Last update: 23.07.2024 09:16 (GMT+3)


11.02.2003, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/11/2003


Major accomplishments in 2002

Retention of leading position in the Estonian beer
market (47 percent market share) and reinforcement of
leader’s position in the premium beers segment (70
percent market share) in a fiercely competitive
Brand development of beers: development of the core
brand Saku Originaal and corresponding renewal of the
entire Saku blue line and supplementation of the Saku
blue line with a stronger premium beer Saku Strong.
Development of the packaging of mainstream beers Sorts
and Presidendi Pilsner, beginning of the development of
the packaging of mainstream beers Saku Hele and Saku
Launching of the internationally recognised
Carlsberg beer in a 0.5-litre returnable bottle.
Brand development of other beverages: Renewal of the
packaging of premium mineral water Vichy Classique and
supplementation with passion-apricot flavoured product.
Expansion of share in the mineral water market with the
mainstream Montavit line, penetration of the long drink
market with 0.5-litre canned Saku Gin Long Drink,
extension of the soft drink line Zingo with lemon-
flavoured Zingo in 0.5 and 1.5-litre packaging
Investment in increasing capacities, ensuring
production efficiency and maintaining quality:
acquisition of new bottle-filling equipment, supplements
to the can filling line and multipack equipment, and
electronically controlled packaging and stacking
equipment for the multipacks.
Establishment of a joint taskforce with other
leading Baltic breweries that belong to Baltic Beverages
Holding group - Aldaris AO and Svyturys-Utenos Alus AB
with a view to identifying the synergies of co-operation.

Market and consumption

According to the Estonian Breweries Association, in 2002
per-capita beer consumption in Estonia grew from 67 to 70
litres. The market grew by 4.5 percent to 95.8 million
litres. Imports accounted for 4.4 million litres or 4.6
percent of the total, an increase of 0.5 percentage

According to the Estonian Breweries Association, the
largest Estonian beer producer is Saku Brewery. In 2002
we maintained the leading position with a solid 47
percent of the market. The main competitors were Tartu
Õlletehas (37 percent), Viru Õlu (6 percent), Pärnu
Õlletehas (3 percent), Nigula Õlu (2 percent) and
Saaremaa Õlletehas (0.5 percent). Karme brewery went out
of business.

Saku Brewery has been a stable market leader in domestic
beer market: 1996-50%; 1997-47%; 1998-48%; 1999-50%;
2000-48%; 2001-49%; 2002-47%.

Based on Brand Track 2002, a survey conducted by the
marketing research and consulting company EMOR, in 2002
the best-favoured beer brand in Estonia was Saku
Originaal. According to the results of the survey, which
was performed in March, June and September 2002, the
share of people who consider Saku Originaal their
favourite beer brand has increased to 21 percent. Rock,
the leading brand of our other basic line, rose to the
third position (9 percent).

The domestic beer market is still rather price sensitive.
2002 was a year of active special price campaigns, which
also extended to the premium segment. The number of
campaigns where a free product could be won increased as
well. The costs of give-away products and accompanying
taxes raised the average cost of a sales campaign.

Since Estonia regained its independence, Saku Brewery has
led the market in product development, providing Estonian
consumers with contemporary and innovative domestic beer
products. In 2002 we renewed our core brand
Saku Originaal and subsequently our entire blue line. The
improvements increased our share in the premium beer
market to 70 percent. In addition to packaging
development we optimised the product portfolio and
supplemented the blue line with a new and slightly
stronger premium product Saku Strong.

In June we launched the internationally recognised
premium brand Carlsberg in a 0.5-litre bottle, a
packaging favoured by the local consumer. By the year-end
the share of Carlsberg in the local imported beers market
had risen to a 20 percent.

At the end of the year we completed the renewal of the
packaging of Presidendi Pilsner and Sorts and began
revamping the packaging of Saku Hele and Saku Tume. The
purpose of the project is to consolidate our position in
the special beers segment.

Other beverages
In 2002 Saku Brewery focused on the mainstream premium
and mainstream cheap segments. We completely revamped our
premium class Vichy Classique line and penetrated the
mainstream cheap category with the Montavit line.
The share of cider line Kiss increased half a percentage
point. Growth was strongly facilitated by the
implementation of 0.5-litre cans, which were launched in
the summer and helped to seize 22-24 percent of the
market during the summer season.
In August we penetrated the market with a renewed Saku
Gin Long drink that was launched in a 0.5-litre can.
Within four months it had seized 10 percent of the
In 2002 our soft drink sales improved by 8 percent, total
share in the Estonian soft drinks market exceeds 4

Performance and results
Saku Brewery’s net sales for 2002 amounted to EEK 768.4
million (EUR 49.1 million), an increase of 3 percent (EEK
22.5 million, i.e. EUR 1.4 million) on a year ago.
Approximately 75 percent of the improvement resulted from
domestic sales and 25 percent from exports. In terms of
product groups, the main contributors were beers and
other alcoholic beverages such as cider and long drink.

Beverage sales totalled 56.4 million litres, a 2 percent
increase on 2001. With annual beer sales of 49.4 million
litres and a 47 percent market share Saku Brewery is the
largest Estonian beer producer and leader of the local
beer market. The biggest rise (over 13 percent) occurred
in the sales of the renewed core brand Saku Originaal.
Another strong performer was the Rock line whose sales
continued to climb steadily. Sales of canned beers grew
by 19 2percent.

