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28.02.2003, TKM Grupp, TLN

Tallinna Kaubamaja NEWS RELEASE 02/28/2003


The Group

The consolidated results of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group include 100%
subsidiaries AS A-Selver, AS Tartu Kaubamaja, Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara
AS and associated company Rävala Parkla AS (50%).

The consolidated net sales for the year 2002 were1,53 billion kroons; 97,9
million euros (including parent company 584,6 million kroons; 37,4 million
euros). The increase in net sales was 5,7% during the year and the increase
in selling area was 7,4 % The market share of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group in the
retail market was 6,2% by the end of 2002.

The audited net profit of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group was 45 million kroons; 2,9
million euros with an increase of 9,3 million kroons; 0,6 million euros or
26% over the net profit for 2001. The net profit margin was 2,9% and the
respective indicator of the previous year was 2,5%. Net profit per share was
6,6 kroons; 0,4 euros in 2002 and 5,3 kroons; 0,3 euros in 2001.

The total assets of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group were 776,4 million kroons; 49,6
million euros as at 31 December 2002, showing an increase of 77,7 million
kroons; 5 million euros.

During the year 2002 the investments in tangible fixed assets were 185,3
million kroons; 11,8 million euros Major investments included the buildings
of Merimetsa Selver in the amount of 35 million kroons; 2,2 million euros
and Torupilli Selver in the amount of 32,9 million kroons; 2,1 million
euros. The lease agreement of Mai Selver in Pärnu has been capitalized in the
amount of 42,8 million kroons; 2,7 million euros. Investments in furniture
and fixtures of new Selvers were made in the amount of 21,5 million kroons;
1,4 million euros and investments of equipment of Selvers amounted to 26,7
million kroons; 1,7 million euros.

The liabilities of the Group have been increased by 100,6 million kroons; 6,4
million euros. The main sources of the increase in liabilities were an
increase of debt by 55,8 million kroons; 3,6 million euros and an increase
of commercial credit by 39,6 million kroons; 2,5 million euros. The increase
in debt is attributable to the payout of higher than regular dividends in the
amount of 67,9 million kroons; 4,3 million euros. The size of dividends was
caused by the necessity to redesign the capital structure of the Group and
pave the way to an improved return on equity in the future.

The owners’ equity was 376 million kroons; 24 million euros as at 31 December
2002, i.e. 48% of assets.

The average number of employees was 1215 in 2002.

The efficiency of the Group considerably improved in 2002: the net sales per
employee increased by 17% and the sales area per employees increased by 19%
over the previous year. The average number of employees decreased by 9,7%.
The stock turnover improved by 9,8% in 2002.

The number of loyal customers has increased by 35% during 2002, reaching 93
000 private persons by the end of the year.

In May 2002 new loyal customer card was launched - Partner Card. In
connection with that the programs of loyal customers in Kaubamaja and Selver
were separated from each other. The department stores maintained the existing
conception of the program (5% discount on every purchase, 10% discount during
the birthday of the customer, special offers). The new conception of the
program of loyal customers in Selver was driven by the mismatch of the
existing program launched in 1995 in Kaubamaja and extended to Selver with
the needs of the expanded Selver chain and the current market situation in
the supermarket sector. Under the new program customers receive bonus points
on every purchase and take part in lotteries with good chances to win and
also get special offers. A great number of retail and services companies have
joined the program offering special terms to customers in 100 different

Outlook of the retail market in 2003

In 2003 a big increase in the shopping space will have a strong effect on
retail market, started in 2002 already. In 2002 major shopping centres opened
ca 70 thousand sq m of new shopping space. Most of the new space (with the
exception of the expansion of Kristiine Centre) took place in 4th quarter of
2002, so its influence was within a short period. The time-weighted increase
in shopping space in 2002 was ca 13%. At the same time the increase in the
retail sales (excluding motor cars and gasoline) was ca 15,8% according to
preliminary statistics - the biggest increase since 1997.

Although 2003 will not see an increase in shopping space of comparable size,
the time-weighted increase will be ca 20%. That is mainly due to the full
effect of the space opened in the 4th quarter of 2002. Most important centres
to be opened in 2003 are the Mustakivi Centre in Lasnamäe and the development
in Sõpruse pst. in Mustamäe. The anchor tenant of both of them will
presumably be Citymarket (Kesko).

