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30.01.2004, Eesti Telekom, TLN

Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 01/30/2004 10:00


On 19 January Tallinn City Court approved the agreement
reached by the Estonian Competition Board and Elion
Ettevõtted AS, a fully owned subsidiary of Eesti Telekom,
to end litigation over the minute rates charged in
Elion’s fixed telephone network. The 10-day deadline for
an appeal set forth in the court ruling expired

On 15 January the Competition Board and Elion Ettevõtted
AS filed an application with Tallinn Administrative Court
to approve their Agreement on ending the lawsuit
litigated by all instances of court because over the
years the case has ceased to be an issue.

In the Agreement Elion concedes that the unified intra-
network minute rates introduced on 1 April 2001 would
have been too high at that time if speech packages and
volume discount had not been introduced.

In its turn the Competition Board acknowledges that Elion
has been complying with the requirements of the precept
by introducing price packages and volume discount, thus
reducing the average minute rates below the price level
established on 1 April 2001.

The Competition Board is explicit in the Agreement that
its decision and the issued precept were fully justified
at that time and it does not wish to annul them. It
concedes, however, that since then the telecommunications
market has changed irreversibly and it does not insist on
any changes in Elion’s intra-network voice tariffs.
Besides, the legislation on responsibility for
malpractice of companies with significant market power
has been amended and therefore it is impossible to impose
any penalty.

For the above-mentioned reasons, including the fact that
Elion has taken the necessary measures and that the
dispute has lost its topicality, the Competition Board
and Elion have both lost interest in pursuing the case.

Under the Agreement Elion is to indemnify the Competition
Board in the amount of 440 000 kroons (28 121 EUR) that
covers partly the expenses incurred.

The rates dispute started on 24 April 2001 while Elion
was still operating under the name of AS Eesti Telefon.
The Competition Board issued a precept on Elion’s unified
rates for local and domestic calls (34 cents/minute (2.2
euro-cents/minute) during peak hours, 28 cents/minute
(1.8 euro-cents/minute) during off-peak hours, and 14
cents/min (0.9 euro-cents/minute) at night). The Board
obliged Elion to lower the tariffs but Elion did not
comply, as the base tariff range of 14 - 34 cents was
cost based. Elion contested the decision in Tallinn
Administrative Court on 23 May 2001 that found in favour
of Elion. The Competition Board appealed to Tallinn
Circuit Court but the sentence was not revoked. However,
on 18 December 2002, upon the Board’s appeal in
cassation, the Supreme Court reviewed the decision,
annulled it and referred the case back to Tallinn
Administrative Court.

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager
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