Last update: 07.03.2025 04:46 (GMT+2)
Klementi FINANCIAL RESULTS 06/02/2003
The unaudited consolidated group net sales of AS Klementi
in the first quarter of 2003 were EEK 31.8m (EUR 2.0m)
and net loss amounted to EEK 9.1m (EUR 0.6m).
In the same period of the previous year, the net sales were
EEK 32.4m (EUR 2.1m) and net loss EEK 4.6m (EUR 0.3m).
As of 31 March 2003, the group employed 564 people.
During the year, the number of the employees decreased by
11.5%, i.e. by 73 persons.
Net sales of the first quarter of 2003 met the expectations.
The sales breakdown according to the activities in the first
quarter was as follows:
NET SALES 2003 2002 2003 2002 y-o-y
EEKm EEKm EURm EURm 03/02
Apparel sales 25.9 21.1 1.7 1.4 22.5%
Subcontracting 5.9 11.3 0.3 0.7 -47.3%
and other sale
TOTAL 31.8 32.4 2.0 2.1 -1.8%
Compared to the same period of the previous year, the structure
of the sales underwent significant changes. The share of apparel
sales increased to 81.3% (65.2% in 2002). The greatest increase,
by 2.2 times, i.e. EEK 5.6m (EUR 0.4m) occurred in the wholesale
of apparel in the Nordic countries.
The retail share in the apparel sales was 50% in the first
quarter of 2003.
Compared to the same period of the previous year, the sales
per square metre increased by 4%.
This year, the company plans to acquire 100% of the retail
company SIA Vision.
SIA Vision rents two sales premises in Riga and has a long
history of selling Klementi products. Currently, AS Klementi
has no participating interest in the company and the sales
of these stores are not therefore reflected in the
retail sale results.
The decrease in the share of subcontracting was caused
by the company’s increased need to put an additional
load on manufacturing by producing new collections under
its own trademarks. Thus, the decrease in the work in
progress and finished goods reserves of the company remained
less significant in the first quarter of 2003 than in the
previous year, and revenue increased by 11.5%.
The subcontracting and other sales in the first quarter
of 2002 included revenue from P.T.A. Group OY in amount EEK 6.0 m.
Net loss in the first quarter of 2003 amounted to EEK 9.1m
(EUR 0.6m). The net result involved one-off expenditures
in the amount of EEK 2.5m (EUR 0.16m).
Loss from ordinary business activities was caused by a
lower profitability in retail. In January and February
retail sales dominated the collections from the previous
periods with a lower mark-ups. During the first quarter of 2003,
two inefficient shops were closed down and work
was continued on the development of the new retail
concept. In May this year, two new stores in
accordance to the new concept were opened in Tallinn
(Kristiine Centre) and Riga (Origo Centre).
The one-off factors affecting the activities included
the following.
Since the beginning of this year, the principle employed
for the calculation of the cost price (warehouse price)
of the company’s own production has become more conservative.
The cost price of products no longer includes production
development costs. The negative impact of the changes
in the calculation principle on the results of the first
quarter of 2003 amounted to EEK 1.0m (EUR 0.07m).
The increase in the share of the products manufactured this year
will reduce the impact of the changes in the calculation
principle on the financial results.
The optimisation of the demand for workforce,
commenced past year, was continued in the first
quarter of 2003. The redundancy costs amounted to
EEK 0.4m (EUR 0.03m) in the period.
Additional loss of EEK 1.1m was accounted from last
year’s wholesale in Latvia and Lithuania.
The consolidated balance sheet total of AS Klementi
was EEK 115.0m (EUR 7.4m) as of 31.03.2003.
In the assets of the balance sheet, the stocks decreased by
EEK 4.8m (EUR 0.3m).
The inventory turnover was 4.8 in the first quarter
of 2003, marking an improvement by 1.5 points over the
year (3.3 in 2002).
The key financial ratios of AS Klementi group were:
1Q 2003 1Q 2002
year-over-year sales growth -1.8% 25.3%
apparel sales share in total sales 81.3% 65.2%
inventory turnover (adjusted to year) 4.8 3.3
[net sales/average inventory]
liquidity ratio 0.35 0.43
[(current assets - inventories)/current liabilities]
current ratio 0.79 1.08
[current assets/current liabilities]
EBIT margin -24.8% -10.6%
[operating profit/net turnover]
net margin -28.7% -14.1%
[net profit/net turnover]
» BALANCE SHEET, consolidated, unaudited
31.03.03 31.12.02 31.03.03 31.12.02
EEK ‘000 EEK ‘000 EUR ‘000 EUR ‘000
Cash and bank 1,696 4,485 108 287
Customer 14,934 12,537 955 801
Other receivables 477 868 30 55
and accrued income
Prepaid expenses 2,477 2,896 158 185
Inventories 24,211 29,002 1,548 1,854
CURRENT ASSETS 43,795 49,788 2,799 3,182
Long-term 2,587 2,578 165 165
financial assets
Tangible assets 62,762 64,649 4,011 4,132
Intangible assets 5,880 5,771 376 368
FIXED ASSETS 71,229 72,998 4,552 4,665
ASSETS 115,024 122,786 7,351 7,847
Debt obligations 38,668 34,792 2,471 2,223
Customer 53 952 3 61
Accounts payable 9,120 10,867 583 694
Taxes payable 4,263 3,875 272 247
Accrued expenses 3,628 3,905 232 250
Other unearned 0 12 0 1
Short-term 9 12 1 1
CURRENT 55,741 54,415 3,562 3,477
Long-term debt 27,494 27,467 1,757 1,755
Other long-term 4,928 4,928 315 315
Provisions for 68 68 4 4
liabilities and
LONG-TERM 32,490 32,463 2,076 2,074
TOTAL LIABILITIES 88,231 86,878 5,638 5,551
Share capital 13,219 13,219 845 845
Share premium 30,863 30,863 1,973 1,973
Revaluation 15,578 15,578 996 996
Other reserves 1,046 1,046 67 67
Retained earnings -24,798 7,083 -1,585 453
Profit for the -9,115 -31,881 -583 -2,038
financial year
OWNERS’ EQUITY 26,793 35,908 1,713 2,296
LIABILITIES AND 115,024 122,786 7,351 7,847
» INCOME STATEMENT, consolidated, unaudited
Q1 2003 Q1 2002 Q1 2003 Q1 2002
EEK ‘000 EEK ‘000 EUR ‘000 EUR ‘000
Net sales 31,811 32,388 2,033 2,070
Other revenue 326 429 21 27
Change in -2,761 -6,464 -176 -413
TOTAL REVENUE 29,376 26,353 1,878 1,684
Goods, raw 12,870 5,877 823 376
Misc. operating 6,924 6,444 443 412
Personnel 14,718 14,892 940 952
Depreciation 1,835 1,641 117 105
Other expenses 904 931 58 59
TOTAL EXPENSES 37,251 29,785 2,381 1,904
OPERATING PROFIT - 7,875 -3,432 -503 -220
Interest -1,253 -1,219 -80 -78
Foreign exchange -39 8 -3 1
Other financial 52 66 3 4
income and
NET FINANCIAL -1,240 -1,145 -80 -73
NET PROFIT -9,115 -4,577 -583 -293
Basic earnings -6.89 -1.30 -0.44 -0.08
per share
Diluted earnings -6.63 -1.22 -0.42 -0.08
per share (EEK)
Toomas Leis
+372 6 710 700