The expected increase in personal savings and other costs outside the retail
sector (household and mortgage costs, etc) do not allow forecast the increase
in retail sales in 2003 to be as optimistic as in 2002. The formerly
important increase component of gradually legalized open market sales will
have a much lesser effect in 2003. Our expectation of the increase in retail
sales in 2003 is ca 7-10%.

Tallinna Kaubamaja and Tartu Kaubamaja

There have been some significant changes in the activities of Tallinna and
Tartu Kaubamaja.

As of January 2002 the sales staff in both department stores works in 8-9
hour shifts. The planning of workforce by week and day has thereby been
synchronized with customer flows, resulting in considerable improvement in
labour efficiency.

The most important change in Kaubamaja's main process was the start of
category management in October. It means that the sales area and assortment
are managed by dividing the whole sales environment into specific parts,
characterized by fixed sales area and location in the department, stylistic
consistency in visual merchandising and fixed assortment. Sales planning
relies on category-based goals. In connection with the change, the roles of
sales and service staff have been partially redefined.

The number of suppliers has been significally reduced and better contract
terms agreed upon. Some additional new suppliers and brands have been added
to the brand portfolio. A great emphasis has been laid on the completeness of
fashion collections. New visual merchandising standard has been implemented,
helping the client make easier purchase decisions.

An important issue of 2002 has been inventory management. Purchasing volumes
have been planned more accurately than before and the supply cycle has been
improved. The new more flexible pricing strategy enables to consider more
precisely the expectations of target customers, competitive situation in the
market and existing inventory.

2002 has brought along specific attention to creating an entertaining retail
environment. Several new ideas and events were carried out, climaxing in the
Christmas campaign and its opening extravaganza.

In relations with our loyal customers, we have taken a firm course towards
personalizing the relationship. 2002 was the first year of Kaubamaja's new
loyal customer magazine Hooaeg (The Season) that has received very positive
feedback from the customers and with its circulation of 60 000 is on its way
to being an integral part of the Estonian media landscape also from the
advertisers' point of view.

An important task of 2003 is the revamping of the supply chain with an aim of
cutting costs and being able to plan the supply cycle better. The plan is to
outsource handling and storage-related activities to a strategic partner.
Inventory management will continuously be improved. A new inventory provision
system is being introduced as part of the plan, helping us to deal with the
structure of the inventory on arrival-time basis.

The most important development project of Tallinna Kaubamaja in 2003 is
connected with the planned opening of a new wing in the Viru Keskus shopping
centre which is currently under construction and will be open for business in
the spring of 2004. Tallinna Kaubamaja will rent ca 7150 sq.m sales area in
the new centre. Part of the existing 9 500 sq m sales area will be rented out
and the total sales area of the department store after opening in the
shopping centre will be ca 13 500 sq m.

The priority of Tartu Kaubamaja is to maintain its leading position on the
retail market of Tartu and continue development activities for opening in the
new Hansakvartal center that will be open in the autumn of 2004. According to
preliminary plans, the sales area of the new Tartu Kaubamaja will be ca 7 500
sq m.


The number of Selver stores was doubled in 2003, reaching 10 by the end of
the year. On May 10 Mai Selver was opened in Pärnu, on May 30 Merimetsa
Selver in Tallinn, on October 5 Krooni Selver in Rakvere, on October 17
Männimäe Selver in Viljandi and on December 12 Torupilli Selver in Tallinn.
With the opening of five new Selvers the selling space increased by 6 914 sq

As the majority of retail sales has been concentrated in big chains and the
expected increase in sales will be below the rates of previous years, the
competition among big chains will be even tougher. Selver already began its
adaptation to the changes in the market situation in the spring of 2002 by
reducing the prices.

In 2003 the policy to offer good prices in Selver stores will be continued.
More attention will be paid to price-sensitive sector of potential customers,
widening so the amount of target customers. In addition to improving the
assortment and offering better prices Selver will also focus on the further
improvement of customer service, sales environment and the Selver Cousine
with the aim of maintaining the values of Selver: quick service, convenience,
good prices and good assortment.

