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11.12.2002, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN

Tallinna Börs NEWS RELEASE 12/11/2002


On 09.12.2002 the Listing Committee of Tallinn Stock Exchange (hereinafter:
TSE) discussed the possible breach of TSE Rules and Regulations (hereinafter:
TSE Rules) by a member of the Management Board of Saku Õlletehas Ltd.
(hereinafter: Saku Õlletehas).

Proceeding from article 2.7.2 of "Requirements for Issuers" (hereinafter: RFI)
of TSE Rules members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the
issuer, the auditors, procurators and persons connected to them, are not
allowed to effect transactions in the issuer’s securities for their own
account or through an intermediary, during the time which starts one week
before to the end of the reporting period until one day after the publication
of the financial results of the reporting period of the issuer. Where the
issuer is obliged to submit consolidated statements to the Exchange according
to the current terms of the requirements, the mentioned time ends on the day
following the day of disclosing the consolidated statements. For the purposes
of the present rules a reporting period shall be the period during which an
issuer shall regularly forward to the Exchange the balance sheet and/or the
income statement about the issuer or its significant subsidiary.

Pursuant to article 2.4.1. of RFI an issuer is required to keep a list of
persons who, in accordance with the provisions of article 2.2., are in
possession of inside information. Upon request from the Exchange, an issuer
is required to submit such a list to the Exchange.

Pursuant to article 2.4.2 an issuer is required to inform all persons, who,
pursuant to article 2.2. of RFI, are in possession of inside information, of
the provisions of RFI and to require such persons to act in accordance with

In accordance with disclosure of Saku Õlletehas interim report 2002 the
article 2.7.2 of RFI was continuously applicable from 24.06.2002 to
27.08.2002. A member of the Management Board of Saku Õlletehas made a sales
transaction in Saku Õlletehas shares during the aforementioned period.

Having examined the presented materials, the Listing Committee of TSE decided
as follows:

1. Actions of the Saku Õlletehas Management Board member have been in
conflict with the provisions of article 2.7.2 of RFI. The Listing Committee
observes that the Saku Õlletehas Management Board member should have made
the given transaction with anticipated accuracy in order to fulfil the
provisions of the Rules, i.e. by informing the Client Administrator as one's
representative of applicable restrictions. Also notifying that on the
occasion of the representative's operations in accordance with guidelines of
the person being represented, the latter may not rely on representative's
unawareness of circumstances the person being represented knew or should
have known;

2. Measures for internal audit of Saku Õlletehas (in order to ensure
fulfillment of obligations proceeding from article 2 of RFI) shall be deemed

3. Use of confidential information has not been identified in actions of the
member of Saku Õlletehas Management Board.

Proceeding from the above the Listing Committee decided to issue a warning
for violation of article 2.7.2 of RFI.

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