50 634 17 722 3 236 1 133

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 9,38 3,28 0,60 0,21

in thousand EEK EUR
Parent company Q3 2002 Q3 2001 Q3 2002 Q3 2001

NET SALES 48 646 40 399 3 109 2 582
Cost of goods sold 37 673 32 740 2 408 2 092

Gross profit 10 972 7 659 701 489

Operating expenses, incl. 5 508 4 257 352 272
Marketing expenses 2 108 1 590 135 102
Administrative expenses 3 400 2 667 217 170
Other revenue 52 76 3 5
Other expenses 74 197 5 13

Operating profit 5 442 3 281 348 210

Financial income, incl.
Financial income from subsid. 422 245 27 16
Fin.income from ass.companies 3 649 1 313 233 84
Fin.income from other holdings 28 14 2 1
Other interest and fin.income 116 67 7 4
Total financial income 4 213 1 639 269 105

Financial expenses, incl.
Financial expenses from subsid. -3 229 0 228 0
Interest expense 111 275 18 43
Other financial expenses 0 36 1 2
Total financial expenses -3 118 311 247 45

Profit from normal operations 12 773 4 609 816 295
External income 26 603 1 700 0
Net profit for the year 39 376 4 609 2 517 295

Bas.and dil.earnings per share 7,29 0,85 0,47 0,05

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
67 47 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6712 761

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