The main target of 2003 is to increase the sales of the Selver chain. This is
supported by the five new Selvers opened in 2002 and also the increase of
opening time by two hours, changes in market communication and widening of
the target customer segment. In 2003 it is planned to open new Selver stores.
The concentration of retail space is varied in different regions of Estonia.
In Tallinn and other cities there is still room for new stores.

Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara

The buildings of Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara are leased to other members of
the Tallinna Kaubamaja Group (Tallinna Kaubamaja and A-Selver).

The most important event in 2002 was the construction of the buildings of
Merimetsa and Torupilli Selver. The parking lot of Pirita Selver was
extended. Improvements were made to the buildings leased by Tallinna
Kaubamaja and Pirita Selver. With the aim of building new Selver stores land
was purchased in Narva, in Vesivärava Street in Tallinn and in Saaremaa.

Preparations for the construction of the new building for Tartu Kaubamaja
were continued: additional archaeological excavations were carried out and
competition for architectural design organised.

The main objective of 2003 is the construction of the Tartu Kaubamaja
building and finding new sites for the expansion of the Selver chain. The
building of Tartu Kaubamaja will have ca 20 000 sq m of selling, service and
office space.

The company shall continue preparations for the extension of the building
leased by Pirita Selver and the redesign of some of the space presently
leased by Tallinna Kaubamaja after its expansion to the Viru Keskus Shopping

Consolidated audited balance sheet
The Group in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.2002 31.12.2001
The Group The Group
Current assets
Cash and bank 34 258 2 189 76 199 4 870
Trade receivables 10 250 655 5 100 326
Other receivables 3 454 221 3 063 196
Accrued income 98 6 83 5
Prepaid expenses 7 611 486 2 496 160
Inventories 163 442 10 446 170 693 10 909
Total current assets 219 112 14 004 257 633 16 466
Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Shares of assoc. companies 3 943 252 2 844 182
Long-t receivables from ass. Co.s 12 028 769 12 028 769
Other long-term receivables 0 0 0 0
Total long-term fin. assets 15 971 1 021 14 872 951
Tangible fixed assets
Land and buildings 478 758 30 598 360 567 23 044
Plant and equipment 96 400 6 161 70 469 4 504
Other equipment and fixtures 160 724 10 272 141 514 9 044
Accumulated depreciation -197 662 -12 633 -151 123 -9 659
Construction in progress 2 936 188 4 062 260
Prep. to suppl. for tang. FA 1 588 101 2 459 157
Total tangible fixed assets 542 744 34 688 427 949 27 351
Intangible assets -1 384 -88 -1 713 -110
Total non-current assets 557 331 35 620 441 108 28 192
TOTAL ASSETS 776 443 49 624 698 741 44 658

Debt liabilities 76 192 4 870 131 053 8 376
Cust. advances for goods and serv. 3 648 233 3 161 202
Supplier payables 148 158 9 469 108 552 6 938
Other payables 28 739 1 837 24 031 1 536
Total current liabilities 256 737 16 408 266 796 17 051
Long-term debt liabilities 143 663 9 182
Total non-current liabilities 143 663 9 182 33 032 2 111
Total liabilities 400 400 25 590 299 828 19 162
Owners’ equity
Share capital 67 882 4 338 67 882 4 338
Statutory legal reserve 7 269 465 7 269 465
Reval. reserve of fixed assets 156 490 10 002 160 964 10 287
Retained earnings 99 390 6 352 127 040 8 119
Net profit for the financial year 45 012 2 877 35 758 2 285
Total owners’ equity 376 044 24 034 398 913 25 495
TOTAL LIAB. AND OWNERS’ EQUITY 776 443 49 624 698 741 44 658