Exports accounted for 9 percent of quantitative sales.
The main export markets were other Baltic countries and
Finland. Exports to the USA and Japan were less
significant. The main export articles were the core brand
Saku Originaal, Saku Tume, pPorter, mineral water and

Operating profit amounted to EEK 40.2 million (EUR 2.6
million), a 28.3 percent (EEK 15.8 million, i.e. EUR 1.0
million) decrease on 2001. Net profit totalled EEK 38.8
million (EUR 2.5 million), a decline of 29.5 percent (EEK
16.2 million, i.e. EUR 1.0 million). Earning per share
amounted to EEK 4.85 (EUR 0.31).

Expenses proved 5.6 percent (EEK 38.6 million, i.e. EUR
2.5 million) larger than a year ago. Materials,
consumables and supplies accounted for EEK 42 percent
(EEK 16.3 million, i.e. EUR 1.0 million), other operating
expenses for 43 percent (EEK 16.8 million, i.e. EUR 1.1
million) and personnel expenses for 15 percent (EEK 5.8
million, i.e. EUR 0.4 million) of the rise.
The growth in other operating expenses resulted largely
from more intensive marketing and long turn investments
in brand and packaging development.

To ensure a balance between growth and profitability,
Saku Brewery changed the budgeting process and
responsibility for budget management. The changes were
supported by a systematic application of value-driven
assessment principles and performance management.

The period’s average number of employees was 259.

In 2002 we continued investing in quality, high operating
efficiency and availability of required capacities.
Tangible and intangible asset purchases totalled EEK 56.3
million (EUR 3.6 million), including production and
packaging-related items of EEK 40.7 million (EUR 2.6
million) (upgrade of the bottle-filling line, supplements
to the can filling and multipack equipment, and
electronically controlled packaging and stacking
equipment for multipacks). Sales-related investments
totalled EEK 9.8 million (EUR 0.6 million), and
investments in computer systems amounted to EEK 1.4
million (EUR 0.1 million).

Future plans
As the oldest Estonian beer producer and leader of the
local beer market and product development, Saku Brewery
recognises its responsibility for the general development
of the market.

Our main objective is to retain the leading position in
the local beer market, especially as regards the premium
beers category and its development.

Although our priority is the beer market, we also intend
to increase our share in other beverages markets. Our
principal targets are the self-produced alcoholic
beverages and mineral water markets, especially the
mainstream premium and mainstream cheap categories.

One of our strategic strengths is being part of Baltic
Beverages Holding AB, one of the largest European groups
of breweries. In December 2002 the leading Baltic
breweries Saku Brewery, Aldaris AO and Svyturys-Utenos
Alus AB established a joint taskforce to investigate
opportunities for streamlining through tighter co-
operation. Plans foresee joint purchasing operations,
which should ensure more favourable raw material and
service prices, and co-ordination of sales activities,
including conclusion of contracts with the retail chains
that operate in the three Baltic markets. We also expect
to co-operate in the area of production and co-ordinate
use of capacities. The efforts should result in notable
product development and marketing synergies as well as
purchasing benefits.

The co-operation of the Baltic market leaders indicates

preparedness for integration in the European Union and
the challenges of a new business environment.

(In thousands) EEK EUR
31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01
Adjusted* Adjusted*

Cash and bank 3,296 20,180 211 1,290
Shares and other securities 3,907 250
Trade receivables 29,051 29,057 1,857 1,857
Other receivables and 2,645 2,110 169 135
Inventories 90,917 76,764 5,811 4,906
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 125,909 132,018 8,048 8,438

Non-current assets
Long-term financial 16,000 17,400 1,023 1,112
Long-term receivables 98 186 6 12
Tangible assets 260,597 249,142 16,655 15,923
Intangible assets 1,147 747 73 48
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 277,842 267,475 17,757 17,095
TOTAL ASSETS 403,751 399,493 25,805 25,533

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 7,154 1,714 457 110
Trade payables 22,150 21,642 1,417 1,383
Payables to the parent 282 18
Tax liabilities 12,376 12,123 791 775
Payables to employees 4,607 3,329 294 213
Other accrued expenses 3,463 365 222 24
Provisions 676 43
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 50,708 39,173 3,242 2,505

Non-current liabilities
Non-convertible debt 1,711 3,412 109 218
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 1,711 3,412 109 218

Share capital 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113
Capital reserve 8,000 8,000 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 180,441 169,786 11,532 10,851
Profit for the period 38,821 55,052 2,481 3,518
TOTAL EQUITY 351,332 356,908 22,454 22,810
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 403,751 399,493 25,805 25,533

* - Adjustment results from a change in accounting for kegs.

(In thousands) EEK EUR
2002 2001 2002 2001
Adjusted* Adjusted*

Net sales 768,445 745,937 49,113 47,674
Change in work in progress -964 555 -62 35
and finished goods
Other revenue 2,416 646 154 42
Total revenue 769,897 747,138 49,205 47,751

Materials, consumables and 493,747 477,494 31,556 30,517
Other operating expenses 132,724 115,906 8,483 7,409
Personnel expenses 53,872 48,097 3,443 3,074
Depreciation 43,410 42,831 2,774 2,738
Other expenses 5,932 6,761 379 432
Total expenses 729,685 691,089 46,635 44,170

OPERATING PROFIT 40,212 56,049 2,570 3,581

Financial income 125 433 8 28
Financial expenses 1,516 1,430 97 91

PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 38,821 55,052 2,481 3,518

Basic earnings per share 4.85 6.88 0.31 0.44
Diluted earnings per share 4.85 6.88 0.31 0.44

* - Adjustment results from a change in accounting for kegs.

Kristina Seimann
PR Manager
+372 650 83 03

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