Parent Company
in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.2002 31.12.2001
Parent Co Parent Co
Current assets
Cash and bank 26 267 1 679 57 270 3 660
Trade receivables 2 336 149 1 720 110
Other receivables 52 710 3 369 22 892 1 463
Accrued income 98 6 83 5
Prepaid expenses 848 54 1 334 85
Inventories 68 500 4 378 81 437 5 205
Total current assets 150 759 9 635 164 735 10 529
Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets
Shares of subsidisries 349 802 22 356 341 101 21 800
Shares of assoc. companies 3 943 252 2 844 182
Long-t receivables from ass. Co.s 12 028 769 12 028 769
Total long-term fin. assets 365 773 23 377 355 973 22 751
Tangible fixed assets
Land and buildings
Plant and equipment 16 227 1 037 16 547 1 058
Other equipment and fixtures 81 189 5 189 80 414 5 139
Accumulated depreciation -84 513 -5 401 -75 109 -4 800
Construction in progress
Prep. to suppl. for tang. FA 90 6 30 2
Total tangible fixed assets 12 994 830 21 882 1 398
Intangible assets
Total non-current assets 378 767 24 208 377 855 24 149
TOTAL ASSETS 529 527 33 843 542 590 34 678

Debt liabilities 55 109 3 522 88 036 5 627
Cust. advances for goods and serv. 1 710 109 1 519 97
Supplier payables 45 299 2 895 41 746 2 668
Other payables 16 364 1 046 12 376 791
Total current liabilities 118 483 7 572 143 677 9 183
Long-term debt liabilities 35 000 2 237
Total non-current liabilities 35 000 2 237
Total liabilities 153 483 9 809 143 677 9 183
Owners’ equity
Share capital 67 882 4 338 67 882 4 338
Statutory legal reserve 7 269 465 7 269 465
Reval. reserve of fixed assets 156 490 10 002 165 632 10 586
Retained earnings 99 390 6 352 122 372 7 821
Net profit for the financial year 45 012 2 877 35 758 2 285
Total owners’ equity 376 044 24 034 398 913 25 495
TOTAL LIAB. AND OWNERS’ EQUITY 529 527 33 843 542 590 34 678

Consolidated audited profit and loss statement

The Group in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.2002 31.12.2001
The Group The Group
Operating income
Net sales 1 532 325 97 933 1 449 973 92 670
Other operating income 41 689 2 664 24 777 1 584
Total operating income 1 574 014 100 598 1 474 750 94 254
Operating expenses
Cost of goods sold -1 147 961 -73 368-1 084 086 -69 286
Other operating expenses -177 111 -11 319 -154 732 -9 889
Personnel expenses -130 413 -8 335 -129 744 -8 292
Depr. and value adjustments of FA -55 319 -3 536 -53 056 -3 391
Depreciation of goodwill/badwill 329 21 212 13
Other expenses -8 168 -522 -5 589 -357
Total operating expenses -1 518 643 -97 059-1 426 995 -91 202
Operating profit 55 371 3 539 47 755 3 052
Financial income 0 0 0 0
Fin. inc. on shares in subsidiaries 1 099 70 102 7
Interest income 2 109 135 833 53
Other financial income 0 0 871 56
Total financial expenses -13 566 -867 -13 913 -889
Net profit 45 012 2 877 35 758 2 285

Parent Company in thousands of EEK/EUR
31.12.2002 31.12.2001
Parent Co Parent Co
Operating income
Net sales 584 597 37 363 577 070 36 882
Other operating income 44 557 2 848 50 767 3 245
Total operating income 629 153 40 210 627 837 40 126
Operating expenses
Cost of goods sold -421 321 -26 927 -418 432 -26 743
Other operating expenses -109 039 -6 969 -114 488 -7 317
Personnel expenses -57 705 -3 688 -61 468 -3 929
Depr. and value adjustments of FA -12 622 -807 -16 637 -1 063
Depreciation of goodwill/badwill 0 0 0 0
Other expenses -4 682 -299 -4 290 -274
Total operating expenses -605 369 -38 690 -615 316 -39 326
Operating profit 23 784 1 520 12 521 800
Financial income from subsidiaries 32 312 2 065 26 641 1 703
Fin. inc. from related companies 1 099 70 102 7
Interest income 4 178 267 4 356 278
Other financial income 0 0 871 56
Financial expenses from subsid. -9 970 -637 -1 429 -91
Interest expense -6 269 -401 -7 154 -457
Muud finantskulud -122 -8 -150 -10
Net profit 45 012 2 877 35 758 2 285

Katrin Mühls
+372 6 673 200

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